Tag: Tenant eviction
What does Labour’s hardship test mean for landlords?
Just when landlords thought it could not get any worse, it seems it has!
It’s all over the news that Labour is planning to deliver...
Landlord criticises policies for pushing tenants into hom...
A landlord is blaming selective licensing and universal credit errors as a “recipe for disaster” that are causing tenants to become...
Should I be happy or worried about my tenant?
Hi, I was left a property around 3 years ago with a sitting tenant which I self manage.
In the 15 years the tenant has lived there,
Lodgings or rent a room type contract?
Hi, I am intending to rent out two rooms in my residential home with access to the lounge, kitchen, diner and bathrooms. Rent will...
What are my rights after inheriting a tenant?
Hi, I’ve recently inherited a property from my mother with a tenant in situ.
My first question is: Does the contract he signed...
How do I handle illegal subletting on Booking.com?
Hi, I am in a very worrying situation. The tenant has always been difficult to deal with as he demanded to remove the furniture from...
Landlords, You Can’t Sell Up! New Rules on Evicting...
In this crucial episode of Property Breaking News, Ranjan Bhattacharya and Andrew Roberts discuss the latest legislative changes affecting...