You do not know me!

You do not know me!

13:32 PM, 28th November 2018, About 6 years ago 56

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Readers letter to MPs:

In my opinion some of you if not all, who are pushing for all new laws like scraping section 21, bringing in 3 year tenancy, all the fines, tenant to be given free solicitors to sue the landlords, etc, etc. You are inciting hatred/stiring up hatred against landlords.

Landlords were called “Bastards” by the Lord Bourne of Aberystwyth and he is supposed to set an example. Shame on him and the lot of you for doing all this, just so you can become popular, your name can be written in History books, you can win votes. This is all in self interest. Not in nations interest.

There are always two sides to the story

By bringing in unnecessary legislation to achieve your means of draining the last pence out of us to fill the holes where you have not budgeted properly, win your self votes and popularity, it is disgusting and abuse of power.

Why do you want to call me a bastard? You don’t know me. My parents were married before I was born

The 2nd meaning of a bastard is that I am an unpleasant or despicable person. Again you can not say that about me, you don’t know me.

For your information I have been doing this job for last 30 years. I also worked at three other jobs at the same time so I could fulfill my commitments to the lender every month at the time of Mrs Thatcher when the interest rates were in double figures. My husband and I also supported our two little children without ANY HELP/HANDOUTS from the government.

We had very bad experiences and had gone through hell but we continued without ANY HELP and Handouts from the government.

We thought we will work hard/slog/ go without holidays/social life/new gadgets/clothes/etc now whilst we are young so we can build security for ourselves when we are older/retired.

What have you guys done, pulled the rug under our feet by bringing in Section 24. Grossly unfair. We are overtaxed to pay for whom?

Lazy, dishonest, criminals, fraudsters of the tenants who not only don’t want to work, but want to produce kids and expect my family to pay for them. Hello who paid for my children?

If that is not enough the lying tenants fabricate stories and drag us in the courts, they get free solicitors and we have to re-mortgage our house or to sell a property to pay for the legal costs.

What about all those tenants that intentionally go out of their way to give landlords false referencing with the intention of not paying the rent and staying in the property for as long as possible or damage a property which is costing landlords many £1000s. Landlords facing financial ruin because of this.

Who fabricates the stories? The tenants. Who does not pay the rents? The tenants? Who damages the place? The tenants? Who does the judge believe? The tenants. Why?

Because people like you say nasty things about Landlords  and bring in unnecessary legislation/s, media pick up on it and it’s “Wow” such and such has put this bill forward.

You are taxing us to death, we are the highest taxpayers. If that was not enough, for a trivial oversight you want to fine us £30,000 and make us criminal? You want the rent back for 12 months?  It should be enough we protect the deposit but a trivial mistake in paperwork where it is not even detrimental to the tenant, the judge has to either award the money or/and stop LL getting the possession back.

For example one landlord gave Prescribed information, tenant agreed however because the LL’s signature was not witnessed it was thrown out even though there was no determent to the tenant. So now Landlord is stuck, can not get him out, tenant is not paying rent, living rent free. How fair is this?

Why are the Judges doing this? You are passing the legislation where the poor judge has no say in it and another reason because you have incited the hatred against the landlords. So even when the LL are telling the truth the judges are more likely to take the tenants sides because of all these horror stories Karen Buck says people in her area have experienced. Has Karen ever gone in depth to find out what the reality is? NO NO NO. Just because we LL don’t run to our MP’s when the tenant has stopped paying us rent, or/and damaged the property it does not mean it’s not happening. In fact LL have been abused more than tenants.

There are more bad tenants than LL. Most LL are good, we look after our tenants as well as our properties because it is in our interest to keep good tenants as long as possible and our properties in good repair for financial reasons. But it will not continue the same way. Why? Because of you people bring in more and more burdens and one day we’ll say “enough is enough”. Leave the sector all together like it happened previously when there was protected tenancy and regulated rent.

