Tag: Selective Licensing
Council seeks views on extending selective licensing for ...
Landlords and residents are to be consulted on whether selective licensing schemes in six areas in one town should be extended.
Council threatens hefty fines as landlords struggle with ...
Nottingham City Council has produced a video to help landlords learn how to complete its selective licensing application process –...
Landlord fears ‘prison sentence’ over council...
One landlord says applying for a selective licence with his council’s online system is a ‘complete waste of money’ which could...
Damning report exposes council’s mishandling of selective...
A controversial council has found itself in hot water following a damning report that exposes its failure to ringfence its selective...
Brighton and Hove council crackdown on landlords
Landlords in Brighton and Hove face a £500 fine if they fail to carry out work to improve their properties.
Brighton and Hove council...
Selective licensing blamed as Nottingham faces alarming h...
Shocking new figures reveal Nottingham has the highest rate of homelessness across the county.
Data from Shelter reveals 2,700 people...
Gove issues ultimatum to councils: ‘No Excuse’...
Michael Gove has announced a new national policy framework (NPFF) in his long-term plan for housing.
The Housing Secretary laid out...