Liverpool keep issuing the licence to my bank?

Liverpool keep issuing the licence to my bank?

8:41 AM, 4th April 2017, About 8 years ago 8

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Can I ask has anyone else had this with this pathetic Council !! I have been getting my properties Licensed with Liverpool City Council and they keep issuing the License to the bank instead of me for some reason.

Every time they issue me with a licence I have to email them telling them that the licence has been issued to the bank by mistake and not me.

After I email them I don’t get a reply I simply just get the new copy of license with me the licence holder on instead of the bank, but I get no explanation as to why they keep getting this wrong.

Has anyone else gone through this with Liverpool Council who don’t seem to no what they are doing.

Many thanks


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Jenniefer Mulligan

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9:34 AM, 4th April 2017, About 8 years ago

I have not experienced that, however I have experienced their inate incompetence. Quite frankly they are capable of anything, what is worse they do not see anything wrong in what they do....


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11:46 AM, 4th April 2017, About 8 years ago

Save it for evidence, if in future you make a slip up, you have perfect evidence to claim that anyone can make a genuine mistake.
For instant, my local council implemented Resident's Parking Scheme, so we have to annually renew our parking permits, sometimes we are sent a reminder, sometimes not, so I got my reminder about 28 days before my current permit was to expire, so I happen to be visiting the Council Offices for another matter, and I thought I might as well renew my permit while I am there, though I still have 28 days to go.

I got it renewed, came home and I was almost going to remove the current permit from my windscreen that was going to expire in 28 days and I paused, I am thinking , wait, these idiots might give me a PCN if I put the renewed permit too soon, so I didn't, and thought it might be best to wait until one week before the current one expires, because I noted that these idiots only need smallest excuse to issue a PCN. ( oh yes I did once get a PCN when my car's windscreen was covered in snow , no joke! ) so this is why I left it for a while, but then when the current permit expired, I had totally forgotten, and the very next day I woke up, undoing my window curtains, I noticed a PCN stuck to my car windscreen! Shocking! then I realised I got that PCN because I failed to display the renewed permit and it was still sitting in my kitchen!

I appealed, the fact that I had paid for it, and it was renewed in time, except I genuinely forgot to put it on my car, but they rejected my appeal, giving me 14 more days to pay the penalty of £40.00 or if I fail to pay it within 14 days then I must pay them (usually doubles) but they wrote £40.00 again,

So I waited until 14 days had gone, so on the 16th day I phoned them to pay my penalty, a lady staff then told me Ok so you want to pay this penalty, it will be £80.00 and what is the card number please, and I replied Nope, it is not £80.00 as I have a letter in front of me which clearly says that I can pay £40.00 within 14 days and failing that I will have to pay £40.00, so either way it is £40.00, so she asked me to hold on the line whilst she checks with her supervisor, two minutes later she came back Ok my supervisor will accept £40.00 this time, then I blurted out, well actually I am sorry, I am paying you nothing, because if you have made an error on your letter then why should I forgive you when you could not forgive me my genuine mistake that I forgot to display my renewed permit.

So what i am saying is, I fought back, I hit them back with the same principle, not only that they are suppose to "carefully considering" your appeals properly, I clearly stated in my appeal that I had "renewed" my permit but forgot to put it on my car, whilst they wrote back saying that because "I had not renewed my permit in time" so I must now pay this penalty!

So they had two errors, in the end I refused to pay and they had to cancel the PCN with a letter saying that it was only a typo error! (my balls)

Larry Sweeney

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11:47 AM, 4th April 2017, About 8 years ago

Perhaps the worst of this useless Authority, is their sheer arrogance. They refuse to answer questions when they are wrong, which frankly is most of the time.
What would happen if you simply did not bother to correct their errors.?
Would they contact the bank for inspections?
Would they issue enforcement notices to the bank for breach of conditions?
I certainly see problems ahead for the zealots if you declined to assist them further.

The Property Man

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12:28 PM, 4th April 2017, About 8 years ago

Hi Mike I will be keeping these Liceses for evidence in the future. Just shows how ruthless the council can be when you look at your situation!! Larry thank you also for your comment and yes you are so right it is ridiculous that if I had not corrected the council they would be pursuing the bank for inspections etc this council really is a joke they haven't got a clue !!

Bill O'Dell

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12:38 PM, 4th April 2017, About 8 years ago

Worcester City Council do the same, although they inform the Mortgagee and also send to the Licence holder. They even get a copy of the Land Registry Title to double check you!
It actually has nothing to do with the Mortgagee, but if you have a BTL mortgage and it's an HMO you can fall foul of the terms and end up with an increase in the rate or a summary request to repay. I too am getting a little tired of the interference by Councils - it is becoming a violation of human rights the extent to which they want to know your inside leg measurement for the slightest thing.

James Barnes

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13:57 PM, 7th April 2017, About 8 years ago

Actually the Housing Act 2004 requires Local Authorities to notify each "relevant person" of their intention and any subsequent decisions to grant a HMO licence.
For the purpose of the Act each relevant person is a person

(a)who, to the knowledge of the local housing authority concerned, is—
(i)a person having an estate or interest in the HMO or Part 3 house in question, or
(ii)a person managing or having control of that HMO or Part 3 house (and not falling within sub-paragraph (i)), or
(b)on whom any restriction or obligation is or is to be imposed by the licence in accordance with section 67(5) or 90(6).

(a)(i) Would cover Mortgage companies so that's why they're informed.
(a) (ii) Would probably cover lettings agents/managers

As far as Land Registry searches go these are public records which anybody can search, probably best not getting too upset over that one. The Council are probably just trying identify each "relevant person"

I'm not pointing this to correct anyone but if we're in this full time/professionally it pays to know as much about it as they do!

Major John

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9:41 AM, 8th April 2017, About 8 years ago

Different bit of paperwork but same authority.
I owned a rental house some years ago and it was sold on in the aftermath of the crash, leaving overhanging and partly disputed Council Tax debts (partly my fault but also incompetent agent and absconding tenants... long story). I eventually came to an agreed settlement (in writing) and paid up.
Five years later they keep sending me letters demanding further payments in joint names - me and a chap I've never heard of. I guess he may be a subsequent owner. Despite repeated phone calls, emails and letters responding to these explaining that they settled with me, that I have had no connection with the property for years, and that I have literally no idea who this person is, nothing ever changes.
To get their attention, I'm wondering about returning their letters to sender without postage, glued to a house brick.
Does anyone have any insight into how to get this Council to take notice and stop badgering me?

Bill O'Dell

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10:33 AM, 8th April 2017, About 8 years ago

You could try writing to them and tell them that any future replies you are asked to make will incur an administration charge of £50. It has focussed their attention for me in the past !

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