Interest Rates – The Next 18 Months

Interest Rates – The Next 18 Months

19:37 PM, 8th June 2024, About 4 months ago 19

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If you blinked this week, or if you just don’t follow the Central Banks of the World more closely (what are you playing at?) then you might have missed the fact that the Bank of Canada, and the European Central Bank, both cut their interest rates. The first “major” central banks to do so, in this current cycle of inflation-combatting rate hikes which started in late 2021 or early 2022, depending on how asleep at the wheel those banks were.

What happened? In a nutshell, Covid was a gigantic stimulus gun, pumping trillions into the world economy – that money then needed to find a home, central bankers and economists were lazy after 10+ years of ZIRP (zero interest rate policy), and all thought “well, rates can’t go up. The economies couldn’t afford it”.

Then inflation happened, then rates HAD to go up, then those economies afforded it against all the odds. And they all lived happily ever after. The end.

OK – this isn’t a fairy tale. But – it is fair to say that if you’d asked 100 economists or central bankers to predict the interest rate in the middle of 2024, in the middle of 2021, none would have been at or above the current rates of interest. No chance. However, the wheels haven’t come off yet.

Why do we care about those central banks? Well, because traditionally it is accepted that the Bank of England and the ECB “Follow the Fed”. This is not really true, like most “accepted facts”. Let me reframe it. When something global happens, the central banks tend to move together in their response. That makes sense. 2008 – Great Financial Crisis – global. Covid – global. NOW though – because of different policy responses during Covid – there is much more likely to be divergence than for a long time.

This is already uncharted territory – the ECB has only EXISTED for 25 years and this is the first time ever that it has beaten the Fed to a cut. The Fed “won’t care” – but they will. The prevailing wisdom now is that the Bank of England CAN’T cut in June for fear of looking political, when they are supposed to be independent. I also think there’s enough evidence for them to still be very cautious about a cut, but I do think a cut in August looks very likely.

Why? It’s difficult. The central banker’s job is to predict 6-24 months into the future, and act accordingly. Of the major banks, ONLY the Bank of England sees inflation below 2% in 3 years’ time. That’s based on 6 cuts between now and then (the market implied path at the last Bank meeting). That 3-year point is the one that really matters, and +/- 0.5% is acceptable in terms of tolerance. That might well be trending downwards, and if – in August, since they only produce a proper report once a quarter – it is, then a cut will definitely be on the cards.

It would favour the UK to decouple from the Fed in this instance, to be honest. This is predicated on my analysis which suggests that the USA has much more of an inflation problem to deal with, from here, as at today, than the UK does. This would mean higher rates for longer as a rule, OR an acceptance of inflation >2.5% for quite a while (or even 3%).

That coupling is keeping UK gilt and swap yields high – and we care, because those are the numbers upon which the mortgage rates are truly based. Best Ltd company BTL at the moment nears 6% interest (if you amortise arrangement fees and add them to the loan) – best personal name is more like 5%, but that combined with Section 24 won’t help you. A proper decoupling from the US – combined with the right conversation and communication, which is definitely not Andrew Bailey (the Governor)’s speciality – could talk yields down 0.25% or more in this instance.

What does this mean? I am personally still taking fixed rates now and managing the rate down during the process if it does come down. I expect yields to come off about 0.5% by the end of the year, if this plays out as expected from hereon in. Labour being elected and making financial missteps – which anger the bond markets – looks like a racing certainty (in terms of being elected) but highly unlikely with the missteps – Rachel Reeves is a credible economist. She will turn the air blue in many of the households of the top 25% – I’m sure – with her planned tax hikes (12-14 was the number I heard more than once today). That will be from council tax to capital gains, most likely – to prepare you.

Sitting and waiting for rates to come down looks like a fools’ errand. Taking a 2-year fix hoping for better rates in 2 years time? All being equal they WILL be lower, but what’s the price for the next 2 years in terms of all the frictional costs of the loan, and then the valuation and solicitors? You are unlikely to be better off unless you really think interest rates will crater (that was a popular opinion in 2022 but very few people seem to be holding that opinion today).

Get on and fix, is my mantra at this time. If it doesn’t stack up – sell it if you can’t convert to HMO/SA with a fast payback and leave yourself with a great asset at the end of it. Brutal. Savage. Quick. Effective. BSQE.

