Selective licensing blamed as Nottingham faces alarming homelessness figures

Selective licensing blamed as Nottingham faces alarming homelessness figures

0:03 AM, 21st December 2023, About A year ago 35

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Shocking new figures reveal Nottingham has the highest rate of homelessness across the county.

Data from Shelter reveals 2,700 people across Nottinghamshire will be homeless this Christmas. This includes around 1,340 children who are stuck in temporary accommodation such as B&Bs.

One landlord says selective licensing is to blame for the high levels of homelessness in Nottingham.

Figures are no surprise

The figures reveal a stark reality in Nottingham, with one in every 162 people left without a place to call home.

One local housing charity in Nottinghamshire says the figures are “no surprise”.

Andrew Redfern the chief Executive of Framework, told the Nottingham Post: “These are shocking figures. Unfortunately, they are no surprise.

“At the sharpest end of homelessness, we are seeing an increase in rough sleeping exacerbated by the Home Office’s asylum decisions which are resulting in people being evicted from their accommodation.

“Meanwhile the Department for Work and Pensions continues its plan to create a hostile environment for supported housing and this will further increase rough sleeping in the New Year.

“Councils have a legal duty to house families and people who are vulnerable but a housing shortage has seen an increased use of B&Bs in areas like Nottingham.”

Led to tenants being made homeless

Earlier this year, Nottingham’s selective licensing scheme was slammed by an external auditor who said the scheme has led to tenants being made homeless.

Leading Nottingham landlord Mick Roberts raised the objection that led to the auditors stepping in and he said: “The auditor’s report hits the target when it says that licensing fees do put rents up and the scheme has seen landlords leave the rental sector.

“That means tenants are being made homeless and the council not having the data on the issue doesn’t disguise the fact that Selective Licensing, which the council claims is to improve properties does, in fact, lead to tenants being made homeless. How many people must become homeless before the council wakes up and sees what’s happening.”

Scheme is not designed to make a profit

Also, a recent Property118 investigation revealed rents across Nottingham have soared in recent years.

According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), rents in Nottingham have rocketed by nearly £200 since the introduction of the selective licensing scheme.

The council introduced the first back in August 2018, when rents in the city were £664. However, rents have been increasing rapidly since the scheme has been implemented.

When approached for comment, Nottingham council did not dispute that rents in the city have gone up after licensing was introduced but, told us that selective licensing is not to blame and the reason is down to recent interest rate hikes.

“The increase in rents that are quoted from the ONS data 2018 to 2023 might have something to do with the huge spike in interest rates in the past couple of years, pushing up mortgage payments for thousands of landlords.”

The council added the scheme is not designed to make a profit.

“Selective licensing is not income-generating – councils are not permitted to make a profit. Licence fees solely cover the costs of setting up, operating, and delivering the scheme in the city.”

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Mick Roberts

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16:18 PM, 23rd December 2023, About A year ago

Reply to the comment left by JB at 23/12/2023 - 09:24
They all normal people trying to do a professional job-And their methods are causing homeless.
Thanks for the error messages.

Here's some of my emails to em:

Is there any provision for this then?
As I may not get to start the Licenses again till end of Jan, as I had planned to do some in this period, yet had no answers to when Nottingham Council's Licensing page was working again?

We're effectively committing crimes, as Nottm Council can't let us walk the Legal path.

I will have issue's completing, as I can't just do just like that, need plenty of notice to slot these things in.

Who's XX? Does He she house lots of people & have all the answers for how we can keep tenants safe in their homes paying cheap rent? Looking forward to speaking with XX, progress.

Licensing are going to have to give me some free Licenses now. I'm trying to be good to you.

Please see last page again before payment page.

2 Screenshots.

One showing red dragging bar just buzzing along.
Then next, you have NO SUBMIT button highlighted. It WON'T take me to the payment page.

I haven't got time for this Codswallop. Get the Council to get a proper IT person in please to sort it out. Deja Vu.

You can either copy my first successful one, all the ruddy details are the same. On that point, I get asked by 11 year old kids, why can't u do multiple properties on one? Absolute complete waste of time when I'm supposed to be doing stuff for tenants.
Or Licensing are gonna' have to come up with plan. I have all the evidence I am trying, Licensing useless website is playing havoc with my Mental Health. And it's going to send me to a nervous break down.

26 Nov 23 pm
Is this Letting Agent or not? If it is, why not use the word Letting Agent?
If not, then say so.
This is the person(s) who manage the property. This can be the same person(s) as the licence holder or another designated person(s), company, charity or partnership.

Nottingham City Council will send e-mail and text alerts in relation to this application to include (but not limited to) reminders, alerts of changes and updates and to request additional information.

You asking me private stuff about the Letting agent-I don't know.

I've done another one, gone to pay, you've got the enclosed screenhots. I'm not doing any more till the Council correct this. Just wasted my time again.
This is so annoying.
If u ring me around the 6 Dec, I can tell u what is the fault.

