Is a vote for Reform the logical choice for landlords?

Is a vote for Reform the logical choice for landlords?

22:12 PM, 29th May 2024, About 7 months ago 139

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I’d appreciate your thoughts because it seems to me that the only realistic hope for landlords teaching the two major political Parties a lesson is to vote Reform in the hope of a Labour  / Reform coalition. Surely that would put the cat among the pigeons!

Reform appears to me to be the only UK political party happy to fight for landlords and lower rates of tax.

Am I missing something?

I found this on their website


The UK population has grown by over 1.3 million in just 2 years. Yet only 425,000 homes have been built. The Office of National Statistics forecast the population to grow by nearly 7 million between 2021 and 2036, putting huge pressure on housing.

Mass immigration is the main factor in this. Other factors that have damaged housing supply are overly bureaucratic planning regulations that delay decisions and add huge cost.

Critical reforms needed in the first 100 days:

Housing tick

Review the Planning System.
Fast track planning and tax incentives for development of brownfield sites, including unused offices and vacant high street properties. Review system of Section 106 Developer Contributions for infrastructure such as schools and surgeries to accelerate house building.


Housing tick

Reform Social Housing Law.
Prioritise local people and those who have paid into the system. In parts of the UK almost half of all social housing is occupied by someone born overseas. Foreign nationals must go to the back of the queue. Not the front.


Housing tick

Scrap the 2019 Tax Changes for Landlords.
The tax system should encourage smaller landlords into the rental markets. Not penalise them.


Housing tick

Abolish the Renters’ (Reform) Bill.
Existing legislation was adequate to address bad practices. Instead, we will boost the monitoring, appeals and enforcement process.


Housing tick

Incentivise Use of New Construction Technology.
Such as modular construction, and smart infrastructure.


Housing tick

More Homegrown Qualified Traders.
New apprenticeships and vocational courses will increase the supply of skilled, well-paid workers to replace cheap overseas labour.

Housing Pledges Costs = £ Neutral

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0:11 AM, 31st May 2024, About 7 months ago

Reply to the comment left by Throwing in the towel LL at 30/05/2024 - 12:37
There is a lot that can happen between now and the election and it may be possible to reduce the Labour landslide especially in marginal areas.
Labour would be very bad news for us!


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7:57 AM, 31st May 2024, About 7 months ago

Starmer has no guts. Putin will be delighted if/when he gets in

Rob Thomas

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13:51 PM, 31st May 2024, About 7 months ago

Reply to the comment left by Judith Wordsworth at 30/05/2024 - 11:24
Hi Judith

You mention that the courts are already telling landlords they should not evict tenants in order to move into a property themsleves. This is very concerning. Do you know on what grounds the courts can do this at present? Surely, under the current AST in England there is an absolute right to remove a tenant at the end of an AST.


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8:02 AM, 1st June 2024, About 7 months ago

Labour would never form a coalition with Reform. Aside from that, it's pretty unlikely that Reform will actually win any seats. I just think voting Reform would effectively be another vote for Labour, and God help us all when Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dumber are at the helm. I'll be voting Conservative and continuing to adapt to counter any further landlord bashing.


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9:37 AM, 1st June 2024, About 7 months ago

A lot of the comments here trouble me.
We have dishonest, dangerous, corrupt, nefarious and largely dreadful cretins at the top and within all mainstream parties. They have not served us at all but served their own interests.
I have voted Conservative for the past 30 years simply because my MP is a decent hard working chap who has a track record of getting things done - morally and correctly. He is standing down now.
My dilemma is that none of the candidates standing inspire me with any confidence. Labour candidate is still wet behind the ears, will tow the Marxist dogma. The Conservative is parachuted in, lives in another county. Lib /Dems joker, Reform extremist tendencies, Greens pushing the Zero emissions/ gender engineering nonsense and nothing more. Others are one trick ponies with nothing of substance. The question I have asked myself is this; what can /will any of them do for myself and my community?
The answer is - nothing.
So my ballot sheet will be endorsed as follows:-. NONE OF THESE CARPETBAGGERS.
When all is done and dusted and the curtain falls for another 5 years I can be assured that I have not contributed to their abominable behaviour.
I could not and cannot support any of the present chancers and I would ask all LL to consider their options.
Voting for those who will dish out more of the same is not an option.
Might as well give yourself a good whipping.


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10:23 AM, 1st June 2024, About 7 months ago

I agree with nearly all of you - Reform have the Conservative policies that we would have had had Margaret Thatcher still been Prime Minister. I believe their policies represent what most people in this country would like to see.
Stella - a vote for Conservatives is a wasted vote as Labour are definitely getting in. We all need to vote for true reform to the disastrous policies the Tories have been pursuing and the disastrous policies Labour will bring in. We need Reform MP's in Parliament!


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10:52 AM, 1st June 2024, About 7 months ago

Reply to the comment left by Luna at 01/06/2024 - 10:23
According to the latest GB news poll it is impossible for reform to get one single seat although they are polling at 12%
Why bother voting for them this time around when if we hold our nose and vote Consevative especially in marginal seats we could reduce Labours majority.
I don't relish some of these left wingers taking control of the PRS


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11:39 AM, 1st June 2024, About 7 months ago

Reply to the comment left by Stella at 30/05/2024 - 11:27
Under other circumstances I would agree but I believe that sadly Labour are going to get in anyway - current Conservatives a waste of oxygen and a strong message that they have betrayed their core supporters needs to be sent.

Mark Alexander - Founder of Property118

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12:10 PM, 1st June 2024, About 7 months ago

Reply to the comment left by Alexandra at 01/06/2024 - 11:39
100% agree.

Voting Conservative is a wasted vote but would send a message to them of agreement to their policies and antics.

Reform is the only logical protest vote for me.

Spoiling my voting paper is a waste of my time, I might as well not participate.


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13:37 PM, 1st June 2024, About 7 months ago

Would it be better to vote for the party you think is best for the country and the planet rather than who will put most money in your own pocket ?

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