Can a contract be extended month by month after possession order?

Can a contract be extended month by month after possession order?

10:29 AM, 1st April 2015, About 10 years ago 21

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My tenants were ordered to leave on 2/1/15 after I obtained a Possession Order. They are hoping to be rehoused by Southwark Council, who advised them to stay put until they get a visit and letter from the bailiffs, so I obtained a Warrant and we have all been waiting 12 weeks for the bailiff to respond.

Meanwhile, the tenants stopped paying rent, stating that they had been receiving housing benefit , but it had stopped because they had no contract to show. (the original contract expired in September) I had no idea they were claiming HB, as they both work, but I depend on the income from the flat to pay my bills.

My question is, can I give them one month contracts, month by month, which they can take to HB to prove they are still living in my flat and need to pay rent? If I issue these contacts, going back to January, will this affect my possession order, perhaps invalidate it? Whatever happens, I don’t want to risk holding up the eviction any longer than it has been already.

All this is because the bailiffs have been too over-worked to carry out the eviction promptly !


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Neil Robb

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22:23 PM, 4th April 2015, About 10 years ago


You tenant is clearly taking the hand. They have thought we are getting kicked out we just keep the rent. I would first thing next week speak to the housing benefit and tell them you want the rent paid direct to you as they are x in arrears.

I would them contact the tenants saying you have spoken to the housing and they have confirmed they have been paying you rent. Housing wont say how much, just there is an active claim for the tenant and address. You should request the tenant for the rent they have received and not paid to you, I seek legal advice to see if you can get a judgment on the wages they are earning. It might take years but if there is a judgement.

I don't understand why the government do not think it is not a crime for a tenant to claim housing benefit and keep it rather than pay it to the landlord. Yet they are more than happy to try and claim overpayments from a landlord.

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