What does a Hung Parliament mean for Landlords?

What does a Hung Parliament mean for Landlords?

6:47 AM, 9th June 2017, About 7 years ago 145

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It is official the 2017 General election will be a Hung Parliament.

What Does this mean for Landlords?

With the two major parties both being Anti-Landlord could this be a Good thing?

Will any new minority Conservative or Coalition Government find it difficult to implement further new Anti-Landlord agendas?

What would potentially a Softer Brexit mean and possibly retaining some form of Freedom of movement?

We wait to see in the coming hours days and months, but what do readers think?

Property118 Poll Got It Right – AGAIN!

Below are the final results from our election Poll.

I believe this clearly demonstrates that landlords who read Property118 are representative of the whole of society, which is very different to the way media try to pigeon hole us.

Below are the actual election results

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15:27 PM, 9th June 2017, About 7 years ago

What a mess, but the Tories deserved a bloody nose

They have cut the public services to the bone that it is only just managing
They have cut and cut away at the living standards of the working class for years
They then moved up a gear and started on the middle classes
They lied about the taxes not increasing
They brought in policies without listening to their own advisors of the terrible outcomes
They done so many U turns
They had plans to rob Joe public of any money they had saved or worked for
They supported all the major institutionals against the small person
They did not get the tax due from the powerful companies but gave them sweetners
They did not cut the F aid budget but were happy to see thousands at food banks in their own country

Corbyn definitely has thick skin to have stuck in there even when most of his own party wanted him out. He offered the people hope more money better NHS better wages and people grabbed it, May offered us nothing but more tax grabs. People have had enough and the young do seem to be voting Labour.

We are in for a rough ride.

Gary Dully

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21:19 PM, 9th June 2017, About 7 years ago


What cuts in what budget?

Do you mean the multi-billion black hole the last coalition got left with in the credit crunch?

Like when the banks ran out of money and Gordon Brown invented quantatitve easing?

Where they had to print the totally fictitious, non existent wealth from pixie fairytale land to bail the banks out with?

Unlike Iceland who did the decent thing and went bust instead?

They are still spending £1 billion a week more than they get in tax receipts.
£1000 million per week in overspend or £1000, 000, 0000 divided by 35 million tax payers + interest.

That's not rhetoric it's a horrible fact.

The public services are like a golf ball, the actual service we all use, is the outer shell, with an intractable elastic band ball of string of waste and inefficiency that can't be touched without breaking the surface apart first.

Every department issues an 'interested parties' report that feeds the rhetoric of cuts, boils and puss each week to the BBC to give a government a hard time.
Labour, coalition or Conservative.

They always cut the services first and the actual problem inside is hardly ever touched.

I have had to listen all day to people in the media telling me that a Theresa May is finished and Corbyn won.

It's a bloody feeding frenzy of shitehawks in the media speculating.

The same numpties that said there was a 160 seat majority at the end of the rainbow.

Now apparently a 'Hard Brexit' is less likely, who, what, when sat down and wrote that script down?

That's more worrisome than May's apparent losses, it was less than the SNP's.

Who the hell is setting this propaganda agenda?

Labour lost the election,they can't form a government unless the Tories give up.

I would suggest that May sacks a few detractors in her own party, if necessary, to show just how committed she actually is to Brexit, she has absolutely nothing to lose.

As for Section 24, she will go either Iron Lady or chocolate teapot in everything.

She needs a leaf out of Corbyn's book and face down both the media and her party and she better be quick and brutal.

Gary Dully

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21:34 PM, 9th June 2017, About 7 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Dr Rosalind Beck" at "09/06/2017 - 08:03":

Why not write to Mr Barwell and say if only you had listened to your landlords, you might have still been in your position instead of the dole queue?
You attacked 2 million landlords and we don't feel very forgiving for what you let Osborne do to us.

We won't be coming back to the Tories until you drop the tax attack on us.

Dr Rosalind Beck

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21:39 PM, 9th June 2017, About 7 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Gary Dully" at "09/06/2017 - 21:34":

Lol. You read my mind Gary. I am going to write to him, but I'm going to show him how nice I've been about him - quoted in the Mail article - and see if he will give some advice about who the best people are to approach.

Mark Shine

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22:29 PM, 9th June 2017, About 7 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Gary Dully" at "09/06/2017 - 12:55":

"One silver lining, Nick Clegg has been nudged out of Sheffield, which I am very pleased about, I only wish Tim Farrow had lost his deposit."

Sorry Gary, am finding it just too hard to let you get away with the above comment.

Reality check: although, like many others, I do have a healthy scepticism of some of the TPTBs integrity (in many countries), both Clegg and Farron are EXACTLY the kind of politicians the ? needs. Unlike many, neither of them 'do' BS. Please don't mention the tuition fees apparent uturn unless you're prepared to consider the actual facts regarding the policies they simply had NO choice but to give up in order to join the previous coalition to try and exert some restraint on the Tories.


