Mobile phone mast lease expired and I want to terminate?

Mobile phone mast lease expired and I want to terminate?

10:23 AM, 13th June 2023, About 2 years ago 13

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Hello everyone, A company put a mobile phone mast on the flat roof of my property which has been there for a number of years. However, this has caused the roof to leak and now the company is trying to use new legislation, treating the mobile phone mast as a utility, to dramatically reduce the amount that they will pay me – only £50 per year compared to £6,000 previously.

On a number of occasions, I have also witnessed some workers from the company coming to my property, without any advance notice or permission from myself, to try to work on the mobile phone mast. I have also discovered that this company has created a new company to share the mobile phone mast with other network providers, like a sub-let.

My lease with the company has now expired, and I want to terminate the contract. I have contacted a few solicitors but no one has past experience or knowledge to help with this.

Does anyone know how I go about this and if there are any specialist solicitors?

Many Thanks


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Suzy Clarke

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17:42 PM, 18th June 2023, About 2 years ago

Wow...who would even allow a phone mast on the roof of a living space. I guess the original income is a big motivator but why complain now?
It's not an's a serious health hazard.
Wake up people.
You serve the telecommunications company with a Notice ensuring a broad legal statement of principle.
You don't need a solicitor to do this. Do your due diligence with Law and serve it yourself.

Tony Hutchinson

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10:28 AM, 2nd October 2023, About A year ago

Reply to the comment left by Darren Peters at 14/06/2023 - 11:13Hi Aric,
I have only just seen this forum today and read your enquiry. Have you managed to come to an agreement with the operators over their proposed rent reduction or serve them notice to quit the site?
Mr Peters is right. I work in this field for APWireless and unfortunately the regulations involving telecommunications installations is rather more complex than most generic landlord & tenant scenario's
I will be happy to have an exploratory conversation with you. We might be able to help you subject to legal complexity and notices served.


Tony Hutchinson

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11:16 AM, 3rd October 2023, About A year ago

Hi Aric,
I have only just seen this forum today and read your enquiry. Have you managed to come to an agreement with the operators over their proposed rent reduction or serve them notice to quit the site?

I work in this field for APWireless and unfortunately the regulations involving telecommunications installations is rather more complex than most generic landlord & tenant scenario's.

I will be happy to have an exploratory conversation with you.


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