Tag: Property management
Why Do People Hate Landlords?
I decided to write this article as a companion piece to Mary Latham’s recent article “I will not say sorry for being a good landlord”.
HMO Confusion Could Costs Landlords Fines of £50,000
Planning and licensing rules for shared houses could be an expensive trap for landlords as some councils take on new powers.
I Will Not Say Sorry for Being a Good Landlord
An article in the Telegraph last week really offended my sense of justice. I am well aware that only landlords can really understand...
How Do You Find Trades People & Professional Contacts?
Having been a relatively “hands off” landlord myself now for over 20 years with a very well spread portfolio in geographical...
Landlords, Let’s Make December Celebration of Good ...
Next year I will have been a landlord for 40 years and I am going to throw a boomerang at each of my good tenants via twitter (@landlordtweets)...
Property118 Landlords eNewsletter – Issue 66
With the property market continuing to make headlines we have another great selection of articles for you ranging from the latest lender...
What’s Yours is Mine – Don’t Shoot the Messen...
When a tenant has a beef with their landlord, I’m the guy they go to. My job is to either negotiate or prosecute, depending on the...