JRF spin on eviction data is disgraceful

JRF spin on eviction data is disgraceful

11:10 AM, 30th July 2017, About 8 years ago 3

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I read the RLA’s response to the JRF report on evictions and went on to read the full JRF report.

Given it is built on interviews with 145 tenants who were Shelter clients it was never going to be unbiased was it?

This is just one example of the spin in the report:

Reasons reported by tenants for tenancies ending:-

  • Wanted to move 78%
  • Asked to leave by landlord/agent 8%
  • Accommodation tied to job and job ended 2%
  • Mutual agreement 8%
  • The tenancy was for a fixed period 6%
  • Rent increases by the landlord 2%

This suggests that just under a quarter of moves from private rented properties in England were forced in some way – not simply because the tenant wanted to move.

So, the statistics show that only 8% of the tenants were asked to leave by their landlord, but JRF manages to turn this into ‘just under a quarter of moves from privately rented accommodation were “forced” in some way.’ The intimation is, of course, that the landlord ‘forced’ the tenant out without using a S21 or S8.

How can these organisations (Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Shelter) hope to maintain credibility when they spin better than Alastair Cambell did?

When will someone have the courage and confidence to interview tenants AND landlords, to produce a balanced, unbiased, and ultimately far more helpful report?

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Gary Dully

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19:24 PM, 30th July 2017, About 8 years ago

The only tenants I want to lose are the scam artists!

For example, I have a HMO in Flintshire that has 3 tenants currently in it and two of them have just been issued with County Court Summons for non payment of lawfully due rent.

The court diary is about 2 months waiting time, it's ridiculous!

The other tenant, who hasn't hit 8 weeks arrears yet, has already been advised, by some idiot at the Job Centre, that if he surrenders his tenancy, he will have made himself intentionally homeless and is increasing his rent arrears at full speed towards 8 weeks mandatory eviction after a court case.

I have applied to Universal Credit for direct payment and have been refused, due to Data Protection they won't disclose why.

The other two rouge tenants are making a nuisance of themselves, running the property down, taking the piss and asking to see my landlords license and I expect their next stab in the dark will be disrepair or some other lame excuse of why they won't pay their rent.

The whole eviction process is broken, unfair and you need nerves of steel to attempt to get paid.

Once this house is empty, I think I will sell it and pocket the Capital Gain, the council can struggle to get more housing and the current tenants can live on the street or their friends sofas for the next decade.

As for Shelter and JRF, they are effing deluded!

Annie Landlord

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12:51 PM, 31st July 2017, About 8 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Gary Dully" at "30/07/2017 - 19:24":

Its very interesting that while denigrating PRS landlords at every turn, some of the recommendations in the report are extremely useful. They include re-pegging LHA to the 30th percentile, excluding housing allowance from benefit sanction, strengthening the option for LHS to be paid direct to the landlord and reducing the waiting times for landlords to be granted possession by the courts. The report acknowledges that PRS landlords are reluctant to house LHA tenants and that policy initiatives are needed to reverse the trend. So, JRF has at least realised that government and councils need us!

Gary Dully

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13:52 PM, 1st August 2017, About 8 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Annie Landlord" at "<a href="31/07/2017" rel="nofollow">https://www.property118.com/jrf-spin-eviction-data-disgraceful/#comment-93131">31/07/2017 - 12:51":
Too little and definitely tooooooooooooooooo late!
The returns and it's suppliers are under constant attack, that's why it's a specialist service / business and should be respected as such.

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