Problem with freehold management company

Problem with freehold management company

18:15 PM, 16th August 2013, About 12 years ago 13

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We’ve got a problem with the Freeholder re Ground Rent and Service charge on a rental property we have in Docklands. Any advice much appreciated! Problem with freehold management company

They allegedly sent an invoice a few months ago. We didn’t receive this, but did receive a letter from a debt collection agency, together with Interest Charges and other fees. There was no Bank Account to pay the money to and no pick-up on the phone number provided, upon numerous attempts.

We then received a second letter from the debt collection agency advising of yet more fees and that they have advised our Mortgage Lender of non-payment of Ground Rent / Service charge.

We have now called the Freeholder who refuses to speak with us or confirm any contact details.

We have an email address for a contact at the debt collection agency, but have had no response from that either.

I’m trying to work out whether any of the charges are reasonable and what recourse we might have. We think the original Invoice from the Freeholder must have been sent to the Rental Property, but as the Debt Collection agency have our home address, they would surely have got this from the Freeholder?

It feels like the Freeholder and Debt Collection agency are working quite closely to ensure as many fees are racked up as possible.

All advice much appreciated.

I have also posted this on Facebook.

Many thanks

James Chapman

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Richard W

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18:19 PM, 22nd January 2015, About 10 years ago

Hello Richard

Reading your post I could have basically copy and pasted it; I am having exactly the same problem with Forte; they sent a bill and then an arrears letter to the property I own (in Newcastle) rather than my residential address, and it was only after me repeatedly chasing them via various channels (always something suspicious about a company that doesn't provide a phone number) that they deigned to reply and again they demanded £67 for one letter, which seems a little excessive.

I explained that I had just bought the property and that it was an honest mistake and immediately paid the ground rent demanded.

After much back and forth (and repeated requests from me for a breakdown of how £67 is "fair and reasonable" which were just as repeatedly ignored) they agreed to half the amount. More back and forth followed, ended by the Managing Director informing me that she "will not be entering into any further correspondence with me" and providing me with the name of their solicitor should I wish to sue

On the one hand its now such a small sum of money as to not be worth the time (apparently it will remain "on account," but again my email to request clarification of what this means in practice was ignored), but on the other it drives me crazy that these people get away with it, and on principle I'm not sure I can bring myself to pay them

One thing that springs to mind is they seem to be a small operation, so if enough people are sufficiently angry about this (which I imagine they will be) Forte will likely struggle to cope with the sheer volume of complaints and be forced to change policy

Apologies for the rant, I've spent half the day dealing wiht these people, I have strong principles and believe (perhaps naively) in treating people in a fair and reasonable manner, so it really frustrates me when people like this give everyone in the property industry a bad name

Interested in your thoughts


Tom Boland

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11:56 AM, 23rd February 2015, About 10 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Ivan Ratnayake" at "07/10/2013 - 02:19":

Hi Ivan,

I have similar issues with Forte Freehold Management company. Could you kindly send me copy of your letter, please

Craig Horne

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10:05 AM, 20th February 2017, About 8 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Ivan Ratnayake" at "07/10/2013 - 02:19":


I am also having the same issues with Forte Freehold Management service.

Can I please have a copy of the letter?

They have been sending our invoice to the property for which it applies but we do not live their. We finally received the invoice this weekend but since then I have tried contacting them and they are refusing to speak to us claiming that the matter has now been passed to their solicitor.

I have no idea how to deal with this issue, I have never not paid a bill in my life.

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