The Power of SSAS Pensions for Property Investors: Part 3

The Power of SSAS Pensions for Property Investors: Part 3

10:03 AM, 26th September 2024, About 16 hours ago

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I started a deeper exploration into the incredible benefits of SSAS pensions for property investors in my last article, with a focus on one of its most compelling advantages: providing low-cost finance through the SSAS Loanback.

This unique feature allows property investors and developers to access affordable finance with ease, giving them the flexibility and control needed to expand their businesses without the usual financial hurdles.

In this next part of the series, we’ll take a closer look at the second key benefit of a SSAS pension: business synergy and flexibility. We’ll explore how SSAS seamlessly integrates with your property business, enabling you to diversify your investments and maximise your growth potential. This article also includes a simple case study to illustrate the power of business synergy in action.

Business Synergy and Flexibility

For property investors, the ability to remain flexible and adapt to changing market conditions is vital. The SSAS pension offers unparalleled flexibility that can be leveraged to create powerful synergies between your property business and pension funds. Whether you’re seeking to purchase commercial premises, engage in property development, lend to others or diversify into new ventures, a SSAS can support and enhance these activities.

A Tool That Works *With* Your Business

One of the most valuable aspects of a SSAS is its ability to work in harmony with your business. Here are some ways a SSAS can offer flexibility and business synergy:

  • Property Purchase and Development: A SSAS allows you to use your pension funds to purchase commercial property, which can then be rented back to your business or to third parties. This setup creates a tax-free environment for rent and growth, offering financial efficiency. Moreover, the flexibility to convert commercial property into residential units opens up new avenues for development.
  • Diversification: SSAS pensions enable you to diversify your investment portfolio. While property remains a primary focus for many SSAS trustees, the flexibility extends to other ventures as well. You can use SSAS funds to support new business initiatives, acquire land for development, or even lend money to other property professionals, acting as a “bank” for your peers. You can also diversify outside of property entirely.
  • Lending to Others: If you prefer not to use the SSAS funds directly within your own business, you can lend money to other property investors, creating an additional income stream. In doing so, you not only benefit financially but also strengthen relationships with likeminded people, creating a mutually beneficial ecosystem.

The Flexibility of SSAS for Commercial Property

Commercial property can play a key role in your SSAS strategy. Many residential property investors are shifting some of their focus to commercial premises, due to the different style of tenant, rental agreements and yields. Through a SSAS, you can not only use your pension funds to buy commercial property and rent to others, but you also have the option to buy it for and rent it back to your own business. This approach creates a symbiotic relationship between your pension and your business, where your business pays rent to the SSAS, and the SSAS continues to grow tax-free.

Moreover, this rent payment is tax-deductible as a business expense, reducing your corporation tax liability. At the same time, the SSAS is increasing in value through the rental income. This is the essence of business synergy—your pension and your business are working together to build wealth more effectively than either could on its own.

Lending to Other Property Professionals

Lending money to other property investors or developers through your SSAS is another powerful way to create synergies and foster growth. By offering loans to other professionals, you effectively become the “bank,” generating interest that boosts the value of your SSAS.

Additionally, the connections and relationships you build through lending can open up further opportunities for joint ventures and collaborations. Property investing is often a relationship-driven business, and a SSAS can help you leverage your network for mutual benefit.

Real-World Example: Buying Commercial Property to Rent Back

Let’s consider a real-world scenario to illustrate how SSAS synergy can work for property investors:

Andy is a property developer who runs his business through a limited company. He identifies a commercial property that he believes would be the perfect headquarters for his expanding team. However, rather than using conventional financing, Andy decides to use his SSAS pension to fund the purchase.

His SSAS trustees, which include Andy and his spouse, arrange for the SSAS to purchase the property. Once the property is acquired, Andy’s business rents the premises back from the SSAS at market rate. This rental income flows directly into the SSAS, increasing its value and providing a tax-efficient stream of income for his pension.

By taking this approach, Andy’s business benefits from the flexibility of not being tied to external lenders, and his SSAS gains a steady, tax-free income source. Furthermore, the rent is tax-deductible for Andy’s company, lowering his corporation tax bill. This arrangement demonstrates the power of creating synergy between your SSAS and your business operations.

Case Study: Lending to Peers in the Property Industry

Now let’s look at another example, where a SSAS is used to lend money to other property professionals:

Sarah, a seasoned property investor, has a well-established SSAS with significant assets. Rather than using her SSAS funds solely for her own property projects, she decides to lend a portion of her SSAS to another investor, Mike, who is looking for short-term finance for a property development deal.

Sarah lends £150,000 to Mike from her SSAS at a competitive interest rate, secured by a first charge on Mike’s property project. This loan enables Mike to complete his development, and Sarah’s SSAS benefits from the interest payments, which flow back into the pension, boosting its overall value.

The loan arrangement also strengthens Sarah and Mike’s business relationship, opening the door for future collaborations. This is an example of how the flexibility of a SSAS can extend beyond your own business, allowing you to generate recurring income from external opportunities.

Synergy That Grows With You

As your property business grows, so too can your SSAS. The ability to shift wealth between your business and pension scheme offers an invaluable layer of flexibility. Whether you’re faced with a sudden, unexpected expense, or an exciting new opportunity for growth, your SSAS can act as both a financial cushion and a vehicle for investment.


The second key benefit of a SSAS pension is its ability to foster business synergy and provide flexibility, allowing property investors to maximise their growth potential in ways that traditional pensions simply can’t match. By integrating a SSAS with your property business, you create a mutually beneficial relationship where both entities grow in tandem.

Whether you’re purchasing commercial property, diversifying into new ventures, or lending to other property professionals, a SSAS gives you the control, flexibility, and synergy needed to unlock new levels of success. This makes it an essential tool for property investors looking to maximise their wealth-building strategies.

As part of your long-term investment strategy, a SSAS offers more than just financial growth—it creates a platform for collaboration, innovation, and sustainable wealth. Stay tuned for our next article, where we’ll delve into the third key benefit of a SSAS pension: control over your pension wealth.

If you’re ready to unlock the full potential of your pension and turbo-charge your property business, a SSAS could be the key. Get in touch with experts at WealthBuilders who can guide you through the process and help you make the most of this powerful financial tool.

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