How to recover rent arrears debt?

How to recover rent arrears debt?

9:24 AM, 26th June 2023, About 2 years ago 27

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Hello, do former tenants owe you money? Here’s how we deal with this:

For many years we could not find any debt recovery companies to take on the challenge of trying to recover debts from our former tenants. As most of our tenants were in receipt of benefits at the time of their occupation with us, the debt collections companies just did not want to take on these cases.

A few were willing, but only if we paid them large sums in advance with no guarantee of a successful recovery of the debt. Then, a few years ago we found a company who were willing to take on our cases on a ‘no win, no fee’ basis, i.e. they would only charge us a 15% commission on any debt they ACTUALLY collected.

Over the past few years we have gradually developed a much more streamlined process for rent arrears/damage costs debt recovery, with all the costs eventually being paid by the debtor (not by us). I am going to share the basic outline of the process with you, as I feel that tenants should pay the rent they agree, and they should be held responsible for any deliberate damage they cause.

  • Step 1: Complete a Debt Recovery Instruction form. This will provide the debt collection company with the information they need.
  • Step 2: The debt recovery company will carry out a trace, to ascertain the current address of the debtor. If the trace is successful, there is a fee of £54 (this can be re-charged to the former tenant, if your AST allows for the debt recovery costs to be charged to the tenant). If the trace is unsuccessful, there is no fee and the process does not go any further (put on hold and try again at a later date).
  • Step 3: The debt recovery company sends out up to three debt collection letters, followed by a Letter Before Claim. There is no charge to the landlord for this process, unless it results in payment by the debtor, at which point the debt collection company will deduct their 15% commission. (This fee (commission) can be re-charged to the tenant if your AST allows for this).
  • Step 4: The debt collection company will prepare and issue a county court claim on behalf of the landlord. There is a charge of £80+VAT for doing this, plus the court fee (variable depending on size of the debt). Again, this fee can be recharged to the tenant, assuming the AST allows for this. This should result in a County Court Judgment (CCJ) against the former tenant for the original debt owed, plus all charges incurred.
  • Step 5: This is where the debt (if over £600) is Transferred Up to the High Court for a Writ of Enforcement, but before this can happen the debt collection company will issue the landlord with an invoice for £71 for the court fee. This should result in obtaining a High Court Writ of Enforcement against the former tenant, for the full debt plus statutory interest plus the £71 court fee. A Notice of Enforcement will then be sent to the former tenant.
  • Step 6: High Court Enforcement Officers (HCEOs) aka High Court Bailiffs/Sheriffs will visit the former tenant to recover the debt owed to the landlord, plus their enforcement costs. IF, after a minimum of 3 visits, the HCEO cannot recover the debt, the landlord will have to pay a ‘Compliance Fee’ of £90.

As you can see, the process passes on the costs to the former tenant, so that the landlord does not have to bear the cost of the debt recovery, so long as a recovery is eventually successful.

At all points along the process, the former tenant is able to offer to make a payment plan, but the further into the process the more costly it will be to them.

If you would like further details, or the template instruction form, then please message me direct.

Thank you,


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Robert M

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12:13 PM, 26th June 2023, About 2 years ago

Reply to the comment left by Neil MacDonald at 26/06/2023 - 12:06
Hi Neil

I'm not the debt recovery company so I can't answer that, I'm a landlord that has worked with a debt recovery company to develop a process that is effective for former tenants arrears. However, all our properties are in England so I cannot say what the situation may be in Scotland or Wales as the laws on debt recovery may be different there?

Justina Abazie

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13:40 PM, 26th June 2023, About 2 years ago

Hi Robert,
I have sent you an email and hoping to hear from you. Thanks for the information and insight.


Markella Mikkelsen

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13:44 PM, 26th June 2023, About 2 years ago

Hi Robert,

I have never been successful in recovering debt from a DSS tenant, even after registering a CCJ against them. They don't care, their credit score is non-existent anyway.
Maybe this company is different, so I will contact them, but I remain very sceptical. What do they consider a "visit"? Knocking politely on the door? I paid a company in Manchester to do exactly this: the former tenants made sure they never answered the door when they saw the bailiff. It sounds to me like I'll be throwing £90 away.


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14:07 PM, 26th June 2023, About 2 years ago

I use SHCE a lot (for another business I have). I do steps 1-4 myself and once the debtor has a CCJ (use the moneyclaim service for this) you can then pass on to the Sheriffs. I am pretty certain I use the same company as the one you mentioned. I haven't used them for property debts and the recovery rate is about 20% (better than nothing). Remember that if the debtor doesn't have a pot to pi## in you might be better waiting a few years. You have up to 6 years to surprise them, and they may have some money by then. SHCE can also do address traces (think this is £43) and only charge if the trace is successful.


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14:25 PM, 26th June 2023, About 2 years ago

Reply to the comment left by Markella Mikkelsen at 26/06/2023 - 13:44
0333 001 5100

Remember, you cannot get blood out of a stone, hence my recovery rate is around 20% with this outfit. They set up payment plans for the debtors and keep me fully informed. I believe they can do evictions as well.

Jim Donaldson

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17:48 PM, 26th June 2023, About 2 years ago

Reply to the comment left by Richard Aylward at 26/06/2023 - 10:07
Hi Robert,thank you for sharing this very help information,I have accepted your invitation to email you for further details.
Thank you
Jim Donaldson

Robert M

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19:02 PM, 26th June 2023, About 2 years ago

For those that missed the message on page 1, here's my contact details again:

You are welcome to contact me via email if you would like a copy of the more detailed version of the process, plus the instruction form to send to the debt recovery company (complete with the contact details for the debt recovery company that we use). My email address is:

Mark Metters

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21:45 PM, 26th June 2023, About 2 years ago

Hi Robert
I'd be very interested to know a little more and see the template, but can't see a way to contact you directly? DM me, thanks Mark

Anthony Smith

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9:58 AM, 27th June 2023, About 2 years ago

Same as previous comments, I am in need of this service but cannot find your contact details please message me. Also my property is in Scotland, is this an issue?? If so can you recommend anyone else??my email address is

Robert M

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11:04 AM, 27th June 2023, About 2 years ago

Reply to the comment left by Ibe Ubani at 26/06/2023 - 10:12
Sorry Ibe, but your email address is bouncing back, please email me again from a different email address. My email is

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