New Landlord Association seeking pledges

New Landlord Association seeking pledges

8:30 AM, 3rd October 2018, About 6 years ago 386

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Update: Please now email your pledges to

For the past 18 months, I have mulled over the idea of setting up a new National Landlords association. I won’t bore readers to death explaining why. We all know how frustrated and sickened the community is with the other main associations failing to aggressively fight our corner and instead assist the councils implementing their rotten Selective licensing schemes. Enough is enough.

We could talk forever, but it is now time for action. I have held off taking this leap in the hope that somebody else would take up the baton. I completely understand the reluctance of anybody to get involved. Mark summed it up. A most time consuming venture.

As things stand now, the show is almost ready for the road.

I have set up the National Landlords Alliance. Before I go any further if the National Landlords Association wish to take issue with the National Landlords alliance, I say bring it on. Do it now.

Moving on Banking facilities are in place. I am prepared to act as CEO without salary initially to get the organisation up and running. The organisation will operate out of offices supplied by me on a rent free basis, until profitability can be achieved.

I have a PR/Secretary lined up who will join us subject to salary discussions. She has experience in the industry as well as a journalism degree and lobbying experience.

Following extensive negotiations over several weeks I have got agreement from the former National Chair of the FSB to also join us. Mr Allan has extensive lobbying experience including vast experience gained from negotiating with the former PM Cameron and Osborne, as well as dealing with the devolved Governments of Scotland ,Wales and NI. This would complete the team initially.

I also have organised a preferred solicitor to assist members. The individual I have in mind is a former local authority prosecutor.

We will not be selling courses or cheap smoke detectors. We will absolutely never assist councils implementing any scheme to the detriment of landlords. As regards document downloads, they are available from other sources.

We will be 100% focused on aggressively fighting the Landlords corner.

The fee to join would be £100 pa.

At this stage all I seek is pledges.

If the figures are right we are good to go. A word of caution however,and I don’t mean to insult regular contributors, but at this stage our biggest enemy is Apathy.

If we can get the pledges ie a min of 1000 members we have a new organisation.


Larry Sweeney

Update: Please now email your pledges to

With everyone on board we will hopefully move rapidly to collating the membership required with everyone’s help

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Monty Bodkin

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21:50 PM, 18th October 2018, About 6 years ago

Reply to the comment left by James Bolton at 18/10/2018 - 21:25Banned? Seriously? Why should I be banned, just for taking an interest in Larry's new enterprise?
Ha ha!

Ironic and you might not believe this but there is a website of sad, single, middle aged men that have been predicting a housing crash for the last 20 years. Anyone posting outside that group-think gets an instant ban.


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21:53 PM, 18th October 2018, About 6 years ago

I agree entirely with Larry’s assessment of my mental health, thank you Larry - why else would I spend my evening down time engaging with you, thank you for reminding me, I will now move on to more positive engagements, good night and I hope you find another lunatic to rant against.

Larry Sweeney

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22:19 PM, 18th October 2018, About 6 years ago

James. Thank you. Your comments ,negativity etc are spurring on landlords to support the Alliance. I will explain to you why that is. It is because we in the PRS have been shafted time and time again. Our organisation is going for it without fear. The fact that already various people are rattled is great. They are right to be rattled because no more bullying landlords by So called Charities. No more villification and attacking property rights. We have not even started yet and the status quo is upset. Let me tell you something else. The fantastic people who have pledged are absolutely passionate about our industry. Yes I am the one shouting at present, but do not doubt the determination of every single member behind me who has pledged. We are reasonable, we will talk but the days of using landlords as "Whipping boys" are over. We have had more than enough lies from Shelter blaming landlords for evicting tenants on a whim. Landlords do not evict good tenants. They are our valued customers and in many cases friends . If Shelter wish to engage in spurious debates and spout lies to whip up support in order to scrounge more tax payers cash Fine, but we will call them out. We will call out councils and we will never stop pointing out the fact that the UK has adopted an accounting standard akin to what would be implemented by Pres Maduro. Taxing non existent income.

Mark Shine

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22:32 PM, 18th October 2018, About 6 years ago

Reply to the comment left by Monty Bodkin at 18/10/2018 - 21:50... “Ironic and you might not believe this but there is a website of sad, single, middle aged men that have been predicting a housing crash for the last 20 years. Anyone posting outside that group-think gets an instant ban.”
👆Monty, I think everyone who is even vaguely aware of internet “property related” forums will know which forum you are referring to above.
Larry: tbh I’ve had my concerns about the new alliance, for various reasons... but this latest poster (obv a “special envoy” from hpc unless my hpc troll detection instincts are somehow now failing me) has further confirmed that we may need to consider trying to play them at their very own manipulative and relentless ‘dirty tricks’ campaign?

Paul Maguire

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22:57 PM, 18th October 2018, About 6 years ago

You might not be one and the same [as journalist above] but on Wikipaedia Shelterbox removed their founder and CEO Tom Henderson for suspected fraud in 2012. In 2014 his case was found to be not proven at the Old Bailey. All power to you for providing tents and aid to disaster zones [assuming you're more than just a journalist] but the UK rental market is also turning into a "disaster zone" due to politics and revenue generation by local government. The end result is that it hits tenants. I'm surprised that you don't see that [as a journalist or basic human being]. Perhaps the story you're working on is more important, financially for yourself.