I get it's a separate payment page, but it's a Nottingham Council payment page & it's useless.
It's pre-populating it with my PO Box address, I'm changing it, but bizarrely, Nottingham Council's own unique web payment page has multiple different lines for different address fields, far more than I've seen on any other web payment pages in 20+ years. And it then confuses itself putting stuff in I don't want in, then wouldn't takle payment.

This needs correcting.

Thanks for direct link.

I've done one. Still far too confusing if u ask me. But Nottingham Council wun't ask me though, would they, I'm only the person that's housed more Homeless Benefit tenants than any other private provider in Nottingham over 26 years.
Can u check it please before I do any more. And if u can not reply to me till 6 December, as I'm going away, or better still, if u do check beforehand, reply to me when u can & then resend again 6 Dec, so I don't lose your email-slide out of view cause I'm away & when get back, have too many emails.

Application Reference number : FS-Case-XX
Receipt reference : FSCH00093551
XX Basford Nottingham NG7 7EU 2 Bed terraced Done 13 Jul 18 Required for 5 people


Why is this so confusing:
Thank you for confirming what type of licence you require. Before you click on "Continue" please make sure that all proposed Licence Holders, other than the person completing the licence application form, fill out a declaration. These can be filled out by using the link below, as you will be required to upload these on the application form.
The Licence Holder Declaration Form can alse be downloaded using the link below:
Download Licence Holder Declaration
Please note: Once you click on "Continue" and continue with the Application Form you will be unable to return to this page.

So I'm filling out the form yes?
I'm a Proposed License holder Yes?
Yet, I han't got to fill in the other separate Codswallop forms?
Or I have?
Gees, again u gonna' have many MANY Landlords confused with this. Selective Licensing are going to be in the paper again soon, when many Landlords han't done their Licenses in 6 months time cause they were confused.

What is this Declaration?
Is it the License?
I han't even got to the License form yet, have I?

What's this form?
I've got to fill in a paper form for each address?

There is too many confusing words:
You may also need to complete and upload the following form depending on the content of your application:
If the person completing this application is not also a proposed licence holder, download and have the proposed licence holder(s) complete the 'Licence Holder Declaration'

Too Confusing. Typical Nottm Council Codswallop. And we wonder why u got so many homeless. Who did u ask about this form? Solicitors? Professors?

I don't provide any furniture, but u won't let me tick Continue till I tick this:
I declare that any furniture provided to tenants within the property meets the safety requirements contained in any enactment

You've got my PO Box wrong cause you've pre populated it.

Well done on dragging the License to upload.

You say Date mortgage provider notified that this application was made. Well we cant tell em yet cause we han't done it yet.

You won't let me continue till ticked this & I an't cause I've not read it:
I have read and understood the data sharing agreement

XX, now back to your email. Again not at u directly.

Landlords han't reached out to Licensing for additional support cause Licensing din't listen last time. So they give up.

Thank u for confirming this:
licence holder declaration (which we will not need from you as you are the Licence holder for your properties)
Please make this more clear on the website. It's baffling.

When I get to mine which are with Letting Agent, what do I fill in different then?

It is simpler, u correct XX, Still awful.

Thanks XXfor your help so far, I may even get the Letting Agent ones done this weekend if your answers help me.
Last time, the Licenses took me two hours. If I was doing several on the trot, I was doing 'em in 8 mins each. I hoped this form would be even quicker.
We shall see tomorrow.

When I tick ie. 8 people in 3 bed house & Licensing send the tenants the Overcrowding letter, can Nottingham Council please follow it up this time, as they are overcrowding, & if u force me to evict, I can then at least sell & it won't be me fault, as I really need to sell some properties as I get older.

Mick Roberts

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16:20 PM, 23rd December 2023, About A year ago

Reply to the comment left by Jessie Jones at 23/12/2023 - 13:59
Ha ha perfectly said Jessie.

Never argue with a Stupid person, they will beat u with experience.

Mick Roberts

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16:21 PM, 23rd December 2023, About A year ago

Reply to the comment left by Jessie Jones at 23/12/2023 - 14:38
Yes Jessie, they just ignore all this independent evidence.

Ian Narbeth

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17:01 PM, 8th January 2024, About A year ago

Reply to the comment left by Mick Roberts at 23/12/2023 - 16:21
Mick Roberts was mentioned favourably by name on this morning's (8th January 2024) Today radio programme in the context of selective licensing.

Mick Roberts

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12:43 PM, 10th January 2024, About A year ago

Reply to the comment left by Ian Narbeth at 08/01/2024 - 17:01
Ooh interesting Ian, I hope we getting the message across to some, that one shouldn't believe everything the Councils & Govt tell them. I've just looked on Today Radio website & can't see they do a playback thing like iPlayer.

I keep saying it Ian, I am just normal me, from Bulwell Nottingham, but when we start dealing with Councils & Govt, they making us look like Einstein-The thick things they do are shocking.

I reckon another 7 years or so & people in power will look back at Selective Licensing & say Wow that did make a lot of people homeless & increase rents didn't it, just to find a few bad Landlords. It wasn't worth it.

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