Jeremy Corbyn to effectively Confiscate Landlords Properties

Jeremy Corbyn to effectively Confiscate Landlords Properties

11:03 AM, 14th September 2015, About 9 years ago 65

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It doesn’t get any worse for landlords than Jeremy Corbyn.jeremy corbyn

He has said that the ‘Right To Buy’ policy that lets council tenants buy their homes at a big discount should be extended to the tenants of private landlords.

To quote him, ““So why not go with Right to Buy, with the same discounts as offered by way of subsidised mortgage rates, but for private tenants and funded by withdrawing the £14 billion tax allowances currently given to Buy to Let landlords.”

So not only will you lose your property and your rental income you will also pay your former tenants deposit and subsidise their mortage.

On top of this there is his policy that rents should be capped to local average earning levels.


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Gary Dully

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12:56 PM, 15th September 2015, About 9 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Richard York" at "14/09/2015 - 15:44":

Hello Richard,

I agree with your comments and I should also like to point out that they hold logic.
But nobody was more surprised than Mr Corbyn, that he won that leadership contest.
As for extending his right to buy to Private Tenants - well I'm not to sure what Santander, Halifax, The Mortgage Works or any other bank will have to say about that, except it isn't going to happen!

He will have his honeymoon period for at best 2 years, after which his policies are going to be reacted upon and judged by the people who will have to pay for his Utopia.

A week is a long time in politics and 5 years is an eternity!
You only have to take a little look at Greece, to discover who will win the fight. The guy from North London called Corbyn or the guys shuffling £ trillions of cash around the World each day?

Judging what each country will be paying to borrow it and if they can borrow it.

Mr Corbyn is not currently educated enough to realise how the World now works.
Even Russia has to obey capitalist forces every once in a while.


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12:49 PM, 19th September 2015, About 9 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Gary Dully" at "15/09/2015 - 12:56":

"Mr Corbyn is not currently educated enough to realise how the World now works. Even Russia has to obey capitalist forces every once in a while."

I agree, but he could do a great deal of damage to everybody else whilst he is being forcibly educated by the real world.

Fortunately I agree with the view that we are unlikely ever to have to be put to the Corbyn as he will never make it to be PM.


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13:51 PM, 19th September 2015, About 9 years ago

If the worst happens then many L/Ls will make a bolt for the door leaving many 'vunerable' people homeless it's SO obvious but it would save a lot of public money, so????

Costas Tzanos

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14:06 PM, 19th September 2015, About 9 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Jack Ass" at "19/09/2015 - 13:51":

The worst will not Corbyn will never get in. I believe there are more hard grafting people in this country than layabouts. The grafters simply will not vote in such extreme leftwing policies. What is clear however.....housing will be in the limelight a lot more and expect much more landlord bashing


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16:18 PM, 19th September 2015, About 9 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Costas Tzanos" at "19/09/2015 - 14:06":

The 'bandwagon' has already begun! Local Government Association have just jumped on! Seems L/Ls could be sent to prison for the tenants own filth!! I've asked tenants to clean up so many times and they take no notice. I could go on, will somebody please wake me up!!

Andrew Holmes

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17:11 PM, 20th September 2015, About 9 years ago

If Corbyn ever looks like getting in there will be a rush of private landlords selling their rental properties, end result will be a mass shortage of rental properties which Corbyn will have to deal with.

Bit of an own goal, but the way Corbyn is upsetting all aspects of society, i dont think he will be getting too many votes next election.


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22:31 PM, 20th September 2015, About 9 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Andrew Holmes" at "20/09/2015 - 17:11":

As I said earlier there will be a bolt for the door 'but' it may be bolted on the other side! In other words there may be restrictions/conditions on the sale of rented property!

