Landlords on the fence ahead of general election

Landlords on the fence ahead of general election

0:03 AM, 29th May 2024, About 4 months ago 8

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More than 40% of landlords are still undecided on who to vote for in the upcoming general election, according to a new survey.

A report by Landbay, reveals, 41% of landlords haven’t made up their minds. Among those who have, 31% back the Conservatives, while a mere 12% support Labour. The Liberal Democrats barely register at just over 5%, and 10% are opting for ‘Other’.

The survey also found that nearly half of landlords (48%) have concerns about a potential change of government.

Everyone is anti-landlord

Respondents in the survey criticised Labour as “anti-landlord” and a potential government offering “too many unknowns”, with many of the policies of the two main parties seeming closely aligned.

Others said that their vote will go to the party that will reduce the heavy tax burden facing landlords.

One landlord said: “A Labour government will be traditionally landlord unfriendly. Conservative policies of recent years have also been far too punitive to landlords.”

Another landlord expressed frustration saying: “Everyone is anti-landlord. With a lack of affordable housing, we are the scapegoats. They have increased our tax and compliance burden. The left is making it worse.”

UK needs a strong private rental sector

John Goodall, founder and CEO of Landbay, says Labour needs a clear plan to support landlords and the private rented sector.

He said: “Now that the election has been called, it is clear that landlords still need further reassurance from Labour about their plans for government and their policy for the sector.

“The UK needs a strong private rental sector that can support investment and has the ability to scale in order to provide housing to millions of households.

“We therefore urge Sir Keir Starmer to make clear his plans on housing and how his party will recognise the critical role of landlords and the private rental sector in the UK’s housing mix.”

Political parties need to engage with landlords

Rob Stanton, sales and distribution director at Landbay, adds all political parties need to take action to support the private rented sector.

He said: “With a large proportion of landlords still undecided, these findings show the huge opportunity that is out there for all parties to engage with landlords, address their concerns and give them a reason to vote for their party.

“Given that much of recent politics from all sides has been anti-landlord, this would be a welcome change.”

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10:17 AM, 29th May 2024, About 4 months ago

Well Liz Truss was not anti landlord. Shame they got rid of her. What about Reform?

Cider Drinker

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10:18 AM, 29th May 2024, About 4 months ago

I cannot vote for a Party that doesn’t have a workable plan to deal with the housing crisis. This rules out Labour and Conservative.

Reform U.K. have been referred to as the new Conservative Party and I think that’s about right.

Unless I’m convinced otherwise, I’ll be voting Regorm U.K.

Downsize Government

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11:17 AM, 29th May 2024, About 4 months ago

Reform are the only party to offer to removing unnecessary taxes and regulations for landlords. See their "contract with you"

northern landlord

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14:32 PM, 29th May 2024, About 4 months ago

While the Renters Reform Bill has gone away for now you can expect it or something worse (as far as landlords are concerned) to pop up again after the election. One thing seems for sure, if a landlord votes for Labour or Conservative the benefit will be the same as you would get ”changing your shirt when you have soiled your pants” (less polite versions of this are circulating on social media).

Reluctant Landlord

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19:15 PM, 29th May 2024, About 4 months ago

Reds and Blues are being very sheepish and quiet on anything to do with landlord bashing and the rental market at the mo, so unless something blows up in the media before now and GE day and causes either of them to HAVE to make a stand on the issue, I don't think there will be any way one of them want the issue to hit the headlines - because its not just one issue, it brings a lot more into the mix....

Flip Flop will want 'Raynor-gate' buried asap so he's not likely to open up that can of worms and the immigration issue will boil up again (too may people not enough homes) bringing 'Rwanda-gate' into the mix for Rishy.

Political suicide for each of them I suggest!

Reluctant Landlord

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19:21 PM, 29th May 2024, About 4 months ago

Reply to the comment left by TheBiggerPicture at 29/05/2024 - 11:17
Zero chance of getting them into power though so their 'offer' a bit whimsical.

I might put the voting card on the cubicle wall, put on a blindfold and let a dart decide!


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21:25 PM, 29th May 2024, About 4 months ago

Reply to the comment left by Reluctant Landlord at 29/05/2024 - 19:15
Well Rachel Reeves complained the other day that rents are out of control. It would not surprise me if they try to bring in rent controls, as if that has not been tried many times and failed, but politicians are not known to learn from their mistakes!


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22:49 PM, 29th May 2024, About 4 months ago

Reply to the comment left by Reluctant Landlord at 29/05/2024 - 19:15
If Labour win Sadiq Khan and Andy Burnham will have their way and we will have rent controls.

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