Andy Burnham’s Latest Commitment to Renters?

Andy Burnham’s Latest Commitment to Renters?

9:17 AM, 25th April 2024, About 8 months ago 13

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The Greater Manchester Combined Authority Mayoral Election newsletter arrived this morning. Of the 6 candidates in the running, very few look as though they have any relevant leadership or financial experience.

What took my attention was Andy Burnham’s (Labour) commitment to introduce a Good Landlord Scheme across Greater Manchester and, provide tenants with a facility to get their rented properties ‘checked’ – maybe by their people who are failing to provide social housing?

And finally to build a generation of net zero council homes in all 10 boroughs.

This is just a flavour of what we have to look forward to if Labour wins the next General Election.

Any thoughts on this?


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Mark Smith

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15:32 PM, 25th April 2024, About 8 months ago

The "working families" narrative is common both the big parties but klabour have committed to NOT not having a separate income tax rate for unearned income.
THis generation of Conservatives have been ruthless in taxing landlords - and have shown no willingness to roll back the abolition of mortgage tax relief (which both homeowers and other businesses get).
They have also been punitive to landlords in capital gains tax and stamp duty .

One problem is the conservatives adherence to reducing eh basic rate of income tax which has forced them to preside over a massive range of stealth taxes from failing to raise tax thresholds to major tax on small businesses including small landlords.

However at the same time they have yielded to pressure from large corporates and multinationals who enjoy a massive tax advantage over British small businesses who are happy to snap up our rental properties and small businesses .

There is no guarantee a Labour government will get it right - but we have seen the track record of the conservative government in decimating the private rental sector and particularly small landlords .


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14:15 PM, 27th April 2024, About 8 months ago

Reply to the comment left by Mark Smith at 25/04/2024 - 15:32
Woe betide any LL that votes Labour. Look back in time to rent control and security of tenure. I know, I lived through it as well as the 3 day week. Labour are not to be trusted

Mark Smith

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16:39 PM, 27th April 2024, About 8 months ago

Reply to the comment left by Neilt at 27/04/2024 - 14:15You may need to remind yourself of you history.
The 3 Day week happened under a conservative government led by Edward Heath .
Rent control and secure tenure were I believe first introduced under a Liberal led wartime coalition government in world war 1 - and very gradually relaxed until they were finally relaxed to be re-introduced by a conservative led wartime coalition government in WW2 . after which they were again dismantled Labour re-introduced some controls again with a very slim majority government of just 6 under Harold Wilson
Rent control continued in law through nearly all of two Tory governments under Margaret Thatcher (o actually were passively supported for more years by the Tories than Labour ever did and the Thatcher government did not abolish them
SO all three parties have played their part in introducing & supporting these restrictions ..
Having said that all three parties have changed massively over those years - Liberal have all but vanished from Parliament since the Conservative led coalition. And who'd have thought the Conservatives of old would legalise same sex marriage or appoint an ethnically Indian pm who would lead the nation towards forcibly ejecting immigrants to an African nation whose infamous genocide happened just 30 years ago ?
For perspective the 3 day week was 60 years ago!
Rent controls effectively ended with The 1988 Housing act under John Major.. That is 36 years ago
Worth getting the facts in order and makes you think twice doesn't it ?
PS I was born in 1956 and also lived through the events you mentioned!

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