Private paying tenants – How large and secure should their income be?

Private paying tenants – How large and secure should their income be?

10:04 AM, 16th July 2013, About 12 years ago 13

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We let out properties mainly to Housing Benefit tenants. Despite the general assertions on this site, we haven’t had substantial arrears, or substantial damage to our property. We know how we can short circuit those arrears, on the whole.

Both instances of arrears we have had however, have arisen under private paying tenants just like Mark’s experience.

I wonder how other landlords calculate affordability for private tenants. We don’t have high rents – about £500 on some properties and about £550 on others. We’ve found tenants who have been able to pay on relatively low earnings. What yardstick do other readers use?

Employers references are some help, but can be manipulated or falsified. Although a credit check can assist, there are limits to that.

We find that at least we know – until any further government cuts -what housing benefit (or equivalent) will be received, although this is now complicated by the contribution to council tax now required of HB tenants.

In contrast, an employee can be fired at any time. How far do others go in enquiries of the employer?

Edwin income

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13:01 PM, 31st July 2013, About 12 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Mick Roberts" at "29/07/2013 - 16:42":

Hi Mick 🙂 Hope you're well.
I've been digesting a bunch of you comments - and it's an education in itself. So big thanks..!

I have a couple of questions as a youngster in this game.. And I was wondering whether I could pop across a couple to you? Really trust your judgement, and any advice would be golden Mick.

Could I be cheeky and ask that you pop me across an email at all please? I've been trying to see how's best to contact you, but can't see any details..

Really appreciate it Mick, thanks.
David 🙂

Mark Alexander - Founder of Property118

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13:56 PM, 31st July 2013, About 12 years ago

Hi David

That's the point of a forum isn't it?

Why not post your questions here? You may also get other helpful comments and the questions and answers might also help others who stumble upon this thread. 🙂

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14:38 PM, 1st August 2013, About 12 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Mark Alexander" at "31/07/2013 - 13:56":

Cheers Mark 🙂

Yeah, fully understand where you're coming from Mark, and normally that's exactly what I'd do.

It's just that I'd like to ask Mick a more personal request, and didn't feel it the best route to air on a forum, as I didn't want him to be bombarded or inundated if he was to kindly agree 🙂

Hope that's alright.

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