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22:31 PM, 9th June 2017, About 7 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Gary Dully" at "09/06/2017 - 21:19":

I am definitely not a labour voter I would have voted Ukip but no one standing
Yes I agree labour left the country broke.
But if u are on a low income and r struggling to feed your kids u would vote labour
The tories cut to deep to hard in many areas
The elite don't feel the pain like the ones at the bottom do
People were not thinking about where the money would come from just that their life might get a bit easier.
Labour reached out to these.
I believe the F Aid bill should be reduced


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22:54 PM, 9th June 2017, About 7 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Mark Shine" at "09/06/2017 - 22:29":

I have never been a LD fan and thought they didn't amount to much. But after the Tories got in on their own I came to the conclusion the LD did do something when they were in Bed with the Tories.


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22:55 PM, 9th June 2017, About 7 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Dr Rosalind Beck" at "09/06/2017 - 21:39":

I was thinking of writing to my local Con MP but he increased his majority substantially (UKIP did field a candidate).

It's quite a tricky argument as the Tories actually increased their vote by 20% from 11.3m to 13.5m (and still lost 12 seats).

Gareth Wilson

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23:48 PM, 9th June 2017, About 7 years ago

After their 2015 election victory, the Conservatives proceeded to betray and alienate various of their traditional voters. Then this spring their arrogance reached new heights with the blatant abuse of their power to call elections, the utter nonchalance of the party's current leader to toward campaigning before the general public, and their insulting expectation of the very voter base they'd spent the last two years backstabbing and exploiting to still be motivated to go out and vote on the Tories' behalf.

First there was Section 24, then the attempts to raid pensions, then the behind-the-scenes-screwing of our cabbies on behalf of Uber. They tried to increase national insurance contributions for the self-employed and utilised the same disgusting levelling-the-playing-field sophistry that they did with Section 24. They have taxed insurance premiums and tried to tax a truly obscene proportion of the property wealth of pensioners requiring care. They been laissez-faire and conservative towards their wealthiest friends and allies, while being destructive tax and spend socialists towards small businesses who are the real economic backbone of Britain.

Last night the accumulated arrogance, sophistry and backstabbing of the last two years culminated in sections of the betrayed core vote not bothering to turn out. Those of my friends who I am aware voted Tory in 2015 did not vote at all. I voted Conservative in 2015 and last night voted for UKIP.

We'd been treated as expendable in favour of the Conservatives gaining new votes from students and the youngest workers. But in this endeavour, the Tories were outdone by the grandiose irresponsibility of Labour... so yet another gamble that failed to pay-off.

All-in-all it was just deserts for the corrupt corporatist prostitutes of Westminster.

Mike D

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0:03 AM, 10th June 2017, About 7 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Gary Dully" at "09/06/2017 - 21:19":

In all fairness Gary, your pretty much spot on with your analysis there. I work as a management consultant and business transformation, the golf ball is a good analogy really, and i can ratify your financial budget statement, we have debts and still overspending, we also spend £48Bn on interest payments currently....now there is a waste of money!

Lets take a breath.....this is the new reality, we need to get on with Brexit, having lost a majority albeit slim, the reality is negotiating a good Brexit now has gone, it will be a 1/2 in 1/2 out paid service with no ability to do our own trade deals, stuck in the customs union without managed immigration. That in fact is the worst of all deals,,,,,we're tied to EU and not in it, and can't change our own trading circumstances to grow exports, grow jobs and the economy and bring wealth into the country, and thus we'll be in a slow decline for the next 20 yrs, till at some tipping point our living standards will re equalize at around 25% less than we are today.
The irony for me, having spoke with a vitriolic Labour supporter today, when i explained the consequences of today actions, he said 'i didn't realize that, i just wanted more wealth-fare state, i'm really worried now', i said you should be, you've voted for a liberal intervention that will quash Brexit to the above deal, and bring greater poverty on the country, if you didn't like this austerity, you not going to like the new world with less wealth and less money to afford a wealth-fare state, so get used to a smaller one.
Section 24 is now not going away, an appeal is also dead i believe, there are to many other things that need doing.....So you need a plan to survive through the next couple of years at least, when houses get sold and shortage kicks in, rents rise and more council homeless....then policy will have to change, and then S24 might go.
The next issue is the next election could be within 2 yrs, if May can't limp along.....Then it could be a Labour government on a high spend free for everyone budget....maybe we'll get hit again with rent caps and more......its really now, not a bright future, little in there of positivity,
Obviously if your in the market to expand, you can only do this in a Ltd company, residential i think is best part dead, so that leaves HMOs or commercial to get good enough yields etc....a very new world, only good point is we don't currently have a Labour Gov and i think the ramification of all of the above i would predict small falls in house prices pending area, 5-10% for next few yrs till maybe 2020 post Brexit....
Don't know what to tell you, its going to be tough, more accidental LL that leave and sell, the quicker the rent-able house shortage i think.

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