This Is George

This Is George

7:49 AM, 29th January 2016, About 9 years ago 33

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This is George 2

Pictures like this have been going viral on Facebook so I decided to create one of my own.

I think we should keep this theme going every day so that more landlords get the message and share it with others.

It only took me a few minutes to create these pictures so I’m very happy to make another one every day and share it on Facebook.

Why not give this some thought and post your suggestions in the comments section below. If I like it I will create it, post it and we can see whether it goes viral.

Good luck!

PS – please remember to share this article on Facebook too.

This is George

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Appalled Landlord

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13:01 PM, 29th January 2016, About 9 years ago

The latest issue of the magazine of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales leads with:

“If George Osborne could take back three words from this past week they would likely be “victory” and “major success”. When announcing HMRC’s £130m tax deal with Google, he might have expected some backlash but clearly did not envisage the opprobrium it has caused. It has dominated the headlines almost every day this week and shows no sign of slowing. In the last 48 hours the EU has intimated it may investigate, the PAC has summoned all parties involved, Google’s major UK shareholder has criticised it and the prime minister has distanced himself. Not exactly a success.”

First the debacle on tax credits, then the bonkers tax on landlords that tenants will pay, and now this.

Is History graduate George Osborne just out of touch - or is he completely out of his depth, now that he is running the Treasury on his own?

Is he waving or drowning?

Don’t be like George.

Mark Alexander - Founder of Property118

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13:59 PM, 29th January 2016, About 9 years ago

I've just created and shared this one on Facebook


Mark Alexander - Founder of Property118

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15:02 PM, 29th January 2016, About 9 years ago

Why Landlords might be feeling Paranoid ....

Clause 24 - Landlord Tax


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20:09 PM, 29th January 2016, About 9 years ago

Has anyone approached Martin Lewis or Watchdog to raise our issues ?

Gareth Wilson

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20:16 PM, 29th January 2016, About 9 years ago

Through thick and thin, David Gauke will remain tucked well within George's pocket...

David: "Oh George, won't the poor tenants be made homeless if the landlord has to sell?"

George: "They'll buy houses with 100% mortgages and only 18% of landlords will pay more tax... probably"

David: "Oh George, I love you. Do you love me?"

George: "No David"

Mark Alexander - Founder of Property118

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20:27 PM, 29th January 2016, About 9 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "David Lovegrove" at "29/01/2016 - 20:09":

Yes several people have approched Martin Lewis but he's not interested. I think he's very image conscious and doesn't want to be seen to support landlords whilst they are so vilified by the media.

Once the media does an about turn, and it always does because controversy sells news, that's when you can expect the likes of Martin Lewis to ride in on a white charger claiming to be the people's champion and taking all the credit for saving the UK economy and diverting a housing appocolypse.

Jonathan James

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23:22 PM, 29th January 2016, About 9 years ago

May I suggest that from now on we address George by his given name, which is Gideon?
Gideon has now shown his true colours and exhibited a sneering contempt for the hard working middle classes who have striven, through investing in buy-to-let property, to provide financial security for their families and remain independent of state help into old age (and improved much of Britain's run-down housing stock along the way).
Gideon is now openly and aggressively favouring large City property companies and institutional investment in buy-to-let with no evidence that this will ease the housing crisis.
Surely then "Gideon" is a more apt name for him than the "George" he has been hiding his true nature and intentions behind?

Chris Byways

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20:12 PM, 1st February 2016, About 9 years ago

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1:05 AM, 2nd February 2016, About 9 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "BTL INVESTOR SCOTLAND" at "29/01/2016 - 09:26":

Hi BTL investor Scotland.
What caused the Celtic Tiger property boom and bust bubble in Ireland was the absolute greed of speculative landlordism. Young first time buyers were denied the right to buy a basic affordable home of any kind because rampant property speculators were block buying apartments, town houses and family houses with 100% mortgages from a banking system which has been proven to be criminally corrupt by Government tribunals. Check out the David Drumm story currently in the American/Irish news.

Ordinary worker's family homes in Dublin inflated by over four and a half thousand per cent during the fifteen year life span of the Celtic Tiger property scandal. When the house of cards collapsed the Irish worker taxpayer had seventy billion euros robbed from the exchequer to pay back Germand and Irsh bondholders who had 'gambled' on the Irish property racket .. and lost. Only they didn't lose because the ordinary taxpayer was ransacked by the corrupt Irish Government to pay them back.

The young first time buyers who should have ten or twenty years paid off their own affordable mortgage by now are instead caught in the rent trap paying off the colossal negative equity rent mortgages of the speculator 'people farmers' who gazumped them out of the market in the first place.

All other E.U. Member States except Britian and Ireland have legislated mandatory regulations for housing their populations which ensures real security of tenure in affordable rented homes.
Mandatory nine year leases.
Rents tied to the cost of living index.
Six months notice to quit.
Six months notice for work to be done.
Utilities, water, electricity, gas, waste disposal etc. often included in rents.
Minimum storage spaces and living space. etc.

As such there are virtually none of the amateur, fly by night 'people farmer' property speculators in those Countries. It is simply not worthwhile. Large property rental conglomerates strictly tied into the State regulations, and working on low profit margins provide most of the rental housing. Repossession, eviction, homelessness are virtually unheard of and almost legally impossible in those civilised states where the great mass of worker citizens are not 'farmed' like livestock by an out of control, private, rack renting housing speculation cabal.

Britain and Ireland are the only two Member States operating, in Ireland's case, the 847 year old British Absentee Landlord system. When we are finally dragged out of the dark ages of a two tier property apartheid system into the light of modern legislated regulations for housing our people we will finally have caught up with ther rest of civilised Europe.
Paul Newsome.

Chris Byways

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9:04 AM, 2nd February 2016, About 9 years ago

Why not set up a decent, secure homes to rent business yourself?

It's so easy, you have an admirable format. No shortage of customers (tenants) I am sure. Most would pay their rent. Can't fail.

If you did, you should be able to get 100% mortgages.

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