Tag: Housing
Council urges landlords to join its Safer Renting scheme
A scheme that aims to improve the quality and safety of rented properties in Weymouth and Portland has been launched by Dorset Council.
Government’s holiday let crackdown ‘not enoug...
A renters’ group has criticised the government’s plans to curb the growth of short term lets, saying they are insufficient...
Gove unveils new rules to curb short-term lets
The government has announced new rules to restrict short-term lets and give local communities more control over housing.
The changes,
Housing market is showing signs of recovery as prices and...
The UK’s housing market is showing signs of recovery, with prices rising slightly and sales surging, according to a report by...
Landlords face eviction hurdles over Gas Safety certifica...
A law firm is warning landlords that they could face difficulties in evicting tenants if they fail to provide Gas Safety certificates...
Councils demand Right to Buy reform to tackle the housing...
The Local Government Association (LGA) is urging the government to overhaul the Right to Buy (RTB) scheme which allows council tenants...
UK rents reached a record high in January
Private rents in the UK reached record highs in January with the average rent paid by tenants rising by 6.2%.
That’s according...