Tag: illegal eviction
Charity claims illegal evictions in England hit record high
A housing charity claims that the number of illegal evictions in England has hit a record high but less than 1% of landlords are convicted,
Criminal landlords are using ‘bogus bailiffs’
Devious criminal landlords are allegedly employing fake security personnel who are masquerading as court bailiffs to forcibly remove...
Do police lack knowledge when it comes to illegal eviction?
This Property118 investigation highlights how anti-social behaviour has caused problems for both tenants and landlords.
On the BBC...
Don’t Shoot the Messenger #9 – How the Police can land yo...
Imagine the scenario. You are being threatened or assaulted in the street, your home has been burgled, your car has been stolen. Who...
Third illegal eviction costs landlord £4,500
Landlord Mohammed Khubaib needs to change his ways and stop illegally evicting tenants or he’ll end up in jail – according...