House Rules & Promotional Opportunities

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Property118 exists to facilitate the sharing of best practice among UK landlords, tenants and letting agents.

It is far better to learn from other peoples experiences than to learn from your own mistakes.

Please be respectful of your fellow members. We are all here to learn. As one member said “none of us were born knowing how to boil an egg”.

Contact details must not be posted in comments, this includes telephone numbers, email addresses and websites in which the person posting a comment has a personal or vested interest. Links to other media will be allowed to be posted if they are relevant to discussions but only if they are of a non-commercial nature.

We do have a messaging service for Members to communicate with each other. Simply click on the Members Picture to be redirected to their Member Profile and a messaging system.

Please be mindful of libel law and political correctness.

We reserve the right to moderate.

House Rules for Sponsors & Business Members

  • Supporting comments only on an article written by another sponsor
  • No self promotion of any type in comments relating to an any article written by a sponsor in the same line of business

Article Sponsorship & Promotional Opportunities

Most of our sponsors are businesses which have been referred to us by our members or contacts we have done business with ourselves.

Our business model is highly reliant upon donations and sponsorships. Therefore, we are always happy to hear from providers wishing to increase their exposure to landlords and associated professions, particularly when they are referred by our members.

Many of our sponsors are property developers and agents but we are open minded to working with any respected business which provides products and/or services which may be of interest to our audience.

How It Works

We only agree to work with businesses which we believe have a product or service which will be of interest to our readers.

Intrigue and curiosity are they key drivers to the success of our sponsors marketing campaigns, which are far more subtle than conventional advertising. The difference being that articles featured on Property118 rarely include the use of brands, telephone numbers, links to websites etc. Instead, we work with sponsors to produce informative articles which touch on the features and benefits of the product or service they wish to promote. There are then two potential methods of contact:-

  1. A contact form is added to the end of the article which affords interested readers an opportunity to request further information. These requests are then emailed in real time to our sponsors. An example is here
  2. A link back to the business member profile page from all comments and articles posted by the member. These profiles often include a contact form only, in order to enable business members to track the source of introductions. Where tracking isn’t necessary it is possible to include contact details including telephone, email, website etc.

Why So Subtle?

Property118 is a social network, a bit like an online version of a local pub, albeit a very busy one with thousands of visitors every day! Try walking into your local pub with wearing a sandwich board advertising your business whilst speaking through a megaphone and handing out leaflets. You won’t get a good reception and that’s the equivalent of advertising in a social network.

However, you may well do business with a friend of a friend you meet in a pub but only as a result of subtle introduction and social interaction. Property118 works in exactly the same way. We are only able to continue to raise funds and develop our community on the basis that our referrals are of value to our sponsors.

Clearly it is in our interests for sponsors to get a return on their marketing budget. By the same token, it is important to us too, because we want to build on our relationships. Accordingly, we work very closely with our sponsors and help them to design their campaigns to maximise interest levels from our reader base.


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