Tag: UK property
How to make more money from property than you currently make
I believe that given what is happening right now in the UK, this is a perfect time to step up your property investing activity.
Growing trend of landlords investing in semi-commercial p...
Landlords wanting higher yields are increasingly looking towards semi-commercial properties for investment, research reveals.
Buy to Let by Foundation cuts its BTL mortgage rates
The buy to let brand of Foundation Home Loans, Buy to Let by Foundation, has announced reduced rates on its buy to let products.
Landlord and agent General Election votes are still ̵...
There’s a large proportion of property professionals who say they are yet to decide their political vote for the upcoming General...
Flat service charges below £1,000 near ‘extinction&...
Flat owners in England and Wales are facing a significant financial burden as service charges continue to climb, a report by Hamptons...
North vs South: Where can investors get more bedrooms for...
New research has revealed huge differences in property sizes across major UK cities for the average house price, offering valuable...
UK house price growth slows after five months of rises
UK house prices continued to rise year-on-year in March, although the pace of growth slowed compared to the previous month, Halifax...