Is this normal tenant behaviour placing laminate on top of carpet?

Is this normal tenant behaviour placing laminate on top of carpet?

13:21 PM, 18th July 2016, About 9 years ago 18

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I’m looking for advice on what other landlords would do. My tenants have asked me if they could put laminate floor down instead of carpet and I said no as carpet was only a few years old so they went over the top of carpet with laminate which does not look nice.laminate

They also complain a lot and costs me about £100 every 6 months. I feel slowly they are doing what they want with the house and I will have to replace it all.

If it costs me £500 to rectify once there gone I would be ok with that as it’s only 1 months rent. Is this normal as being part of a landlord ? or could I find better tenants ?

Many thanks


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Marlena Topple

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13:44 PM, 18th July 2016, About 9 years ago

I find I need to replace carpet every 3 to 5 years. Where I can I use good quality laminate in downstairs rooms. It is harder wearing than carpet, it cleans up well and I find it a more economical option over the long term. Because it cleans up so well I find it takes me less time to turn a property round between lettings. If they were good paying long term tenants I would have installed the laminate for them as I would see the benefits to me. If they can take the laminate up with no damage then no problem. If there is damage then I would deduct the cost of this from their deposit.

Neal Craven

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13:49 PM, 18th July 2016, About 9 years ago

If its a leasehold property (particularly a flat) read the lease!

craig hill

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13:54 PM, 18th July 2016, About 9 years ago

Thanks for the reply Marlena.i have it on a guaranteed rent scheme and tenants have been in for around 2 years and carpets been down for 3 years.i did prefer carpet over laminate but I may consider laminate in the future as you recommend this and I think laminate quality has improved alot.they did complain to the council over nonsense things and mainly damp but council said it's condensation.i think they may want to get evicted so they can get a council hoise but I don't know.

Jan Martin

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14:36 PM, 18th July 2016, About 9 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "craig hill" at "18/07/2016 - 13:54":

You may find that when they leave they take the laminate flooring with them . I had tenants that did the same . I have been putting down laminate as I replace carpets as although its more costly it has more chance of lasting longer then carpet .

Marlena Topple

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15:01 PM, 18th July 2016, About 9 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "craig hill" at "18/07/2016 - 13:54":

Hi Craig we also get tenants complaining about damp when their behaviour is causing the problem. We have found that people are ignorant about what causes black mould to form so we provide them with a guide. The Council should understand that in most cases black mould is caused by yenant behaviour. We also install ventilation units in the kitchen and bathroom which seems to help.

Old Mrs Landlord

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18:55 PM, 18th July 2016, About 9 years ago

Wow, that's a new one on me. We have the reverse problem - a tenant fitting carpet over laminate! He says the carpet fitter assures him it can be done without damage to the laminate. Has anyone else had experience of this?.

To be honest, in the circumstances you describe it looks as though your suspicions are well founded and the real aim is to secure a council house.

craig hill

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19:02 PM, 18th July 2016, About 9 years ago

i do think deep down they want a council house.i could get quite a bit more per month if I managed it on My any of you landlords accept dss ? I am fairly new to being a landlord.ive let a letting g agent have it for a few years

Ann Diamond

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9:12 AM, 19th July 2016, About 9 years ago

I had a tenant who put vinyl flooring over woodblock which resulted in the wood rotting underneath.
They had been in the property for 14 years and had never missed a payment so along with other 'improvements' they had made which had to be undone, I decided it was a small price to pay.
Over the 40 odd years I have been renting out this property I have taken quite a few tenants on housing benefit with absolutely no problems at all until the last three years when I have had two in a row who have defaulted on payments and left the place in a terrible condition. One I had to evict and do battle with the local authority who decided to tell me that the property was in need of urgent repairs - all due to the tenant - and then refused to rehouse him until the bailiff was about to call.
I had decided to put the property on the market and was working on it when a the people next door asked me if their son and his family could take it on. They are not on benefits I am pleased to say !
With the pressure on rental housing I think it is becoming more and more difficult for people on benefits to find a nice home. I have tried to have a dialogue with my local authority but letters and emails go unanswered. I did have a meeting with a housing officer who saw an advert of mine and wanted to introduce a family to me but unfortunately he could not work with the benefits department to give me any assurance that they would get sufficient funds from them.
Another young lady who wanted rent a flat I own could get no assurance from the benefits office until she had a signed tenancy agreement. After a very tearful meeting and with the young lady being heavily pregnant, an officer did agree to tell me verbally that she would get enough to pay the rent.
As she has an abusive boyfriend who was taking all her money they agreed to pay me direct but I wonder if this will continue after universal credit takes effect.
In future I will not take the risk of DSS tenants if I can help it which is very sad.
As to managing the property myself I would not hesitate to recommend it. This site is very useful in giving guidance and it will save you a lot of money.

craig hill

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9:35 AM, 19th July 2016, About 9 years ago

Thanks Ann.i think I could get over a £100 more if I managed it myself and I've heard of legal expenses insurance which cover costs on evictions and no payment.I find this site very helpful and its good to get advice from other landlords

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9:41 AM, 23rd July 2016, About 9 years ago

I think if your tenants are only costing you £200 a year they're a real bargain.

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