Unlocking Hidden Opportunities: How a Landlord’s Dilemma Became a Shared Success

Unlocking Hidden Opportunities: How a Landlord’s Dilemma Became a Shared Success

9:53 AM, 8th October 2024, About A day ago 2

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When I think about why I founded my business, it’s stories like Steve and Daphanie’s that come to mind—stories where a bit of guidance can transform lives and turn challenging situations into collaborative victories.

An Unexpected Email

One morning, as I sifted through my inbox, a message caught my eye. The subject line read: “Urgent Help Needed with Tenant Situation.”

Curious, I opened the email. Steve, a landlord I’d never met, had found my contact information through Property118. His message was concise but heartfelt:

“Hello Denzel,

I’m reaching out because I’m facing a difficult situation with my tenant, Daphanie. Despite working full-time, she’s fallen £2,000 behind on rent. She’s always been reliable, and I don’t want to lose her as a tenant, but I can’t sustain this loss. I heard you might have solutions for cases like mine.

Could we possibly discuss this?

Best regards,


I could sense the weight behind his words. Here was a landlord who cared about his tenant but was trapped by financial pressures. I knew we had to explore this further.

The First Conversation

I replied promptly, setting up a call for that afternoon. When we spoke, Steve’s concern for Daphanie was evident.

“Denzel,” he began, “I feel stuck between a rock and a hard place. Daphanie is a good tenant—she keeps the place immaculate and has always paid on time until recently. With costs rising everywhere, she’s struggling, and frankly, so am I.”

I listened attentively. “Steve, I appreciate your commitment to finding a solution that works for both of you. Let’s see how we can turn this situation around.”

Understanding the Root Cause

Before proposing any solutions, it was crucial to understand Daphanie’s circumstances. With Steve’s permission, my team reached out to her via phone.

When we called, Daphanie was understandably anxious. “I never imagined I’d be in this position,” she confessed. “I’ve cut back on everything—food, utilities, even basic necessities—but I still can’t catch up.”

Her story was all too common. The rising cost of living was outpacing wages, and many hardworking individuals like Daphanie were feeling the squeeze.

Discovering Untapped Resources

Our team member gently asked about her current financial setup. “Daphanie, are you receiving any support benefits?”

“Just Housing Benefit,” she replied. “I’ve been on it for years.”

A thought sparked. “Have you considered switching to Universal Credit? It might offer you more support given your situation,” we suggested.

She sounded puzzled. “I thought that was only for people who weren’t working.”

“Not at all,” our team member explained. “Universal Credit is designed to assist people both in and out of work. Let’s look into it.”

The Transition to Stability

Step 1: Increasing Monthly Income

We guided Daphanie through the process of applying for Universal Credit over the phone and via email. After submitting the necessary documents and going through the assessment, she was approved. The result? An additional £900 per month.

She was stunned. “I can’t believe it. This changes everything.”

Step 2: Addressing the Arrears

Next, we approached the local council on her behalf to apply for a Discretionary Housing Payment. We presented her case, highlighting her proactive steps to improve her situation.

A few weeks later, we received confirmation: her application was approved, and the £2,000 arrears were cleared.

A Conversation with Steve

I called Steve to share the good news. “Steve, we’ve managed to increase Daphanie’s income and clear her arrears. Moving forward, she should have no trouble keeping up with rent.”

He was elated. “Denzel, this is more than I could have hoped for. I didn’t want to lose her as a tenant, and now we can both move forward without the stress.”

Reflecting on the Journey

This experience reinforced a vital lesson: sometimes, the solutions to our problems lie just beyond our immediate view, waiting to be discovered with a little guidance and cooperation.

Steve summed it up beautifully in a follow-up email:

“I wanted to thank you again for your help. Not only did you solve a financial problem, but you also restored my faith in what can be achieved when people work together. Daphanie and I are both in a better place because of your intervention.”

Why This Matters

Many tenants like Daphanie are unaware of the support available to them, and landlords like Steve might feel their only option is eviction when faced with arrears.

But as this story shows, there are often untapped resources and alternative solutions that can lead to positive outcomes for everyone involved.

A Call to Action

If you’re a landlord or letting agent facing a similar challenge, remember that eviction isn’t the only path forward. There may be hidden opportunities to resolve the situation amicably and beneficially.

I’m Denzel, CEO of Social Housing Options – Our mission is to bridge the gap between landlords and tenants, uncovering solutions that might not be immediately apparent. We’re here to help, and our services come at no cost to you or your tenant.

Don’t face these challenges alone.

If you find yourself in a difficult situation, please reach out. Fill in your details in the form below for a no-obligation conversation. Together, we can explore the options available and work towards a resolution that suits everyone.

Every challenge is an opportunity in disguise. Let’s uncover the possibilities together.

Contact Denzel

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11:47 AM, 8th October 2024, About 23 hours ago

Great post Denzel. Really enjoyed reading it.
Thank you for sharing what can be achieved by teamwork.


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11:59 AM, 8th October 2024, About 23 hours ago

Denzel, When are you applying for the CEO position at Shelter? 🙂

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