Legionnaires Disease – Landlords responsibilities

Legionnaires Disease – Landlords responsibilities

9:57 AM, 25th August 2015, About 10 years ago

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Some of these are set out in HSE publications but there is also a lot of other information that clouds the issues.Legionnaires Disease

Does a landlord have to carry out a Risk Assessment, does this have to be in writing – the HSE guidance is equivocal.

There are legal duties placed on Landlords by the Health and Safety at Work Act. To carry out a risk assessment, the Responsible person ( Landlords ) must be competent, which is defined.

Since 2013, there has been a lot of publicity from companies suggesting its now a legal requirement to have a legionnaires certificate for rented property.The cost of these certificates are around three figures.

The HSE have confirmed that certificates are not mandatory for most residential properties. However, the safety, duties and responsibilities on landlords are defined and have legal sanctions.

For example, there is certain information that a landlord must provide to tenants.
Arising from legal sanctions introduced in 2013, there are courses available on Landlords duties regarding Legionnaires disease from half or a full day. costing around £200.
For Property118 subscribers, a half-day course that succinctly but thoroughly covers the subject is available with a Bonus.

What a landlord can expect to gain from a course.
* To have the Legionnaires disease duties and responsibilities of a landlord thoroughly but succinctly explained.
* A customised and abbreviated summary of around a hundred pages of HSE literature on the subject. [ Summary is 16 pages ]
* The knowledge gained will provide a landlord with the level of Competence required to comply with HSE guidance in most Residential properties.
* An example of a Risk Assessment ( including Schematic diagram and written scheme of control ) and Information for tenants leaflet,
* Practical demo of testing of water temperature.
* Bound Reference book containing the above and example documentation.
BONUS session, – 60 minutes of General Landlord advice on common topics

Current Course dates ;
Croydon, 7/10/15. 10am-2pm.
Watford, 16/10/15. 10am-2pm
Investment – £67.00 ( Don’t forget to claim this against your Tax )

Chris Daniel

Please complete the form below if you would like to consider attending the above course

Contact Chris Daniel

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