All I can say that the system is, for you people to win votes and everything for your self interest. There is no national interest or level playing field 

Why don’t you apply the same rules for tenants? Then these questions would not arise.LL have tenants who stop paying rents, damage the property, antisocial behavior, assault LL, claim HB and other disabled benefits by pretending at the assessment, start crying, play acting in front of the medical team saying I was tortured in my country when I was young, I have flashbacks,etc etc.

And you know what? The tenant’s team of medical professionals write to the benefit people/DWP and blue badge department and the housing department saying

” Mr xx has significant struggle with both his mental and physical health. He meets criteria for post traumatic stress disorder to his reported traumas associated with his experiences of being detained and tortured in xxx over one year period as well traumatic events he experienced as a child. He also displays many trauma symptoms related to his x wife and baby. He also suffers major depressive disorder and is significantly socially isolated a result of his his symptoms.”

What is all this garbage? Did the medical professionals opened his brain to see if this was real? Did the Professional team  make any checks in his country to see if he was ever detained ?  The professional team write down (the play acting by the tenant) what they see for 20 mins and the story the patient/tenant give them. Professional team then gives him prescription, support of a social worker, support his application for disabled badge, housing, benefits and DWP benefits. What a joke.

The tenant of-course makes sure he doesn’t take the medicines and continues regularly to go to his professional team. A couple of days before the visit of his social worker or appointment with the medical team he does not shave or bathe and wears scruffy clothes so he can play the part in front of his professionals. They are cunning, 100 steps ahead, they have game plan. The medical professional team don’t see this because it is a short visit, 7 minutes for the GP , it is very easy to act for short periods. However the neighbors see them walking, jumping, leading a social normal life, LL get to know a lot about their tenants from the neighbors, LL also have cctv.

Then the tenant gets Environment involved saying the flat has damp, there is a drain smell, he can’t open windows, there are bars on the window, he lives in the basement, it’s dark, even in summer it’s cold. Then he says in a little mouse’s voice crying to to his professional team that  all these things remind him of when he was detained in prison. Please can you support my application to be moved.(However when this same tenant speaks to the Landlords they speak like Lions.)

These tenants are the criminals.

Who pays for free medications that he throws away? Who pays for the social worker when not needed? Who pays for medical team when not needed? Who pays for his legal aid? Who pays for his FREE accommodation? Who pays for his council tax? Who pays his £300.00 per week benefit spending money?

Hard working tax paying LL and their families. Both my children leave home at 7.30 am and get back home between 7 and 8 pm. Is this fair?

Instead of appreciating a beautiful flat in central London, RENT FREE, COUNCIL TAX FREE, getting over £300 a week FREE spending money  (Karen Buck this is for you) Tenants are still not satisfied, they want to bleed the LL of every penny including putting a charge on the property till LL pays the compensation awarded by the Judge.

How did the tenant managed to get such a large compensation from the judge? By being dis-honest, play acting that he is the victim here,not allowing access to the landlord to inspect or carry out repairs, by producing back dated letters made up at the last minute and of course not forgetting no win, no fee and/or legal aid solicitor putting even more ideas in tenant’s head. These are criminals not LL.

Tenant throws water on the walls a couple of days before EO is supposed to visit. Tenants don’t allow access for this reason they have a game plan. They deliberately block the toilet/bath to show the EO what a nasty LL he/she is. The tenant will say I have asked my landlord so many times but he/she doesn’t repair. They drain the water out of the boiler and show to EO that their heating has not been working for days. The tenants gets compensation awarded for leaving without heat and hot water. EO are not technical in boiler repairs. They have to write down what they see at the time of visit.

Tenant produces back dated letters which he has never posted. If LL ever goes to the property Tenant calls up the police screaming harassment and takes injunction against the LL coming any where near the property.

These are criminal tenants.

