Who do you chase? HB or UC?

Who do you chase? HB or UC?

9:09 AM, 25th June 2020, About 5 years ago 2

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Housing Benefit sent me a direct rent payment for my tenant for 13 April – 10 May. The tenant (unbeknown to me) applies to Universal Credit and gets payment for 16 April – 15 May.

I then start receiving MPTL for rent from UC ,the first one for period 16 May – 15 June. Who is responsible to pay for the rent in between 10 – 16 May?

The tenant clearly got paid by UC, and the date overlaps with the HB payment to me – so now what?

Many thanks

Reluctant Landlord

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12:32 PM, 25th June 2020, About 5 years ago

Isn't the overriding principle that the tenant is responsible for payment of rent regardless of where the money comes from?

Reluctant Landlord

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15:32 PM, 25th June 2020, About 5 years ago

fully agree....but as the direct receiver of the rent, I'm wondering if I am liable for a claw back. If so where is it from HB or DWP?

Do I owe HB back as the first UC payment covered the same dates?

It wouldn't bother me if UC HAD paid me this first payment direct, I'd be honest and pay whatever overpayment there was, but he received the first UC payment himself so isn't he directly liable? If so then I'll do nothing - his problem!

Does he owe NB himself as he set up the UC claim so must have given the dates to start with?

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