Tag: Private Rented Sector
Landlords ready to sink more cash in to buy to let
Landlords are still purchasing more buy to let homes, according to research by a mortgage lender.
Property investors piled cash in...
Landlords drop housing benefit tenants as cuts bite
Tenants on housing benefits are struggling to rent buy to let homes as landlords withdraw from the market.
The market is set to deteriorate...
Buy to let rents keep rising as tenants get poorer
The average UK rent increased by 2.6% in March to £764 a month, according to the latest survey by specialist landlord insurers Homelet.
Meet Mark Alexander at the Property Business Show
Mark Alexander has been campaigning to make it compulsory for letting agents to have professional indemnity insurance and bonding for...
HMO Landlords in Norwich Celebrate ELA Victory on Licenci...
Norwich based HMO Landlords are today celebrating a victory of the Eastern Landlords Association “ELA” in terms of persuading...
Systems thinking for the PRS
An article written in ire is not usually a good thing generally but my ire this time has been growing for some time and based on sound...
Eastern Landlords Association April 2012 NEWSLETTER
As has been outlined in previous communications, the deposit rules change from 6 April 2012. The most important change is...