It is the tenants who have the upper hand, if they feel like it, they will pay the rent, if you ask for it whether in person,by phone,text or email, they claim the LL is harassing them and go to the likes of shelter who arranges no win,no fee or/and legal aid solicitors. Tenants have nothing to lose but for LL even to defend made up cases like these cost a lot of time and money.

This is  retaliatory behavior from tenant side because LL asked for legally due rent. Why don’t you pass a bill to stop this? If tenant is in arrears they can not bring a defense claim against the LL?

It should be made a law once section 8 or 21 served the tenant can not raise new complaints about repairs just to stop/postpone the case.

It should be made law once section 8 served for rent arrears they can not top up little money to be less than 8 weeks. They can pay the money but it has to be in full to stop the case.

The tenant should not be allowed legal aid for eviction cases.

If you walk out of a shop without paying for an item, it’s a criminal offense, so what is the difference when they don’t pay the rent? This should be a criminal offence.

If they damage someone’s car or anything else, it’s a criminal damage, so why is it not a criminal damage when they smash up my rented place to them?

If LL are prohibited from renting due their offenses than it should be the same for tenants, not allowed to rent and there should be a register.

Surely all of you can use common sense, why would a LL evict a good tenant who pays the rent on time, looks after the place? It cost time money to LL to find another tenant (redecoration, new bed, inventory, advertising, etc,etc)

I am prepared to meet up with who ever and what I have said about tenant’s behavior are real cases known to me personally.

I could go on and on and on. But I have had enough.



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Mark Alexander - Founder of Property118

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10:30 AM, 29th November 2018, About 6 years ago

Reply to the comment left by Mandy Thomson at 29/11/2018 - 10:07
Give it time Mandy, Shelter deserve a taste of their own medicine. I hope they choke on it.

By the way, the NL Alliance didn’t start the Boycot Shelter campaign, it was started 10 years ago by one of their former biggest supporters and here is the Independent evidence of that fact


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11:20 AM, 29th November 2018, About 6 years ago

I am suffering from stress after Joel Golby wrote 'it is ever more important that we Murder all Landlords'. How can he get away with that? I think I'll have a fortnight off sick.


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11:25 AM, 29th November 2018, About 6 years ago

Letters like this are written out of pure frustration and not because the writer is racist, if they have genuinely experienced these things or there is evidence that they occur, then they should be exposed and people, no matter who they are should be able to write about it without fear of being accused of being racist, I think most are fed up with that being used as a reason to stop a debate!
It is obvious to anyone who is a landlord that there is now an all out attack on landlords, most of it is desguised as “protecting the tenant” but is really there to frustrate the landlords legal right to gain possession of THEIR property, yes, their property!
I ask you, why should a landlord provide a documented EPC to a tenant when that EPC is available on the EPC register? Under De-Reg rules, recently updated, if a landlord does not provide an EPC, then they may as well kiss goodbye to getting THEIR property back using S21, or at least the very best, expect a long wait! If that rule in itself isn’t designed to catch DIY landlords out, I have no idea what is! This is very very serious, Shelter et al are already miles ahead of us by being very, very clever and creating the “brand” - NO FAULT EVICTIONS, if that statement isn’t emotionally charged then please tell me what is! If we lose S21, (and it’s highly likely that we will) then we as landlords, the PRS and the tenants they service are in real trouble so any action, including taking on Shelter, is essential.

Mandy Thomson

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12:38 PM, 29th November 2018, About 6 years ago

Reply to the comment left by Mark Alexander at 29/11/2018 - 10:30
Shelter don't overtly criticise private landlords, but instead publicly comments on issues such as eviction and reluctance to let to tenants on housing benefit, without admitting to the real reasons behind this. While I agree that Shelter exists to challenge bad practice by landlords, it should publicly support good landlords and it DOES admit private landlords are needed.

What I'm saying is Shelter needs to be countered on the same terms it uses, not militancy.