Paul Maguire

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23:03 PM, 18th October 2018, About 6 years ago

Reply to the comment left by Paul Maguire at 18/10/2018 - 22:57
PS. Reference to Tom Henderson was to address your suspicions about the founder here, Larry. A good story has to be built up, not made up.

Dennis Leverett

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23:06 PM, 18th October 2018, About 6 years ago

Reply to the comment left by James Bolton at 18/10/2018 - 20:22
Hi James, I respect your questions and comments, fair enough that's what forums should be about, but the problem is, how much do you know about Larry, are you a Landlord/tenant etc. etc. I would suggest that you do a little more research into what is really happening in the PRS from the landlords point of view and the effect it's having on tenants through no fault of the PRS. I am a good landlord with happy tenants but can't carry on much longer as things are and the only losers will be my tenants and the authorities that have to rehouse them at the taxpayers expense. We need concerned people such as you to understand what is really going on and support us. Larry is a doer, 100% a good man, and that it what is needed and if you knew a little more about him you would appreciate what he is doing. You seem to make comments based on nothing than what suits your own thinking which is based on what? Possible misleading propaganda from Shelter and many other leftie organisations. I've come from a poor council estate background and worked hard for what i've got and do a lot to help others in the real sense and this Government and the likes of Shelter etc. are working hard to destroy what I've got. Time to wake up and face the real world. Come on James look for the truth and get back to me, I think you are a genuine concerned person but mislead.


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1:12 AM, 19th October 2018, About 6 years ago

Reply to the comment left by Dennis Leverett at 18/10/2018 - 23:06
I hear you Dennis. Time to get proactive, I fought selective licensing virtually on my own in my area. I am with Larry all the way on this one. So I am going to give a bloke I don't even know £100 to fight my corner, well I have just paid my local council over £2000 for my licences and will get absolutely nothing in return. I am a terrible landlord, tenant had a slight leak on her radiator and demanded a plumber come out the same day (Sunday). I had a bereavement that day and text her to say so and I would deal with it the next day. I got 3 texts between 2 and 2.30 am on the Monday morning demanding to know when the plumber was coming because her kids were cold. And we are the nasty ones according to Shelter, I have no words!!

NW Landlord

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1:37 AM, 19th October 2018, About 6 years ago

I have been shocked over the last few years since going on forums the hate towards landlords and the PRS and it has made me wake up to how people in power can control your lives with the stroke of a pen. Larry fair play let’s get this off the ground I’m based in the north west and me and my business partners own and manage 500 plus units and need to
Meet u and without 118 we would have been screwed. Its just like Brexit the Elite are liars and will do anything for votes s24 has woke me up to how politics can affect ur business and family enough is enough

Janet Carnochan

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8:59 AM, 19th October 2018, About 6 years ago

Reply to the comment left by James Bolton at 18/10/2018 - 21:35
James, you asked me what I hope to get out of this, first of all let me tell you a bit about myself. I farmed for years, I built my business up from nothing, working 7 days a week. I was doing well and loved my job. At the age of 29 I was diagnosed with RP. I was slowly going blind. ( Please don't take this as the sympathy vote as it isn't ). By the time I was 38 it was unsafe to do the job I loved ( try keeping one step ahead of an angry 800kg cow at calving time with little sight ) I had to sell up. Needing something to do and having no pension my second love was property. I started up my business. I only have six houses and they are all mortgaged. In the last 8 years my business seems to have additional legislation put on to it and put on to it year after year. I have been on this forum for years. It has been invaluable for helping me steer through the pitfalls of this industry. On Monday I had a meeting with my accountant to go through the impact of s24 and my options. I also listen to others on this website talking about selective licensing, and I know it will come to me. I am a good landlord, I have a good bunch of tenants at the moment, who I think a lot of and respect me back. So no pressure here Larry, what I want is to be part of a proactive organisation which understands my business, supports it and helps fight all the legislation which is making people leave this industry in droves. Ideally he will reverse s24 and abolish selective licensing. If not I may join the leavers and piss my money against a wall, as I please. If I do this believe me there will be no happy ending for my tenants as I do not believe any of them are in a position to buy their own home. This making six households including 10 dogs and 3 cats homeless. ( In my area try getting good housing when you have pets ) Also if I piss my money against the wall, the state might need to keep me as well. I believe Larry shares my vision and is the person to take this forward as it is a mammoth task and for that I happily pledge 100 pounds as it is a drop in the ocean that the tax man wants of non existent profits, in which I would not see any return for either. If you are familiar with s24 you may say that if I am not working then why will it effect me, my husband sits on the verge on being a higher rate tax payer and the mortgages are in joint names. This forum welcomes everyone, I however don't believe you are a landlord. It would be worth you looking through many of the informative posts to familiarise yourself with the industry to give you a better understanding of it. I am your average landlord, we are all ordinary people, doing a job. Not rich knobs with properties paid outright sitting quaffing champagne for breakfast and leaving our tenants in poor housing with not a pot to piss in.

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