Open Letter to Dan Neidle – I am not the monster you think I am

Open Letter to Dan Neidle – I am not the monster you think I am

15:53 PM, 16th October 2023, About 9 months ago 32

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Dear Mr Neidle

As you have refused to speak to me on a recorded Zoom call on two separate occasions I am publishing this open letter in the hope of appealing to your better nature.

Before I emigrated to Malta in 2016 I lived in Norfolk for 30 years, just down the road from where you live now. My family still do.

Like you, I was a workaholic. I couldn’t switch off. It cost me my first marriage, but that’s another story, I am now happily re-married.

Whilst living in Norfolk and working night and day I was a commercial finance broker. I was also one of the founders of the NACFB (National Association of Commercial Finance Brokers). All the work I did for the NACFB was pro-bono.

After many years of hard graft, I could afford the big house and the nice cars. I probably didn’t have as much money as you do but I was very proud to be employing 300 people. In 2008 my company ranked at number 38 in The Sunday Times Profit Track 100. However, as a result of a loss of credibility, not of my making, I had to lay off all 300 staff and put my company into hibernation, a state the company remains in to this day.  You can read about what happened by clicking on the linked snippet from the Mortgage Strategy magazine article at the time, or in the articles linked below.


Estate Agent Today

I became very depressed following the collapse of The Money Centre and my failed marriage. I missed the daily interaction with people who shared my values and passion for property investment. Close friends and family suggested that I start a blog to “facilitate the sharing of best practice in the UK Private Renting Sector”, so that’s what I did. You’re reading it now and it has become a reasonably successful business in its own right over time.  However, it wasn’t always like that. There have been many times since the collapse of The Money Centre that I have struggled to make ends meet. Thankfully, low interest rates provided cashflow within my property portfolio at a time I needed it most, and I was able to scrape together extra money by taking on short-term consultancy contracts to help solicitors and accountancy firms with their marketing.

A further knock-back occurred three years after starting my blog when the West Bromwich Mortgage Company sent me a letter regarding a lifetime tracker rate mortgage I had taken to purchase one of my Buy-To-Let properties. They had unilaterally decided to increase the margin they were charging over Bank Base Rate by 2%, which I knew they could not do. They also issued a veiled threat to call in mortgages within 30 days, a clause they had embedded deeply within their T&C’s. I was having none of that, so I used my blog to reach hundreds of landlords in a similar position. We first took the case to the Ombudsman, who messed us around before saying we had no case. I then took the case to the High Court who also ruled against us. Finally, after a further two and a half years of yet more pro-bono work the Court of Appeal upheld the case. You can read more about this via the link below.

I would also like to add that we received no support whatsoever from the industry. I was besmirched and laughed at by many in the industry, including the NRLA, for taking on the case. But that all changed after it was won. Property118 had become the landlords champion and I won a Lifetime Achievers Award.

Very shortly after that, George Osborne announced new rules in his Summer 2015 budget making privately owned rental property business owners the only form of UK business that would no longer be able to offset finance costs against their income. It was a travesty, but despite significant campaigning, it was clear the government was not going to back down. This affected me personally and hundreds of thousands of subscribers to my blog. When I realised that campaigning was yielding no results I went back to the Barristers that had taken on and defeated the West Brom. They came up with several solutions, one of which was incorporation, but that only applied to professional landlords with much larger property rental businesses. However, there were solutions for smaller landlords too, for example, amending beneficial ownership between spouses to fully utilise tax allowances and the lower tax bands. The business model is essentially that Property118 takes on the role of fact finding, introducing and liaising with barristers who then engage clients directly to give the advice and deal with implementation.

It went well for a while, but in 2016 our recommended approach to incorporation, without needing to refinance (all in accordance with HMRC manuals I might add), was attacked via The Telegraph Newspaper. Your friends from Blick Rothenberg put the boot in then in much the same way as they are again doing with you now. Their allegations in 2016 are no different to those in your recent articles. How are we still in business then one might well ask. Why haven’t mortgage lenders called in all those supposedly defaulted mortgages? Why haven’t HMRC engaged DOTAS or created a Spotlight? The answer is obvious to most, everything is being done right.

