3 Year minimum rental contract proposals

3 Year minimum rental contract proposals

9:40 AM, 1st April 2015, About 10 years ago 6

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Without wishing to get into party politics, especially during an election period, we also don’t want to ignore so many readers concerns over possible proposals to create minimum rental contract terms if the Labour party are in a position to do so after the General Election.

We will leave opinion to be debated for now by readers in the comments section, but below is a representative example of many readers questions we have received recently.

“Labour plan to bring in 3 year minimum contracts if they win the G/E. Emma Reynolds is their housing minister and so we need to send as many e-mails as possible as I have done and put the pressure on now rather than moan when it’s to late!

Pete” three

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Mark Alexander - Founder of Property118

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11:51 AM, 1st April 2015, About 10 years ago

A much better solution for all concerned is a Deed of assurance, see >>> http://goo.gl/fi1acz

When writing to or talking to your MP's, please refer them to it.

Sam Addison

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12:12 PM, 1st April 2015, About 10 years ago

How many workers can guarantee still working in the same location in 3 years time nowadays?
Changing the balance of power in this way would result in:-
fewer accidental landlords so reduced supply of rentals
higher BTL mortgage rates due to increased risks therefore higher rents to cover

With landlords, some tenants and also big finance companies all against so draconian a step this will not happen in my opinion. I am not worrying about it.


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12:31 PM, 1st April 2015, About 10 years ago

I'm sorry, but I disagree. I don't think writing to Emma Reynolds in the midst of a general election is going to make a blind bit of difference. The time to do so is when concerned landlords know who will form the next Government: they can write to their MPs and Ms Reynolds then, making a coherent argument as they see fit. Better still, they could join a landlords body like the RLA and NLA, who campaign on this issue on an ongoing basis in-between elections and have more influence than one-off letters from individual landlords.

Frankly if there were some sort of national campaign now by landlords to criticise Labour's possible policy, it will actually be a publicity gift to them and only serve to inflame opinion and entrench attitudes.

Alan Loughlin

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14:50 PM, 1st April 2015, About 10 years ago

where we are the freeholder does not permit contracts more than 12 months, it is written into the deeds.

philip allen

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13:33 PM, 4th April 2015, About 10 years ago

Quite simple really. Vote Conservative.

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10:18 AM, 5th April 2015, About 10 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Tony Atkins" at "01/04/2015 - 12:31":

Indeed, Tony - we are an extremely popular bogeyman and anything anti-landlord is very good for a left-leaning party to use as vote catching material.

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