Nottingham City Council ordered to refund Landlord after Tribunal rules against council

Nottingham City Council ordered to refund Landlord after Tribunal rules against council

9:50 AM, 2nd October 2024, About 2 hours ago 8

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A council has been forced to refund more than £2,800 to a landlord after a Tribunal ruled in his favour.

Mick Roberts, one of Nottingham’s largest landlords for benefit tenants, accused Nottingham City Council of overcharging him for property valuations during lease renewals on four of his flats.

The council charged £825 per flat for the valuations, despite all four properties being just minutes apart and the assessments taking less than two hours.

Mr Roberts argued that the council should have asked for a discount given the close proximity of the properties but claimed because “the council does not like landlords they chose not to give a discount”.

He also pointed out that he could have had the valuation work done for free using his estate agent contacts, raising questions about whether the council’s charges were necessary.

Solicitors had to chase payment

Mr Roberts wished to settle for £1,300 and not for the case to be taken to court to save taxpayers money but the council refused the settlement offer and chose to go to tribunal.

The Tribunal ruled in favour of Mr Roberts, leading to the council being forced to refund £2800 — more than double the amount he was willing to settle for.

Despite winning the case, Mr Roberts’ solicitor, Massers Solicitors, had to chase the council for payment threatening further legal action before the council finally paid Mr Roberts.

Mr Roberts tells Property118 that it’s frustrating the case took so long to settle.

He said: “I now have the money but it could have been settled so much more easily, but the council chose to drag it out, costing taxpayers more money to go to the Tribunal.

“In the end, it cost the council another £1,500 more than had they listened and been reasonable.”

Property118 has contacted Nottingham City Council for comment but they have not responded.

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9:57 AM, 2nd October 2024, About 2 hours ago

Well done Mick!

Steve O'Dell

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9:57 AM, 2nd October 2024, About 2 hours ago

Without hesitation I sympathise with Mick. Unfortunately our public sector is infected with left wing idiots.
Ex Conservative MP Jonathan Cullis, despite have the requisite qualifications has struggled to return to teaching since his stint as an MP. Not 1 of his 30 applications has resulted in an interview - for the very same reason - biased lefties.
Until such time as we oust this government and replace it with a right leaning government, we will continue to feel and suffer the attacks of the left. We ultimately hold the power, but because we are unorganised and insufficiently represented, we languish as we do. Please join the Reform party and support their activities.

Reluctant Landlord

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10:31 AM, 2nd October 2024, About An hour ago

Power to the People Smiffy!

Robin Bradford

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10:35 AM, 2nd October 2024, About An hour ago

Mick Roberts was making a sound point. The Council did overcharge him.

havens havens

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11:03 AM, 2nd October 2024, About 39 minutes ago

This situation shows how important it is for councils to be fair and reasonable. It's frustrating that the council dragged this out, which ended up costing taxpayers even more money. If they had just listened to Mr. Roberts and settled quickly, everyone would have saved time and hassle. It’s a reminder that being cooperative can go a long way and avoid unnecessary conflicts.

Cider Drinker

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11:10 AM, 2nd October 2024, About 32 minutes ago

So, the valuations were worth £125 each.

I hope other landlords that were robbed by the council seek refunds too.


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11:29 AM, 2nd October 2024, About 13 minutes ago

Excellent news, it's about time that these slime-balls from the council were brought to book for their contemptuous exploitations.
I completely emulate Cider Drinkers' wishes as well, I hope that all other LLs follow up on this.

John MacAlevey

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12:41 PM, 2nd October 2024, Less than a minute ago

Well done Mick, an ordinary hardworking man who has built a portfolio as a landlord. He knows his tenants personally & far better that the LA & runs his affairs within the law..obviously since he`s been doing it for years & would have failed long before if not.
That LA is ideologically opposed to free enterprise & misuses it`s power to penalise, wrongly, those who don`t fit their idea of submissiveness.

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