The attacks we endured in 2016 caused massive stress and loss of credibility for our business, but we pulled through. For me, the timing could not have been worse. I had just relocated to Malta, so again I had to take on short-term contract work to put food on the table.

I explained in my last article that your attacks transcend tax policy. They have since become even more personal and increasingly deranged.

My solicitors have informed me that you wrote to them last week suggesting that I might have been a stakeholder in a business that sold timeshare as investments to low-income people. That is simply absurd. Who is feeding you this information and what does it have to do with tax policy? The only possible connection is that I did take a short-term contract with a company in 2016 when I first arrived in Malta that sold memberships in a luxury car club and Sunseeker yachts to discerning high-net-worth individuals. I advertised them on Property118 for a while, but landlords’ didn’t seem at all interested. Most are all generally very well-grounded folk who prefer to forsake luxuries and invest for retirement and to create legacies. I did manage to find the company premises in Donnington Park race circuit for their SuperCar club through an article I wrote on Property118 though, so they did get some value for their money out of me at least. I suspect they wanted to leverage my credibility with landlords in the belief that my audience would be their target market, the top 5% of earners. How wrong they were if that was the case!

FOR THE RECORD: I have never owned a stake in a timeshare business, nor I have I ever sold timeshare or recruited or trained a timeshare sales force, let alone promoted timeshare as investments. Nor have I ever been involved in timeshare financing in any way. I refuse to spend yet more money on solicitors to defend these ludicrous accusations. Go ahead and write whatever you wish, if you must, I have faith that people will soon see it for what it is. When on earth do you think I would have found the time to do any of that anyway?

You have mentioned in all of your articles that we have not answered any of your tax questions. The reasons for this are simple; a) you are not a regulator, b) your approaches have always been extremely antagonistic, c) you expect us to do so for free and d) you seem intent on twisting information to suit your own narrative. At first I thought you were just barking up the wrong tree, but now I am beginning to think there could be something  much more sinister going on.

Maybe I am becoming irrational and barking up the wrong tree now. That can happen when people wind you up enough. Who’s been pulling your strings?

Have you even taken a moment to consider the anxiety your articles have caused to the hundreds of business owners that have incorporated off the back of our recommendations and also the welfare of their families? Some of these might even be feeling suicidal after reading the things you have written. Is your conscience OK with that? What about the 40 people we employ?

I have two questions for you: –

  1. What tax qualifications do you have personally? I checked the websites of STEP, CIOT etc. and can’t find any record of you there. I do acknowledge that you have been a solicitor since 2000, I found that on the SRA website when compiling my report of your conduct to the SRA.
  2. What is your relationship with Blick Rothenberg accountants?

Will you PLEASE agree to be reasonable and at least have a telephone conversation with me before this all gets completely out of hand?

Perhaps better still, I will be in Norfolk for a fortnight as of this weekend to visit family. Maybe you would prefer to discuss this over a pint? I’m really not the monster you think I am.

Yours sincerely

Mark Alexander


Dan Neidle has since responded to my two questions as follows …


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21:21 PM, 16th October 2023, About 9 months ago

Who do you trust. How can landlords build trust with this open combat between professionals in this industry.
It’s ever more frustrating that HMRC do not seem to make it clear at a citizen and tax payer perspective. The CA’s seem to be against property118, but do they also lack knowledge and play a safe role of facilitating higher than strictly necessary tax arrangements ?
The industry needs a clean up.

Honest landlord

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21:31 PM, 16th October 2023, About 9 months ago

>> What tax qualifications do you have personally? I checked the websites of STEP, CIOT etc. and can’t find any record of you there.

