Labour’s ‘Change’ Manifesto: Abolishing Section 21 and setting energy efficiency standards

Labour’s ‘Change’ Manifesto: Abolishing Section 21 and setting energy efficiency standards

13:05 PM, 13th June 2024, About 2 weeks ago 30

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Labour pledges to immediately ban Section 21 to “stop renters from being exploited.”

The party’s manifesto simply dubbed “change” promises to “overhaul the regulation of the private rented sector” by introducing measures such as all homes in the PRS need to meet energy efficiency standards by 2030.

Other policies include introducing Awaab’s law to the PRS and building 1.5 million new homes.

Immediately abolish Section 21

The party’s manifesto states the Labour Party will abolish Section 21 immediately and strengthen tenants’ rights in challenging rent increases.

The Labour Party also promises to introduce Awaab’s law to the PRS to help raise standards.

The manifesto said: “Security also means having a secure roof over your head. That is not the case for too many renting their homes privately.

“Labour will legislate where the Conservatives have failed, overhauling the regulation of the private rented sector.

“We will immediately abolish Section 21 ‘no fault’ evictions, prevent private renters from being exploited and discriminated against, empower them to challenge unreasonable rent increases and take steps to decisively raise standards, including extending ‘Awaab’s Law to the private rented sector.”

Energy efficiency targets

Other manifesto pledges include a Warm Homes Plan which will offer grants and low-interest loans to support investment in insulation.

The Labour Party say homes in the private rented sector will need to meet energy efficiency standards by 2030. However, they do not give any details about what green targets landlords will need to meet.

The party assures that no one will be forced to replace their boiler as part of this plan and that energy efficiency targets will help save renters hundreds of pounds a year.

Mandatory housing targets

Another manifesto pledge includes introducing mandatory housing targets.

In the section dubbed “Get Britain Building Again” Labour pledge to build 1.5 million new homes over the next Parliament by building on brownfield sites.

The Labour Party say they will deliver the biggest increase in social and housebuilding in a generation.

The party claims it will prioritise the building of new social rented homes and help first-time buyers get on the property ladder by introducing a permanent, comprehensive mortgage guarantee scheme.

The manifesto says: “We will strengthen planning obligations to ensure new developments provide more affordable homes; make changes to the Affordable Homes Programme to ensure that it delivers more homes from existing funding; and support councils and housing associations to build their capacity and make a greater contribution to affordable housing supply.

“Labour will prioritise the building of new social rented homes and better protect our existing stock by reviewing the increased right-to-buy discounts introduced in 2012 and increasing protections on newly-built social housing.”

Reaction to manifesto

Tim Bannister, Rightmove’s property expert said: ‘We welcome policies and innovations which are trying to help more first-time buyers onto the ladder.

“Housebuilding needs to be accelerated, and creating a permanent mortgage guarantee scheme would at least give first-time buyers the certainty that the option will be there.

“However, we know from our own research that policies like the mortgage guarantee scheme have limitations, and are only able to help a very small pool of future first time buyers that fit specific requirements.

“One of the biggest barriers for first-time buyers is being able to borrow enough from a lender, which a mortgage guarantee scheme doesn’t address.”

Ryan Etchells, Chief Commercial Officer at Together, said: “A crackdown on ‘nimbyism’, commitment to build 1.5m new homes and plans to re-use brownfield land is all well and good. But it will be interesting to see whether the Government of whichever colour will be able to deliver on the support SME house builders need to make these ambitions a reality. This will be key for planning reform and encouraging access to finance for development.

Nathan Emerson, chief executive at Propertymark said: “Pledges to reform the planning system, commit to a brownfield-first approach, making the private rental sector more energy efficient, and a commitment to build 1.5 million new homes over the next parliamentary term are more than welcome.

“The planning process can be a huge obstacle in keeping pace with demand and change is desperately needed in order to serve an ever-growing population. Many buyers have had a tough time since the 2008 recession, and it is vital any future strategy includes a sustainable mix of affordable housing options for both buyers and renters.

“Propertymark would like to see more details from Labour about how they plan to meet their housing goals and ensure this is there is a firm and fair set of policies in place to serve all demographics.

“Any aspiration to reintroduce the Renters (Reform) Bill must come with full disclosure and a realistic timeline regarding the required court reform before the removal of Section 21 evictions should ever become a reality.”

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16:09 PM, 13th June 2024, About 2 weeks ago

Reply to the comment left by Niknak Harris at 13/06/2024 - 14:50
I share your concern when labour are in power I think it will be impossible to get vacant possession to sell and I am
not surprised that your council flats were is such a state that they were condemned.
I have one ex-local flat which I have kept well maintained over the years but on two occassions the tenants had to be moved out so that I could do extensive remedial work because of the councils failure to carry out repairs to an external cast iron downpipe which cause extensive penetrating damp.
To cap it all today the tenants have informed me that there is leaking drain pipe underneath the property and the only way that they can repair it is by accessing it through their kitchen.
They will remove the kitchen units and excavate through the concrete floor.
The tenants in the block have been complaining about these drains for years and the only time the council deal with the problem is when it reaches crisis point.
I hope they have a solution for housing the tenants.

Andrew Mcgaulley

17:21 PM, 13th June 2024, About 2 weeks ago

They announced yesterday that they be giving help and support to small businesses, obviously no one told them that PRS landlords ARE Small Businesses. You can't make it up how stupid they are.


17:24 PM, 13th June 2024, About 2 weeks ago

Reply to the comment left by Reluctant Landlord at 13/06/2024 - 15:40
Where did hear about 1a and 4a? Pete


17:38 PM, 13th June 2024, About 2 weeks ago

Labour are playing it very close to their chest! They plan to reform the PRS but not say ‘what’ will come in! I’ve head a rumour tenant ‘right to buy at a discount’ may be one!

Reluctant Landlord

17:44 PM, 13th June 2024, About 2 weeks ago

Reply to the comment left by LaLo at 13/06/2024 - 17:24sorry I may have confused you.
I cut and pasted the info in regard to what Scotland ONLY listed as exemptions to the total ban on evictions they brought in last year when they declared and emergency housing crisis.
I was trying to suggest if Labour did the same if they get in and they copied how the Scottish gvt did it, (banning all evictions not just s21) there could be some evictions that would be able to progress, using the examples that Scotland listed.

Trying to find a glimmer of hope in what could be a total S#*t storm ahead.


18:09 PM, 13th June 2024, About 2 weeks ago

I cannot imagine there not being substantial opposition against selling with vacant possession. At the very least they should be setting a time clause such as ones already mentioned like 6 months or 2 years at least from the beginning of the tenancy. Starmer and Raynor are parasites who will drain this country like never before and we are all going into a dark tunnel with no idea what's coming.


18:18 PM, 13th June 2024, About 2 weeks ago

I can’t help thinking, this Is just the start!


19:02 PM, 13th June 2024, About 2 weeks ago

Reply to the comment left by PH at 13/06/2024 - 18:09
Not only Starmer and Rayner but there is John Mc Donnell and others of the same ilk who have not gone away.
I can see circumstances where the price received for property with sitting tenants will not cover mortgages.


21:32 PM, 13th June 2024, About 2 weeks ago

Labour have made no commitment to introducing an eviction ground for landlords who want to sell, and the recent Labour commission report advised against it.


22:40 PM, 13th June 2024, About 2 weeks ago

Reply to the comment left by DPT at 13/06/2024 - 21:32
Are you referring to Page 8 , 20 (2) ? Where does it advise against it ?

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