Over 260 Property118 Landlords have trusted us to sell their Buy to Lets

Over 260 Property118 Landlords have trusted us to sell their Buy to Lets

11:05 AM, 17th January 2022, About 3 years ago

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2022 has begun, and if 2021 taught us anything, it was that this is the year we all want to let go of the stress, cash in our portfolios, relax and enjoy life.

Many of us have spent the last 10 to 20 years building up our portfolios, however with mounting tax bills just around the corner, and constant hoops for landlords to jump through, it’s time to let go of that stress, free ourselves from managing portfolios, cash in and retire.

It’s simple: there’s never been a better time to sell your buy-to-lets than right now whilst the market is still high, and as portfolio exit specialists our incredible team at Landlord Sales Agency are the ones to do it. It’s why over 260 Property118 Landlords have reached out to help us sell their portfolios. We’re in the business of doing exactly what we say we’ll do, and we’re ready to do it for you.

We’re not just trusted partners, we’ve built up a reputation of being the best company out there to sell high asset Landlord buy-to-let portfolios for the highest price. We know exactly what it takes to deliver what you need: a big lump sum in the bank, and the financial freedom to do whatever you want.

 From £1 million to £10 million plus portfolios, we’ll ensure you get the highest price in the fastest time.

  • We’re the best for sellers with high asset portfolios, or for Landlords with HMOs
  • We have a ready-made list of over 30,000 private cash buyers ready to buy your portfolio straight away for the highest price.
  • Our fast sale option is efficient and delivered to a standard of excellence, getting you 80% – 90% of the market value of the portfolio, a huge bang for your buck for a sale that takes less than a week.
  • We take on any property and can fix any problem to get you a sale in days, even tenant issues.

With a team of 20 years of experience in selling properties specifically for Landlords, plus experts who have personally got over the line 2,500 properties, we’re unrivalled. Be it tenant issues, mortgages, access issues, absolutely nothing is standing in our way from getting Landlords the highest prices in record times.

We’re a team who knows exactly what We’re doing, and we’ll get it done for you. So contact us today. It’s 2022, and there’s never been a better time to sell up and cash in than January.

Contact Landlord Sales Agency

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