Has anyone used a Zero Deposit scheme?

Has anyone used a Zero Deposit scheme?

0:03 AM, 6th July 2023, About 2 years ago 16

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Hello, has anyone used a Zero Deposit (ZD) scheme? I’m coming into the ZD scheme from fresh having always taken traditional deposits up front so I’m wary of the scheme at the moment. I have been advised it might be a way of getting tenants to come forward.

Despite the housing shortages, I rent in an area of not great wealth so tenants may not have the upfront cash for a deposit. I may need to look into this.

While it seems on paper straight forward – the ZD scheme covers 6 weeks’ worth of deposit, as the policy is taken out by the tenant, I can’t work out how the tenant pays for this and what happens if they themselves cancel the policy.

I assume if the policy is cancelled immediately so does any cover the LL had – plus no deposit. Then what?

Does anyone know?

Thank you,


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Reluctant Landlord

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13:47 PM, 6th July 2023, About 2 years ago

Reply to the comment left by Freda Blogs at 06/07/2023 - 12:29
I completely get that, this is why I raised the question. I am not going to even consider this if there its more risky ...but as I say I have a property in an area which tenants will not be able to find a full deposit for so I have to consider an alternative or the property remains empty.

Should I ask for more rent and a token deposit (under the 5 weeks) instead?

The area I'm most concerned about clearly is the check out. If there is arrears./damage none of these schemes are overly clear about what happens at this point. Does the LL make a claim to the policy company directly and then they decide what/if deductions are made and pay me directly first (then chase the tenant for the deduction cost) after?


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17:17 PM, 6th July 2023, About 2 years ago

Leaders offer a No Deposit Scheme to renters. https://www.leaders.co.uk/advice/leaders-no-deposit-option-for-tenants
When my previous tenants left, there was a considerable amount of damage, so imagine my surprise when the reparation cost was charged to me, personally. After several months of communications, Leaders eventually got some (not all) of the money back from the ex-tenants. If they had taken a Security Deposit at the outset I don't think resolution would have taken so long nor do I think that the damage caused would have been so great.
When the next tenant went in, it was then discovered that the built-in microwave was busted and had to be replaced. Leaders don't test appliances upon checkout (apparently they do not have the appropriate qualifications to even turn lights on or off) so that was another (not cheap) expense I had to absorb since, by the time it was discovered, it could not be proven that it wasn't working when the tenants left.

In future I shall be hesitant to accept zero deposit tenants as they have no skin in the game. If they can't afford the deposit I think I'll steer clear.

Reluctant Landlord

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21:22 PM, 6th July 2023, About 2 years ago

Reply to the comment left by JaSam at 06/07/2023 - 13:44
I ended up calling Zero Deposits to ask for clarity.

1. The tenant cannot cancel anything. If they request to do so then ZD contact the landlord first to check the situation. ZD give the LL protection from Day 1 until the contract is ended and the LL informs ZD if any money is to be retained for rent arrears or damages.

2. In the event the LL has to claim for rent arrears/damage then they will have to produce evidence to show why this is the case. ZD then inform the tenant. If agreed ZD pay the LL directly and then they pursue the tenant for and monies owing. If contested then ZD make a decision given the evidence provided by both sides. If fully in LL favour then again they pay the LL directly and pursue the tenant themselves. If fully in tenant favour then LL gets nothing. There can also be a split payment where things are not 100% decided either way.

3. If tenant refuses to pay the annual fee at the point of the first (and any successive annual anniversaries) the LL remains covered and ZD pursue the tenant separately.

4. dont forget the total value of the deposit held is actually 6 weeks and not 5 like normal deposits.

So from what that says to me is actually the tenant has a lot more to loose if ZD get on their back - possibly more than if it were a single LL. ZD pursue through the courts as standard for any money owed and of course they would have no hesitation going down the CCJ's route etc.


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10:06 AM, 7th July 2023, About 2 years ago

Reply to the comment left by DSR at 06/07/2023 - 21:22Exactly, it appears a good scheme to me but I'll keep an eye out for real life feedback when someone has to make a claim and see what the actual arbitration ends up in favour of. As we know the current DPS is heavily tilted in the tenants favour.

Jeremy Pickles

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16:13 PM, 7th July 2023, About 2 years ago

We use Reposit and it has been great. Just to clarify a few points of confusion:

* The tenants can't cancel once they have paid the fee;
* Tenants remain liable just like with cash - it is not "tenant insurance" - it just enables the tenant to pay for what they owe at the end of tenancy instead of paying a cash deposit up front.
* Tenants have to pass referencing or provide a guarantor to use the product so quality of tenant is the same.
* They maybe an annual fee or renewal fee for tenants but with Reposit this does not impact the cover - which stays in place until you close the Reposit at the end of tenancy.
* Reposit provide 8 weeks' worth of cover which is better than the 6 weeks offered by ZD. Also I believe with FF you only get up to a max of 5 weeks for rent arrears.


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21:14 PM, 8th July 2023, About 2 years ago

I have used zerodeposit.com on 2 properties for 3 different tenants. It was the deciding factor apparently for the tenants. I would also opt to pay £36 insurance rather than hand over £1100 deposit. Especially if I had previous bad experiences with landlords with-holding deposits.

I made a claim once for unpaid rent and a small damage claim, which was repaid to me very quickly, a far easier process that with DPS who hold my other deposits.

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