This is actually a very good question Mark. DN claims that P118 don't have any tax qualifications, but it does seem that neither does he! If this is true, it would be quite a dent to his credibility.

toby marsden

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23:31 PM, 16th October 2023, About 9 months ago

Stoicism Mark - The ancient art of not wasting any energy to that of which you cannot control - True self mastery is only focused on controlling yourself

Let Mr Needle do or say what he has to do... life is short lived

Dennis Leverett

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9:46 AM, 17th October 2023, About 9 months ago

Reply to the comment left by toby marsden at 16/10/2023 - 23:31
I fully agree with what you say but in reality very difficult if someone pushes the wrong button.
The Stoics believed that without logic it is not possible to effectively live with virtue. This is because when a person lacks the ability to think logically, they also lack the ability to differentiate between what is true and untrue, lies and falsehoods, realistic and unreasonable.
Stoic logic is based on propositions; this means that if I make a statement at any time, it is either true of false. We can then make more complex statements based on the original statement which may be more true or false.


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10:24 AM, 17th October 2023, About 9 months ago

Letter explaining so many things.

But remember Mark Was also throwing mud around at others for no reason ..

But remember your main goal as I u destined is to help Landlords business

Both LT4L and Property 118 ..hopeful have the best intentions for LANDLORDS..who provide a extremely valued services and many have worked extremely hard similar to yourself.

Mark Alexander - Founder of Property118

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10:36 AM, 17th October 2023, About 9 months ago

Reply to the comment left by RHODES PROPERTY COMPANY at 17/10/2023 - 10:24
I wasn't throwing mud around.

I refused to name and shame, my policy is to tackle the ball, not the player.

I tackled the efficacy of Hybrid LLP planning and issued warnings to protect landlords. HMRC agreed and followed suit by issuing Spotlight 63.



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10:44 AM, 17th October 2023, About 9 months ago

A meeting is certainly required, it mat assist as follows;

1) You are both passionate and seem alike and will clear up what needs to.

2) Both companies work towards ONE goal to assist the PRS sector. You both know very well and acknowledge how much attack we are under with regulations and landlord bashing.

3) Dan's company to perhaps have alliance with P118 and vice versa and offer solicitor / law services, mortgage services for Ltd Cos, sales services and whatever you guys can think at the meeting.

4) Work together at events / have booths next to each other.

Come on guys, please sort out otherwise we (PRS sector) will suffer. It’s not wrong to say there is some anxiety as we reach towards retirement age and sometimes can’t see a clear path out with the hammering on PRS.


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10:53 AM, 17th October 2023, About 9 months ago

Reply to the comment left by toby marsden at 16/10/2023 - 23:31
I totally agree with Toby.

I support you 100% Mark, I took advice from the money center in 2003 and it changed the way I progressed in property. Thanks for that Mark.

For your own wellbeing is there anyway you can just ignore this man?

Stop all interactions with him. The best way to deal with bullies is ignore them. I know it's hard but STOP reading what he writes.

Try and put a stop to it.

If you no longer respond in any way he'll get bored when he realises his actions are no longer having any effect.

You need to concentrate on yourself not him. If you continue reacting it will get worse. Your reaction is the only thing you can control.

I've had 10 bad years of being controlled, manipulated, bullied and gaslit, I've now come to terms with it and I'm moving on. Eventually you realise that there is only one part in it that you have control over and that's you. Remove yourself from the situation.

He won't stop if you react in any way.

It will be hard and will take a lot of will power but you need to take back control.

I don't know what real impact he's having on your business so it's easy for me to give you this advice but know this, I and many people on here support you.

If other people believe his lies than you also have no control over this. Believe in the people who believe in you 🤗. The rest can go do one.

Take back control x

Mark Alexander - Founder of Property118

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10:55 AM, 17th October 2023, About 9 months ago

Reply to the comment left by AT at 17/10/2023 - 10:44
Given Mr Neidle's policital views I very much doubt that he will ever wish to fight to landlords.

Also, he's not in "business" in the normal meaning of the word, ie "for profit".

Mark Alexander - Founder of Property118

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13:02 PM, 17th October 2023, About 9 months ago


Dan Neidle has responded to my two questions as follows ...


Doesn't that make his point that none of the team at Cotswold Barristers are qualified in tax make him look rather silly?

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