Landlord pushes back on media’s negative view of landlords

Landlord pushes back on media’s negative view of landlords

10:37 AM, 28th May 2024, About 4 months ago 11

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A landlord has criticised the media for its one-sided negative portrayal of landlords.

Mick Roberts, one of Nottingham’s largest landlords to house benefit tenants, told Property118 that the media tends to depict landlords in an unfairly negative manner.

Mr Roberts is calling for more support to help landlords and to reverse Section 24.

Can a tenant never be asked to leave

Mr Roberts pointed out that programmes such as Daniel Hewitt’s investigations into the housing crisis do not ask landlords why they have decided to sell up.

Mr Roberts told Property118: “How is a landlord supposed to reclaim their property when they want or need to? Are you suggesting that a tenant can never be asked to leave?

“If so, this would discourage landlords from offering rental properties in the first place.”

In one programme, a tenant is given a Section 21 and struggles to find an affordable place to live.

Mr Roberts points out: “She mentioned that all other rents are £500 more per month. You should have realised that her landlord has been charging her £500 less than the market rate.

“How long can he sustain that? You never said, “Wow, why has he been charging you £500 less than he could get?” Why didn’t you go to the landlord to thank him and ask why he was offering such a significant discount?

Cruel tax trap

Mr Roberts says to help solve the housing crisis landlords need to be given more support.

He said:  “We need more help from the government to support tenants. The “cruel tax trap” known as Section 24, initiated by George Osborne in 2015, marked the beginning of the landlord sell-off, exacerbating homelessness.

“If more light is shed on this, the government might be seen as responsible for this mess and could fix it by scrapping this crazy tax rule.”

Daniel Hewitt’s full investigation report can be read here

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Cider Drinker

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11:26 AM, 28th May 2024, About 4 months ago

No other business is prevented from offsetting borrowing costs against income. How this was ever allowed to become law is bewildering.

It must be a sure sign of just how bad the economy is that such an unfair and vindictive tax could even be considered.

Again, the housing crisis is caused by a number of things. Mass migration is top of the list followed by a failure to build houses to accommodate the ‘Welcome to Treasury Island’ Policy of both Conservative and Labour.

Unfair taxation, over-regulation and general anti-landlord sentiment (fuelled by the green-eyed monster of envy) all add to the reason that landlords are getting out. With the average age of landlords being over 60 and with the younger generation deciding that they don’t wish to become hated by their peers, there can be no wonder that landlords are selling and tenants need to be evicted.

Change now before it’s too late. The flood of evictions will become a tsunami if action is taken very soon.

Michael Booth

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12:31 PM, 28th May 2024, About 4 months ago

25 years in the prs and l will be gone when liebor get in .


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13:13 PM, 28th May 2024, About 4 months ago

Reply to the comment left by Cider Drinker at 28/05/2024 - 11:26
Spot on!
Also if the RRB had became law it would be almost impossible to ever get rid of a tenant or sell a property.

We were told that if we want to sell we could do so but what they failed to mention was that this would only be a discretionary ground.
It was also a discretionary ground before an enlightened Thatcher Government gave us section 21

The removal of this discretionary ground and the introduction of section 21 gave control of property back to their rightful owners and introduced sensible and fair rules for tenants.

If we have a Conservative Goverment in July it is very likely that they will not resurrect this bill again.

However Ms Rayner has promised to get rid of section 21 on the first day.

Reluctant Landlord

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15:10 PM, 28th May 2024, About 4 months ago

Reply to the comment left by Stella at 28/05/2024 - 13:13
If Raynor sticks to this narrative, then I think just a few days before the election, there will be a lot of LL's serving notices as a result!

Interesting that Flip Flip himself states that the cost of living and the NHS are his priority though when pushed on this...he hasn't mentioned housing once.... nor Reaves...

Cider Drinker

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17:04 PM, 28th May 2024, About 4 months ago

Reform U.K. will get my vote because they are the only Party with policies that would solve the housing crisis.


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17:29 PM, 28th May 2024, About 4 months ago

Reply to the comment left by Cider Drinker at 28/05/2024 - 17:04
Yes Reform would also get my vote if I thought they might win but they do not have a hope of winning and it would be handing a victory to Labour by taking votes from the Tories
I will vote Tory because that way the dreadful RRB will not become law.

Better brains than mine are saying that it is very unlikely that the Tories will resurrect the bill again.

Labour have a lot worse in store for the PRS and it is best to limit their impact if at all possible.

Cider Drinker

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17:34 PM, 28th May 2024, About 4 months ago

Reply to the comment left by Stella at 28/05/2024 - 17:29
I’d bet my shirt on the Tories losing the next election. A Tory vote is a wasted vote in my opinion.

The best we could hope for is a Labour/Reform coalition.


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18:02 PM, 28th May 2024, About 4 months ago

Reply to the comment left by Reluctant Landlord at 28/05/2024 - 15:10
I think a leopard does not change his spots and as soon as Labour win the election the metro Labour mayors and the London mayor with their anti landlord ideas will become very influential.


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18:25 PM, 28th May 2024, About 4 months ago

Labour are going to ‘change’ everything! If I had a penny for every time I’ve heard that before, I’d be a very rich man! I’m scared stiff of Labour winning tho’ ! !

Mick Roberts

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5:41 AM, 29th May 2024, About 4 months ago

We all getting out when we can, when we keep seeing programmes like this.

No fault eviction, who said it was no fault?

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