My garage roof has collapsed onto my tenants car

My garage roof has collapsed onto my tenants car

8:12 AM, 9th October 2013, About 11 years ago 34

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I had a call on Saturday from my tenant to say the garage roof had fell in and covered his car in rubble.

I don’t know how this has happened and have never been advised by the tenant that there was any problems with the roof prior to this.

It appears that a couple of the other garages in the block have had similar issues.My garage roof has collapsed onto my tenants car

Ive spoken to the management company who have said that the garages aren’t part of their block insurance, so I’ll have to get the roof fixed myself.

This seems fair … however the tenant has asked who foots the bill for his car which has been damaged???

I’ve never had this issue before and wondered if any readers could help?

Many thanks


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Joe Bloggs

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10:03 AM, 30th October 2013, About 11 years ago

strange you didnt check your insurance policy from the start?


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6:39 AM, 22nd July 2016, About 9 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "HB Welcome" at "09/10/2013 - 13:30":

Robert M is talking rubbish - a bathroom leak and falling pieces of roof are not the same. For one thing, there is no uncertainty about who owns, and is therefore responsible for the roof. If you own it, it is your responsibility. Second, unlike the upstairs bathroom example, there are no circumstances under which a roof can be damaged such that you are not in any case responsible for the remedy. You are responsible and a tenant could have been killed. If this is not the first site of damage, consider yourself fortunate that no-one has been injured or killed yet, and take action.


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6:51 AM, 22nd July 2016, About 9 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Tom Thumb" at "30/10/2013 - 09:51":

'Strong winds' blow parts of a roof off????


There are no circumstances under which a well-maintained roof can start shedding parts big enough to damage a car, unless a tree or asteroid fell on it.

Sara Webb

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17:20 PM, 23rd July 2016, About 9 years ago

i own a freehold flat in block of four but in the area there were three blocks of 4 built originally with a garage each, the garages are all attached to each other at the rear of these blocks, over the last 60 yrs the garages have been sold separately to the flats therefore the block insurance dosnt cover the garage, we tried to get stand alone insurance for the garage and failed miserably, we made sure the tenant knew it is not insured and it was his own responsibility if he wanted to use the garage in those circumstance, as ours is freehold your situation might be slightly different as someone else pointed out re freeholder, worth pursuing.

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