What do you think of my rent challenge amendment to the Renters Rights Bill?

What do you think of my rent challenge amendment to the Renters Rights Bill?

0:01 AM, 27th September 2024, About 11 hours ago

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Ignoring many other foolish parts of the upcoming Renters Rights Bill that will ultimately lead to tenants paying more.

One part I find incredibly stupid is the tenant’s rights to challenge rent rises. Presumably rent decreases can also be challenged, but open to correction here, although I cannot see in the proposals what will happen to rents in a falling market.

So basically now the tenant will just object to any change in rent. Actually the truth is they will just object to anything because they can, and there is no downside for them. The worst that can happen is that the tribunal finds against the tenant and the tenant has to pay the new rent backdated, or even walk away and say they cannot afford the back dated new rent.

So what I propose is that any change in rent proposed by the landlord and not accepted by the tenant is referred to the tribunal.The tenant should offer a counter proposal of rent and the tribunal then choose between what the tribunal sees as the fairest between the tenants and the landlords proposals.

Example: Current rent is £900. The new rent the landlord wants is £1,200 tenant offers £1,000. The tribunal then chooses between £1,200 and £1,000.

Otherwise the tenant will just object as they have nothing to lose and the whole tribunal system will just get clogged with tenants objecting. The tenant will then get left in limbo waiting to know what their rent really is.

I have sent this proposed amendment to my local MP and I urge you to do the same! What does the Property118 community think of my amendment?



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