Non-Companies House director?

Non-Companies House director?

10:14 AM, 24th November 2022, About 2 years ago 2

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Hello, We have a person who works very hard for our freehold company looking after the block in which we all live. His professional job prevents him registering as a director at Companies House.

At the moment, he can’t vote when we make decisions.

I read somewhere (but now can’t find where) that as he does most of the work that he could legally be regarded as a director and vote even if not registered at Companies House.

Is this correct?

Thank you,


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12:11 PM, 25th November 2022, About 2 years ago

In short, no.

He might be regarded as a 'shadow director', if he is doing all the things a director would normally do actions-wise and decisions-wise.

If his day job prevents him from being a director formally - why not invite him to board meetings as a guest - and listen to what he has to say. He may not be able to vote, but you can listen and take his views into account, surely?

Judith Wordsworth

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13:55 PM, 25th November 2022, About 2 years ago

If he is a joint freeholder then he is a shareholder and has the legal right of a vote in accordance with the number of shares

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