Understand the opportunities in the 2024 property market

Understand the opportunities in the 2024 property market

0:02 AM, 19th January 2024, About 6 months ago

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2024 is going to be one of those years that investors look back on and either, congratulate themselves for doing incredibly well with their property investing, OR, they will have the pain of regret from missing out on what will probably be the best opportunity to make money in property this decade.

You get to choose. Which of these two investor groups will you be in?

But first, you need to understand all the opportunities in 2024 in order to make the most of them and avoid the very expensive mistake of missing out again.

But hang on…. Won’t most people be put off investing due to all the market uncertainty about interest rates and where property prices might go in 2024.

Exactly, that’s my point. 

Whilst most property investors sit back waiting to see what happens, the switched-on investors will be making a fortune over the next 12 months. I want you to be one of those informed investors, and that’s why I am delighted to invite you to join me and up to 1000 other investors in participating in the property investors network (pin live online Virtual Property Exhibition (VPE), on Friday 26th January.

You might have already taken action and secured your place because I know the places are being snapped up quickly, but just in case you have not secured your place yet, I wanted to remind and encourage you to take action today to secure your place whilst you can still get in.

I will be one of 10 industry experts sharing our knowledge and views on the best opportunities in 2024, and I do hope you can join us for at least part of, if not all of the day.

Some of the topics being covered include:

  • 3 Steps to Turbo Charge your property investing success in 2024
  • The Property Strategy for a Slow Growth Economy in 2024: How You Can Make £100k in a Stagnated Property Market
  • New Source of Funding for Your Property Journey
  • How to find your next discounted deal in 2024
  • 3 Creative Ways to Find Deals in 2024
  • Find a Deal, Then what?
  • How High-Quality Co-Living HMOs Will Accelerate Your Property Investing Journey
  • How I got 1 £200k Rolls Royce and 13 bed mansion for free (…and how you can do the same!)
  • Systemise and Scale in 2024

This full day of live training on Zoom will be from 9.15 am to 5.30 pm on Friday 26th January.  You can either watch all of the training, (which I personally recommend you do), or you can dip in and out as your schedule allows.

There will be no sales pitches or offers on this training, just 100% high-value content that you can apply immediately to your property investing.

There is no cost to attend, but you do need to register your place in advance and I recommend you do it now because the Zoom account only allows 1000 people to participate, and places are being snapped up. Secure your place before it’s too late.

The Virtual Property Exhibition (VPE) is the place for you to understand the huge opportunities in 2024, whilst avoiding the mistakes that trip up less-knowledgeable investors.

If you want to be fully informed, so you can make the best decisions for your investing in 2024

Click here now to reserve your place.

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