Property Networking Meetups

Property Networking Meetups

7:53 AM, 3rd March 2017, About 8 years ago 8

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We would like to know which property networking meetups are attended by Property118 readers.

If you attend any such events on a regular basis please tell us about them in the comments section below. How many people typically attend? What are the benefits of attendance?

We are happy for you to add website details for the events, ornganisers names, phone numbers and email addresses and I’m sure they will be too. This is because property event organisers want and need as much promotion as they can get.

Later this month we will be launching an Events Calendar on Property118, which will be free to use by events organisers. We will also promote this heavily in our Newsletters.

Our motive is to begin to unite the industry. None of us has a monopoly on good ideas and when we join forces we are stronger too.

We are also looking for volunteers to help us distribute leaflets at events, e.g. leave them on chairs or hand them out at the door. The latter is a great way to make yourself known because people then have a reason to talk to you later. They might have been too shy to do so otherwise. Also, it will be easier for you to introduce yourself later. You simply say; “hello, I gave you the leaflet on your way in, I’m [name] what’s your name” The ice is immediately broken. They will probably take another look at the leaflet and ask a question about it. You can then explain you’re just helping on. It’s really simple to meet new people this way.

If you would be happy to help us please complete the form below. We will then send you an email asking you for the address we should send leaflets to. Below is a picture of what they look like.

The Landlords Union Seeks Volunteers

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Rob Crawford

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21:07 PM, 26th February 2017, About 8 years ago

Hi Alex, I have one of the original banners - are these being replaced with the new Landlord Union logo? In anticipation of the West of England Landlord Expo 2017 (25th May) in Bristol:

Mark Alexander - Founder of Property118

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13:10 PM, 27th February 2017, About 8 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Rob Crawford" at "26/02/2017 - 21:07":

Hi Rob

You can call me Alex if you wish (I've been called much worse LOL) but all my other friends and acquaintances call me Mark.

We don't actually have an official Logo for The Landlords Union yet.

For the time-being I'm happy for the Property118 Action Group banners to continue to be used. People can still find The Landlords Union very easily if they search Property118 Action Group.

Ajay Pamneja

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7:56 AM, 4th March 2017, About 8 years ago

Harlow Property Network

An independent networking event held every third Wednesday of the month in (wait for it) Harlow, Essex.

We discuss all issues to build a 'business' not just 'property strategy talk' every month. Come and meet other individuals who are doing the same and working hard to grow their businesses. Meet, learn and inspire with HPN. Join us this month.

Further details at

Rob Crawford

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9:41 AM, 4th March 2017, About 8 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Mark Alexander" at "27/02/2017 - 13:10":

Hi Mark, apologies, feel free to amend. I have now received the leaflets and will feature them on our website in a couple of days. The Association of Local Landlords (Wessex) Ltd, meet every 3 months in Bath and Bristol. We attract between 50 and 60 landlords and letting agents to each. We will also be exhibiting at the West of England Landlord Expo 2017 on 25th June. . Our landlord association is sponsored by local companies and we are also an introducer of Alan Boswell Insurance. This income funds our activities and provisions for free membership. For any landlords in Bath, Bristol, South Glos and NE Somerset - free membership can be registered online via our website Our next meetings are also listed. All the best.
Rob Crawford recently posted...Incorporation, is it for you?

Mark Alexander - Founder of Property118

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10:11 AM, 4th March 2017, About 8 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Rob Crawford" at "04/03/2017 - 09:41":

Hi Rob

I strongly recommend that you check your agreement with Alan Boswells. They have rather a reputation. Have a chat with ELA.

Their model is to befriend groups such as yours, pay commission and renewal commission until business slows down and then to cancel the arrangement with just 30 days notice. They then retain all the insurance renewal income.

They did this to another business I used to work with. The renewal commission was built to approaching £250,000 a year but dried up completely 30 days after they gave notice.

Rob Crawford

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20:42 PM, 4th March 2017, About 8 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Mark Alexander" at "04/03/2017 - 10:11":

Hi Mark, we have only experienced a very good service with Alan Boswell. Not just with the association but also with my small letting agency that has only a handful of accounts with them. So thanks but we are happy where we are.

Mark Alexander - Founder of Property118

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21:15 PM, 4th March 2017, About 8 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Rob Crawford" at "04/03/2017 - 20:42":

Not a problem Rob.

From a customer perspective they are an excellent brokerage. My warning was simply to point out their reputation for screwing over their suppliers on renewal commissions once they have reached what they believe to be optimal penetration of the database of customers or members.

M. W.

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1:36 AM, 6th March 2017, About 8 years ago

P.I.N.T - Property Investors Networking Thingy

Monthly Property Investors event hosted by professional business owners and property investors, Mark Walker [aka The Business Builder] and Stuart & Tertia Latham-Marr.

When - 1st Tuesday of every month.

Where - Stuart & Tertia's private residence and Business Centre just 10 minutes off Junction 2 of the M42
Join our FB Group to see full address and directions:

Time - 10am - 2pm

Reason to attend - We operate a non-guru, no-upsell event where we share new deals from around the room and strategise the best way to move them forward whilst offering investment opportunities for the deals we feel of most profitable benefit. Mark is also on hand [at no charge] to offer his extensive property knowledge and creative expertise.

JV's are more than possible and we welcome you to bring your deals!

Cost to attend - We do not charge, however entry is by invitaiton only through our Facebook Group.

We look forward to welcoming you for your first P.I.N.T!

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