Tag: property upgrades
Tenants and landlords push for longer tenancies amid plan...
Tenants and landlords want longer tenancies despite the Labour government planning to abolish fixed-term tenancies.
According to a...
Why isn’t the government supporting landlords inves...
Due to the skyrocketing costs of energy, two years ago we started replacing existing gas-fired boilers with air source heat pumps,
Third of homes for sale fail to meet EPC C rating
A third of all homes for sale in Britain have an EPC rating below C, according to new research.
A survey by epIMS, reveals more than...
How do I replace storage heaters to retain EPC C rating?
Hi, I have a 2-bed flat with 20-year-old storage heaters still in working order. The electrician who reset one recently commented that...
Landlords and EPC targets – Tenants want improved homes b...
Last week the Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced plans to scrap energy-efficiency targets for landlords – showing, one organisation...