Tag: landlord compliance
Selective licensing schemes fail to improve standards and...
Selective licensing schemes do not raise standards and cost landlords thousands of pounds, claims Yuno.
The property compliance firm...
Two-thirds of landlords lack EPC C rating as many plan re...
Two-thirds of landlords currently own at least one property that does not have an EPC C rating, according to Foundation Home Loans.
Could a landlord approval scheme curb council intolerance?
Hi, it seems to me that the thing that worries lots of smaller landlords is the ever increasing/changing rules governing rental properties...
Labour’s proposed Renters Rights Bill could transfo...
The UK’s rental market is on the brink of a transformative shift with Labour’s proposed replacement of the Renters Reform Bill...
How many laws do landlords have to comply with?
We all know that landlords have to comply with a lot of legislation but how much legislation is that?
You often see articles saying...
Council threatens hefty fines as landlords struggle with ...
Nottingham City Council has produced a video to help landlords learn how to complete its selective licensing application process –...
Landlords urged to ignore social media ‘expertsR...
Landlords who are in Birmingham’s new selective licensing scheme are being urged to ignore social media ‘experts’...