Seller non-disclosure fraud?

Seller non-disclosure fraud?

7:58 AM, 10th April 2017, About 8 years ago 1

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A property recently sold without informing buyer that there is an ongoing interest in the property that could later affect the new owner due to reported fraud over the original purchase forged documentation.

Could the seller be sued by the new buyer over non disclosure as if the seller were to be taken to court and contracts were rescinded the new buyers would loose their property.

Many thanks


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Neil Patterson

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8:01 AM, 10th April 2017, About 8 years ago

Hi Ashley,

Regardless of the legal repercussion on the seller the purchaser needs to try and protect their position now.

They should immediately get in contact with their solicitor and potention put their PI insurance on notice of the risk as well. The Insurers will be very keen to sort this out asap rather than risk a big potential pay out.

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