16:37 PM, 10th January 2025, About a month ago
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2024 was a tough year for landlords, with Labour winning the general election and introducing new legislation that will make it even more difficult for landlords to operate in the sector.
The introduction of the Renters’ Rights Bill, EPC upgrades back on the cards, and the Budget all contributed to the strain, and left many landlords throwing in the towel.
As we move into 2025, the challenges will continue, with the Renters’ Rights Bill returning to Parliament next week and potentially becoming law by summer this year.
It’s no wonder in 2025, many landlords are simply looking for a way out and considering selling up.
However, many landlords might feel like they are stuck between a rock and a hard place because of the time it takes to sell a property, sometimes taking years.
Then there’s the time it takes for landlords to gain vacant possession and despite what the media say you want to look after your tenants and want to avoid eviction.
There is another way, as Landlord Sales Agency can help sell your property quickly and all for the best price which means you can get cash in the bank for the start of the year.
Here at Landlord Sales Agency, no job is too big or too small for us, no matter how many houses you have, or in what condition, we’ll take them all off your hands, and get you the highest price for your portfolios in less than 28 days.
We can sell entire property portfolios, or partial portfolios in bulk in one go for speed and convenience or we can sell properties individually for the best price.
We never compromise on the sale price no matter how much work your portfolio needs.
We typically achieve a Goldilocks level of 85% – 90% of the market value, and for that we cover all the costs and take away all the hassle that comes with selling the portfolio.
We are a company founded by landlords for landlords, made up of the UK’s top portfolio exit specialists who know exactly what it takes to overcome all problems associated with selling buy-to-lets.
We solve every single problem, no matter what it is.
We know that many landlords have tenants who have been in the property for years and don’t want to evict them.
Here at Landlord Sales Agency, we understand this and we are able to help negotiate rents with existing tenants to prevent the need for eviction, or personally help your tenants relocate, or help them financially to find a new place. In some cases, we’re even able to help with rent.
Landlords can sit back and relax knowing they have sold their property without the need for eviction and tenants will be happy knowing they don’t have to move out. It’s a win-win for everyone.
If you have a property without a tenant, that’s not a problem as we have an extensive private database of over 30,000 buyers who will buy your properties with or without tenants and get text messages to alert them to new properties every time a landlord comes to us to sell.
This dramatically cuts down the time it takes to sell, plus means that you can continue collecting rent all the way up until the actual sale.
It might feel like doom and gloom for landlords but it doesn’t have to be, we can take care of selling your portfolio, and our dedicated team will help you every step of the way with a smooth hassle-free process.
What are you waiting for? Let’s make 2025 a positive start to the year and get cash in the bank.
All you have to do is fill out the form below and get in touch with us.
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Renters' Rights Bill comes back to Parliament – start the clock!