Landlord’s message to Angela Rayner and Generation Rent: “Banning Section 21 will leave tenants unhappy”

Landlord’s message to Angela Rayner and Generation Rent: “Banning Section 21 will leave tenants unhappy”

14:00 PM, 21st June 2024, About 6 months ago 30

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In a direct video addressed to Generation Rent’s Ben Twomey and Angela Rayner, Nottingham landlord Mick Roberts argues abolishing Section 21 will harm tenants.

Labour has promised to immediately ban Section 21 and clampdown on ‘unscrupulous landlords ripping off tenants with extortionate rents and lurid living conditions’.

However, Mr Roberts emphasises that abolishing Section 21 could impact tenants, pointing out that some tenants actually ask for Section 21 notices themselves.

Tired of tenants asking me for a Section 21

Mr Roberts says as a landlord he’s frustrated with tenants asking him to serve Section 21.

In the video below he says: “I get tired of tenants constantly asking for Section 21 just so they can get a council house, often after spending two years in a hostel.

“Once Section 21 is banned, I won’t have to spend hours dealing with these requests.

“I want my good tenants to stay with me forever. Once Section 21 is banned, I won’t have to keep giving them those notices every time they ask.”

Tenants can’t go the council

Mr Roberts tells Property118 that many tenants will struggle to get a place from the council.

He said: “If Section 21 is banned, tenants can’t go to the council. Instead, landlords will only be able to serve a Section 8 and if tenants go to the council they won’t offer tenants anything.”

Mr Roberts suggests that no-fault evictions can sometimes benefit tenants, as they prevent a specific reason—like antisocial behaviour or rent arrears—from being recorded.

He says: “Tenants want a no-fault eviction as they want to be able to move without a mark on their rental record. They don’t want Section 21 to be abolished as otherwise they won’t be able to move.”

Watch the video below

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Michael Johnson - Amzac Estates

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18:09 PM, 21st June 2024, About 6 months ago

Reply to the comment left by Mick Roberts at 21/06/2024 - 17:42
The problem with a wealth tax is that it polls well. Don't forget that the removal in mortgage interest relief for landlords was a Green party idea that was stolen by George Osbourne.
My previous point about rent controls is very valid as you will no longer be allowed to increase rent to reflect your costs. My best guess will be that it will be based on some calculation on the average salary of an area and it will be left to local councils to administer.
10 - 15 years ago we had wear and tear allowance, loan interest relief, licensing was limited and rents were 50-60% of todays rates ( regardless of interest rates) because there was competition in the market place. There is very little choice for tenants now and social housing is a dead duck. Angela Rayner can promise 10,000,000 new homes if she wants but firstly there isn't the man power to build them, the building regulations are too onerous and make it too expensive to build and finally even if you had the workforce who is going to build at a loss? The councils were glad to sell off their council house stock because it was dilapidated and they really don't want anymore council tenants to manage. As I said the next 10 years will be tough going until the mistakes will be realised - who is going to step in then?


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18:32 PM, 21st June 2024, About 6 months ago

Reply to the comment left by Michael Johnson - Amzac Estates at 21/06/2024 - 18:09
It is reported today that Labour are drawing up plans to raise £10 bn in capital gains tax.
We are sitting ducks!

Trapped Landlord

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18:56 PM, 21st June 2024, About 6 months ago

Reply to the comment left by Stella at 21/06/2024 - 18:32
I'm now hearing ' national insurance will be chargeable on all forms of income including property, stocks and savings '.


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23:12 PM, 21st June 2024, About 6 months ago

Reply to the comment left by Trapped Landlord at 21/06/2024 - 18:56
Does this mean we will have to be recognised as a business by HMRC at long last ?
Rent income will be able to be dropped straight in my SIPP?
Standard business accounting rules so only pay tax on real profits? So no sec 24?
Or will we still be a special case?

Mick Roberts

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6:52 AM, 22nd June 2024, About 6 months ago

Reply to the comment left by Michael Johnson - Amzac Estates at 21/06/2024 - 18:09
So Section 24 was the Green Party idea then-Can believe that.
Yes Labour needs to ask the builders first if they will build em and make no money. Yeah right.
I thought we'd be at our worst around 2021 and then the Govt and Councils would finally wake up and realise Hang on, these Landlords are selling and charging the earth cause we attacking them. We now need to help these Housing Providers.
Yes still they press ahead with crucifying us cause that's what renters want to hear.

Chuck Jaeger

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8:24 AM, 22nd June 2024, About 6 months ago

Vote reform uk

Jessie Jones

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8:29 AM, 22nd June 2024, About 6 months ago

Reply to the comment left by Trapped Landlord at 21/06/2024 - 07:59
This will prevent the poorest in society from being able to move, if it hasn't already.

I can agree to rent my house out to a relatively more affluent working family, as I know that they may well move in the future to either a bigger property, to buy their own property, or to work in a different location. It is likely that I will be able to get my property back one day if my needs change.
But those at the other end of the income scale are finding it almost impossible to find private rent, other than shared accommodation, and will never be able to get on the council house waiting list since they can never have their privately rented home repossessed.
Smaller, old terraced houses are becoming unattractive to landlords, and as they filter back on to the market, can be bought by aspirational home owners on a smaller budget. Meanwhile, better houses, those which are well out of the reach of the unemployed and those on benefits, become the preferred market for BTL investors.


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8:32 AM, 22nd June 2024, About 6 months ago

Reply to the comment left by Mick Roberts at 22/06/2024 - 06:52
Your timescale is way too optimistic!
It's taken 25 years for the post office scandal and 45 years for the infected blood scandal to BEGIN to be resolved.


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9:07 AM, 22nd June 2024, About 6 months ago

Reply to the comment left by Mick Roberts at 21/06/2024 - 09:32
Spot on. Huge number of payment defaulters in social housing circles. Councils are reluctant to enforce payment because it involves legal action and expenditure. Ditto for legal action to remove scummy tenant(s) - costs money and the remedy only provides recovering the offender(s) back in to Council custody, care and control . Catch 22 .

Moreover, their lapdogs Shelter,Generation Rent and others would be aggrieved.

Laughable if it wasn't so serious.


Mick Roberts

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12:16 PM, 22nd June 2024, About 6 months ago

Reply to the comment left by JB at 22/06/2024 - 08:32
Depressingly you're right, they waiting for us to pass away.

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