Unfair Section 21 Notice – Tenants Cry for HELP!

Unfair Section 21 Notice – Tenants Cry for HELP!

9:31 AM, 9th July 2013, About 12 years ago 82

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My landlord has issued me with a section 21 because I have asked for certain information regarding where my deposit is and to see a copy of the gas safety certificate.

I am devasted with this as I have a chronically ill daughter whom is on full disability and the house is perfect for her.

Despite numerous requests and pleas he has enforced the section 21 that was in my tenancy agreement.

The landlord had a new boiler installed soon after I moved in. His friend was supposed to fit it but he sub contracted it out to someone who arrived in a car. My daughters safety is paramount and I thought the law protects me.

I went to citizens advice and they advised me to inform environmental health and to send a letter to say give me details of where my deposit is or return it within 14 days.  He has refused point blank saying it is in a scheme but will not give me any details.

I checked a couple of months ago with gas safe and they had no record of the Gas Safety Certificate. He is now sending documents to environmental health but I suspect that these documents will be back dated by his friend.

I am now receiving abusive emails from him telling me to leave the property by 31st August. I am distraught, I’m not eating or sleeping, my daughters health is bad due to the stress.

From what I gathered from my neighbours he did this to the last 2 tenants and they never received their deposits back because he found something wrong with the house.

No one seems to want to help me.

I’m a carer for my daughter 24/7 this is our first rental property after leaving the marital home.

Please can someone help?

LouiseUnfair Section 21 Notice - Tenants Cry for HELP!

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Louise Mac

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19:26 PM, 28th July 2013, About 12 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Mary Latham" at "28/07/2013 - 16:40":

Mary, what a godsend you are I shall be in touch. Again thank you and to mark I have things clearer in my mind now

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19:39 PM, 28th July 2013, About 12 years ago


Sorry for the confusion.

I fully believe you.

If I could contribute further to Mary's excellent advice I would.

My comment about renting in Europe was directed solely at Mary and is irrelevant to your case.

Sorry again.

Mary Latham

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19:58 PM, 28th July 2013, About 12 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "HB Welcome" at "28/07/2013 - 18:06":

I am always willing to learn HB and to admit when I am wrong. Will you please give me a link or source so that I can understand exactly what Possession procedures these countries have where the landlord can remove a tenant without proving that the tenant has done something wrong/not met the terms of the tenancy. That is what I mean by "no fault" S21 as opposed to S8

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Mary Latham

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20:08 PM, 28th July 2013, About 12 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Louise Mac" at "28/07/2013 - 19:24":

Louise I look forward to talking to you. You really are in a much better position than you think you are please try to stop worrying and don't thank me this site is all about supporting good tenants and good landlords.

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22:24 PM, 28th July 2013, About 12 years ago

Hello Mary,

I have lived in 3 out of 4 of the countries mentioned.
I was being a bit cheeky about the Czech Republic, I was hoping Mark would chime in!
There are many links but I don't want to be accused of advertising.

Try this one;

"I am always willing to learn HB and to admit when I am wrong."

Fair enough.

It shows strength and character.

But I never asked for it!

Regards, HB Welcome

Mark Alexander - Founder of Property118

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23:09 PM, 28th July 2013, About 12 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "HB Welcome" at "28/07/2013 - 22:24":

What makes you think I would know about anything to do with housing lat in the Czech Republic? I've only ever been there go to watch speedway.

Feel free to post links as long as they are relevant and helpful, the goal here is to facilitate the sharing of best practice 🙂

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2:15 AM, 29th July 2013, About 12 years ago

"What makes you think I would know about anything to do with housing lat in the Czech Republic?"

Apologies Mark, I picked up on this;

"I could have done with having this book with me whilst flying to Russia or the Czech Republic over the last few weeks."

In my narrow minded view, I automatically assumed you had nothing better to do over there than study their property laws.

I need to get out more!

Mark Alexander - Founder of Property118

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6:43 AM, 29th July 2013, About 12 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "HB Welcome" at "29/07/2013 - 02:15":

LOL, no the first trip to Russia was for a family wedding, my wife is Russian.

The second trip was a lads weekend in Prague for the speedway World Cup

Mary Latham

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10:19 AM, 29th July 2013, About 12 years ago

HB I have followed your link but I can only find information about investing in holiday lets - which as we know is a whole different game.

I do happen to know about renting in Italy and I read the information that they provided. What they do not mention is that in Italy removing a tenant takes years - I know this from the experience of a very close family member - tenancies are also typically for 5 - 7 years.

Organisations like Shelter often quote that England is the only country in Europe that has a "no fault" eviction process when they are attempting to get Government to remove Section 21 and if you are correct and they are wrong this would be very useful to know. Have you any more links please?

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11:08 AM, 29th July 2013, About 12 years ago

Organisations will always use weasel words to strengthen their agenda.
So whilst it might be true that no other country has exactly the same "no fault" process, there are many that have similar.


I'm sure there must be an expert on Bulgarian property out there. Six or seven years ago, every man and his dog were buying (I didn't fortunately).

I know Monaco is very pro landlord, I'll have a dig round.
-Although Shelter will probably claim it doesn't count as it is only a principality or some such!

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