How to deal with an unresponsive tenant?

How to deal with an unresponsive tenant?

9:30 AM, 19th September 2024, About A week ago 44

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Hi all, please can you offer some suggestions. My tenant does not respond to emails or telephone calls very often and when he does it’s always difficult to arrange a convenient day/time, even for external work.

There are numerous issues at the property including holes in the wall, dog without permission and other property changes. The police forced welfare entry from an anonymous caller. Damaged small panel external door, tenant was inside in bed and was then arrested for resisting arrest. Rapid response arranged by the police secured the door and turned the bottom panel around.

It’s secure and locks and tenant has not complained about this. Insurance excess is the same cost of a full new panel. Tenant said he would pay for the door if the Police are not liable (they are not liable, right address and permission to enter approved) is it worth contacting the police legal department???

I’m concerned as there are 8 more months remaining on the tenancy this could happen all over again, tenant declined key safe. Police have my details as a key holder and agent, but unlikely they would contact me and just force entry!

Should I just replace the panel and take the hit and keep my fingers crossed.Leave it until the tenant leaves? Can he complain about this?
Would the deposit scheme work on this occasion, if it’s repaired? Or do I not bother trying to claim?

There are no other repairs outstanding and any in the past have been completed as quick as possible once access is agreed!

Agent not great so reaching out here.

Thank you,


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7:50 AM, 20th September 2024, About 7 days ago

Reply to the comment left by Barry Cook at 19/09/2024 - 23:17
I agree, in most cases you are not going to get anything from the tenant, offering them a couple of grand is probably more than they will see in a long time and if it gets your property back early will likely 'save' you money - and it IS tax deductible.

In the past I have offered my good long term tenants £6k to move out as I wanted to sell a property - they were more than happy to go for it.

Alison Clark

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8:00 AM, 20th September 2024, About 7 days ago

Reply to the comment left by GlanACC at 20/09/2024 - 07:50
Thank you. Im just unsure whether it’s worth pursing access to change the forced entry door (it is secure and locks, Police arranged a rapid response team to do this) or wait until the property is empty, given another anonymous caller could call up yet again requesting a welfare check. It looks the same from the outside as they turned a portion of the panel around. It’s seems I’m liable for this not the tenant or the Police, so I need to fund this regardless.


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8:44 AM, 20th September 2024, About 7 days ago

I would think about selling up. I had 18, now have 6 (been renting for 20+ years). If I were looking at investing now I wouldn't go down the PRS BTL line as too big an investment with a high risk return. You need at least 4 properties now to protect you from non paying tenants, which is ever increasing.

I have 6 long term tenants left (one 20+ years) and I won't be turfing them out but I will sell when they leave.

Alison Clark

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9:28 AM, 20th September 2024, About 7 days ago

Reply to the comment left by GlanACC at 20/09/2024 - 08:44
Thank you. Yes we are selling.

How would you manage the door situation?


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10:12 AM, 20th September 2024, About 7 days ago

Hi Alison,
So sad that you are selling, however, I do understand why.
When I first started in 2005 I remortgaged my home to raise 4 deposits (the minimum deposit was lower then).
I was advised badly, as you have been, and long story short, I had very bad tenants who cost me all my vacation time for 3 years and in excess of £70K.
As I have been a factory floor worker all my life, working nightshift for the better part of my career, this £70k loss was the equivalent of 3 years salary for me.
I knew however, that if I failed at this, I would, (as most of my colleagues at the factory will or have), retire poor, so I had to try to correct my mistakes, which in essence were tenant selection ( because not all tenants are normal decent people, as I had foolishly believed) or I would succumb to inevitable poverty in my dotage. I persevered, and have, (despite continuing and increasing Govt attempts to knock me down), secured a very modest retirement income for me and my wife.
I, of course, do not know your situation but just because you have had one sh#£ty tenant, it doesn't mean that you cannot overcome your current dilemmour and eventually succeed. I also respect your position in wanting to get out of the PRS especially as the Govt is forcing us to endure even more ridiculous overbearing legislation which will undoubtedly force more decent LLs out of the sector.
Good luck.


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13:33 PM, 20th September 2024, About 7 days ago

Reply to the comment left by GARY RIVETT at 20/09/2024 - 10:12
Gary, I don't know how many properties Alison has but the days of buying 1 or 2 properties for 'your pension' on a mortgage are long gone. It only takes one non paying tenant then to scupper you. As I say I have 6 properties now with no mortgage and an additional income stream as well. So if none of my tenants paid the rent I would still be OK, but I doubt many landlords have the same position as me.

Alison Clark

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14:18 PM, 20th September 2024, About 7 days ago

Reply to the comment left by GARY RIVETT at 20/09/2024 - 10:12
Thank you.

I’m so pleased things turned out good for you and your wife in the end, and you are able to enjoy your retirement!!


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14:48 PM, 20th September 2024, About 7 days ago

Reply to the comment left by Alison Clark at 20/09/2024 - 14:18
Hi Alison,
Thank you for that, I hope things turn out good for you as well. I know its not easy but you can still of course make a modest profit if you get this right and can get over the initial handicaps of having a crappy agent and tenant.
Good luck

Alison Clark

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8:33 AM, 21st September 2024, About 6 days ago

Reply to the comment left by GlanACC at 20/09/2024 - 13:33
Morning Gary. I just have the 1 property. One property with a very difficult tenant for me is enough. I am taking from the advice. Continue to try and gain access and fix the door repair whilst the tenant is in situ, despite my concern there could be another welfare call and another forced entry, should the anonymous caller make another call to the Police. Unless the tenant leaves beforehand it will be May 2025. I am thinking I will start arrangements for replacing the door two months before? Any thoughts please?

Thank you.

Disgrunteld Landlady

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19:13 PM, 21st September 2024, About 5 days ago

Reply to the comment left by GARY RIVETT at 20/09/2024 - 10:12
wow .. Gary firstly congrats for persevering. Mine too were to be my pension. But I am selling every last thing and taking the money back offshore. I am done with Sh&(*%ty tenants, crooked agents, Sharks and liars and the UK Gov.

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