Tag: right to rent
Landlords face rising costs and challenges – Englis...
A survey of England’s private landlords has unveiled a complex landscape marked by increasing costs and shifting landlord strategies.
Generation Rent calls for an end to ‘discriminatory...
Tenant activist group Generation Rent is urging the government to abolish the Right to Rent policy, arguing that it disproportionately...
Right to Rent checks soar 577% as fines increase
Landlords and letting agents in England are conducting Right to Rent checks at an unprecedented rate, with a staggering 577% rise year-on-year,
BRP cards to be scrapped?
I have just been sent an email from the Home Office. Looks like those plastic Biometric Residence Permits (BRP) cards are now being...
Landlords see a huge rise in Right to Rent fines
Landlords and letting agents in England have been hit with a significant rise in fines for failing to comply with Right to Rent regulations.
Government enforces hefty fines for landlords breaking ri...
Landlords and letting agents who break right-to-rent rules could be hit with huge financial penalties.
In August last year, the UK...
Permitted Occupier – are backgound checks permitted?
Hello, I have had a request from a tenant who wants to move her boyfriend in. She has been there less than a year. She moved here for...