*Rates in 6 months – 5yr gilt 3.5%ish. 12 months – 3.25%ish. 18 months – 3%ish. Plus or minus half a percent. Any big shocks to the system, wars, pandemics, hamsters chewing through the power grid – all bets are off.

Interested, as always, to hear other opinions.

*Add 1% on for buy to let personal name products, add 2% on for limited company buy to let. Rule of thumb!

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15:07 PM, 10th June 2024, About 4 months ago

Europe's economies are not doing very well either - unless you live in Switzerland! And while Britain is turning left, Europe is turning right.

Here's a bit about Reform's economic policy. It starts at about 7 mins in

Neil P

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14:55 PM, 11th June 2024, About 4 months ago

Not sure I agree with taking longer term fixes right now. I was moving to 5-year fixers till this calendar I'm switching to 2 years. 5 years is a long time - you may well spend a lot of it paying too much. In 2 years we'll be on the way down and products are likely to be cheaper.

Also wrt solicitor costs etc - all of my loans are with banks who let you do a product transfer at the end of the current deal - so they're only arrangement fees which you consider in the cost of the new deal anyway. A few years ago I was with Fleet and they didn't offer a product transfer then - it was very costly to move. Lesson learnt!

Adam Lawrence

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11:43 AM, 12th June 2024, About 4 months ago

Reply to the comment left by JB at 09/06/2024 - 08:16
I only bet up to 50p, JB, but you are on.

I'm not convinced Farage facilitated anything - good talker, crap doer - track record evidences that.

Reform's policies sound attractive to Landlords - let's call it like it is - but their substance is equivalent to that of a scratchcard. Not even skin deep.

Adam Lawrence

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11:47 AM, 12th June 2024, About 4 months ago

Reply to the comment left by JB at 10/06/2024 - 10:56
In fairness the debt will go up before it goes down, whoever gets in. There have been 2 significant events in the past 16 years which have needed Government coffers to sort them out. We need 16 years without a crisis to get on an even keel - and an administration willing to be honest about healthcare and pensions.

The 98% number - or whatever - is not on its own a cause of concern. We've been higher, and interest has been a lot higher - the concern is lack of growth to grow out of it - and there's a real problem with participation/sickness/however you want to frame that debate, at the moment.

Adam Lawrence

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11:51 AM, 12th June 2024, About 4 months ago

Reply to the comment left by JB at 10/06/2024 - 15:07
Can't ignore the European election results but remember Farage won every time in what's really seen as a protest vote, and then is 0-7 to stand as a "proper" MP. The French election will be the true test.

Although the more that they throw at Farage or do try to shut him up, the more it advances his cause this time around - and it DOES feel like this time is different. Betting suggests a >75% chance that he wins it this time around.


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11:52 AM, 12th June 2024, About 4 months ago

Reply to the comment left by Adam Lawrence at 12/06/2024 - 11:43
Ha Ha! 50p it is! It will take a while to get our results.
You're right, Farage is a good talker - 100% better than wishy washy rishi and flipy floppy Starmer!
I think Farage was effective as an MEP and with the de-banking scandal and holding MSM to account. He's a breath of fresh air.

Adam Lawrence

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11:53 AM, 12th June 2024, About 4 months ago

Reply to the comment left by Neil P at 11/06/2024 - 14:55
Works fine if you are lower LTV or very strong yield - the 2 year products are stress tested at a rate well above the 5 year fixes, so for many it isn't necessarily an option.......

There seems to be an opinion prevailing that rates are going to crash down in 2 years time, and I'm not feeling it - but 0.75% - 1% cheaper, overall, yes I'd hope so/think so.

Adam Lawrence

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9:53 AM, 15th June 2024, About 4 months ago

Reply to the comment left by JB at 12/06/2024 - 11:52
I know one thing for sure - it is better to have a Farage IN parliament than not in. Bit like George Galloway.

Having them run the opposition, however - would be a complete disaster for a country. Reform look VERY VERY popular though.


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17:26 PM, 15th June 2024, About 4 months ago

Reply to the comment left by Adam Lawrence at 15/06/2024 - 09:53
Farage IN parliament will be marvellous. Look at the mischief he caused as an MEP!

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