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18:20 PM, 25th January 2016, About 9 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Saeef Khan" at "14/09/2015 - 11:32":

Hi Saeef,
Britain and Ireland are the only two E.U. Member States who still operate, In ireland's case, an 846 year old system of British Absentee Landlordism introduced to Ireland by English nobleman Richard de Clare Strongbow in 1170. All other E.U. member states jettisoned such archaic, unregulated, undemocratic systems of farming human beings for profit decades ago. Repossession, eviction, homelessness, property apartate are almost non existant across every other E.U. State thanks to fully legislated regulation for housing their populations. Rents strictly tied to the cost of living, six months notice to quit, minimum storage etc. etc. make E.U. has democratised the right to housing across the rest of Europe. Change happens if you want to be a Eueropean.. Regards, Paul.

Alison King

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19:30 PM, 25th January 2016, About 9 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Paul Newsome" at "25/01/2016 - 18:20":

That's interesting. Both my Spanish and my Polish tenants told me that they had no prospect of being able to rent their own homes in their own countries. They said that's why they came here.

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22:51 PM, 26th January 2016, About 9 years ago

Hi Alison,
Landlordism is basically 'farming human beings for profit' just like farming animals for profit. I don't understand the arrogant attitude of landlords that they have the 'right' to own the homes of other people in what is supposed to be a democratic society. Is it the power trip of having absolute control over the lives of others - or just the pure greed of profiting from the basic necessity for shelter of ordinary, powerless people.

Many landlords in Britain and Ireland have the attitude that they are providing some kind of 'public service' to those who cannot afford to buy and own their own home. They refer to 'my tenants' and 'my property' 'my income' etc. as if they have a divine right to ownership of other people's lives and homes. The fact is that it is the greed of speculator landlords gazumping first time buyers which is constantly forcing prices up. It is a never ending, self imploding circle of greed.

Rent pension property speculation is rampant in Britain and Ireland where there is virtually no real legislated regulation for landlorism. This drove worker's house prices in Dublin up by over 4.5 thousand per cent in a fifteen year epidemic of property speculation which ended in the National financial property crash in 2007. Those ordinary workers who were sold outrageous mortgages will be in negative equity - as will their children. These mortgages will never be paid off. The predatory speculator landlors who bought ten, 20, 30 apartments are so deep in debt that they can never get out of it and their enslaved tenants are still paying outrageous, unregulated rents to pay off these mortgages for the landlords.

Currently Ireland is witnessing 70 repossessions and evictions per week by banks and institutions. This is reminiscent of Ireland's 746 year occupation by the British and their Imperial Absentee Landlord
system. Even though the British 'left' in 1922, the ultra right wing Irish party who took over from them retained their old two tier system of Property Apartate which is still in place today.

Most first time buyers who want to own their own basic family home are forced out of the property racket by cash-rich landlords/speculators. Instead of paying an affordable mortgage for a home they can take pride in, these young people are forced to pay dead money rack rents to the same speculator landlords whose greed drove house prices beyond the pockets of ordinary workers. If there were no landlords pushing prices into the stratosphere workers would be paying affordable mortgages rather than the outrageous rack rents

Every other E.U. Member State jettisoned this profiteering free market racket for housing their people decades ago in favour of democratically accountable legislated regulation.
Mandatory nine year leases,
Rents tied to the cost of living index,
Six months notice to quit,
Six months notice fo work to be done,
Minimum storage space,
Utilities such as water, gas, electricity often included in rents.

These regulations are the reason why there are virtually no amatuer, rent pension landlords in those States. Most rental properties are owned by large conglomerates working on very low
profit margins who are strictly tied into the regulatory process.

This is why most other E.U. Mainland citizens, (except British and Irish) have SECURITY OF TENURE in affordable, well appointed, spacious places they can actually rent for life. The legislated regulation discourages amatuer, fly by night landlords. Those people who want a business challenge invest their money in small businesses and products which badly need investment capital.

Repossession, eviction, homelessness, property apartate are virtually unheard of and legally almost impossible across most of the E.U. mainland. Working people can live harmonious lives free from the fear of having to move out of the place they can afford to call home.

Jeremy Corbyn can bring such harmony to Britian by introducing these same E.U. legislated regulations to the 20 million British people living currently existing in a land of property apartate.


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