Yvonne Francis

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12:45 PM, 29th November 2018, About 6 years ago

Just to add my two pennyworths, I think Lord Bourne should ensure his own house is in order before throwing stones on others. During the MP’s expenses scandal Lord Paul claimed, that the property which was part of a hotel opposite me, which he owned, was his main residence so that his London home could be claimed as expenses. Everyone here knew he meant a flat within the hotel which was lived in by the hotel manager. The name Lord Paul called his residence was a similar name to my home so two officers from Scotland Yard came to my home to collect a statement from me confirming I owned my home and had been resident there. One of the offices was boiling with rage and indignation determined to nail him for criminal charges but they did not succeed.

All trades and professions have their ‘rouges’ or ‘bastards’. Why do landlords have to face such a blanket approach. One of my student tenants who left this year said it was the happiest year of her life and another said I had been a fantastic landlord. Can we not get rid of this blanket approach and have some recognition that some of us are trying to do a very good job.

Dennis Leverett

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12:53 PM, 29th November 2018, About 6 years ago

I feel for the contributor because the frustration is getting overwhelming. I have seen much of what she said fortunately not directly but with friend LL's. I had an experience last week where a refugee on benefits but with guarantor supposedly, husband, wife , two children and one on the way visited a property in immaculate condition. They turned it down because the decoration was not to their taste and were in fact quite insulting. Both adults had expensive mobile phones, jewelry etc. One of my friends daughters with three young children, her husband gambled away all they had and disappeared, after a very long wait she was offered a council house which was in very poor condition but at least with a new kitchen. Garden was unsafe for children with fallen fences etc. She was told if she did not take it could be years before another may come up because a refusal would go against her, she was offered a £100.00 B & Q voucher for decorating. I could go on but enough is enough, when are we going to start looking after our own, when are we going to get a Government that understands basic economics and can think ahead, Ahggggg

Mandy Thomson

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13:09 PM, 29th November 2018, About 6 years ago

Reply to the comment left by Yvonne Francis at 29/11/2018 - 12:45
But what is wrong with calling out rogue landlords? All good landlords should be against such people.

By attacking Lord Bourne, we're giving the impression his attack was aimed at us - landlords in general; in other words, ALL private landlords are rogues! His remark didn't contain any tropes - it came across to me as a simple honest statement simply attacking ROGUE landlords without any hidden agenda against landlords in general.

Of all the sections in society who should attack rogue landlords, after the vulnerable tenants exploited by these people (as opposed to the rogue tenants who end up with rogue landlords as no one else will touch them - they deserve each other), it's us real, decent landlords.

Chris @ Possession Friend

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13:29 PM, 29th November 2018, About 6 years ago

I would say Rishah is speaking from the heart, although I agree we sometimes need to craft the message we want to get across, so we can make it - without any negative connotations.
Rishah's point, I believe is about people 'Gaming the system' It goes on amongst people from any part of the world, but mostly from people born in the UK that are from a ' benefit, I don't ever intend to earn a living culture ' UC was partly to address this aspect, make it more incentivised for to earn a living rather than be on benefit ( yes, whilst supporting those that need it ) and,
Landlords know all too well that there are Criminal Tenants out there that game us private landlords, moving on from one property to another whilst owing each landlord 000's in outstanding rent ( and no, not all of them are on benefit ) and,
Why are Govt going to do NOTHING about it, - because if they do, PRS won't ever accept them and they'll fall to Local government ( and by some default, Central govt ) to accommodate. Far cheaper for Govt to let PRS 'pick up the tab'

Chris @ Possession Friend

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14:05 PM, 29th November 2018, About 6 years ago

Reply to the comment left by JB at 29/11/2018 - 11:20
If you have a fortnight's sickie, you can call into the DWP to pick up some benefit, see some of your tenants and ask where their UC is, kill two birds with one stone 😉

Chris @ Possession Friend

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14:55 PM, 29th November 2018, About 6 years ago

Reply to the comment left by Dennis Leverett at 29/11/2018 - 12:53
Well said Dennis, apart from B&Q who support the 'dark side'

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